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AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

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    AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

    Good Morning Abbers!

    Well i officially have a cold. It's been creeping up on me since Sunday despite the Zinc and Vitamin C i've been loading up on.

    In any event, I will be going to hot yoga tonight, i think the heat and humidity might be good for me.

    Hope everyone has a splendid sober Thursday. It's 4 degrees today, temps are on the rise!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014

    AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

    Good morning Mstall and thanks for getting us started today. Sorry to hear about your cold! I've heard hot yoga is really a tough workout! Wow - you are above zero today and we are below. Looks like it got down to -11F over night. Now it's a balmy -3.6F.

    Healing thoughts to Det. Uni, sure with you would check in no matter what's going on today. BB, hope to see you here today too!

    Vibes of strength and hope to anyone who is suffering in this addiction today.

    We are still snowed in. Our driveway is almost 1/4 mile long. One of our neighbors has a plow and normally is able to clear our driveway pretty quickly. I think he also had business accounts though. He called last night and has been working 'round the clock. He said the streets were crazy yesterday with all kinds of cars stuck, etc. I hope all the stranded people found a warm place. I'm guessing he will be here today - I just wonder when. I can see cars going by OK on the main road along one side of our property. I wonder how the side streets are. Guess I will hear something soon enough about our own drive, and then the viability of getting around to appointments, etc. I'm guessing all might be cancelled for me again today.

    One thing is for sure. There is no AL in this house, and I'm sure not walking anywhere in snow drifts and -3.6 weather to get any!!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

      Good morning Mstall, thanks for starting the thread. And good morning to everyone who checks in today!

      Det and Uni, please let us know how you're doing? Uni, we haven't heard from you yet please check in hon.

      I'm feeling good today, which is amazing considering the massive amount of snow we have. I just spent an hour outside shovelling only my deck, front door and the steps down. The driveway is up to my knees in snow, it's really something else. I put in a call for a neighbourhood friend to come plow my driveway and my parents, so we're on the list for that. Oh well, a nice day at home. The sun is shining and it is beautiful outside right now so we'll be fine. Baked a cake yesterday so we have the necessary goodies, with lots of milk and ice cream..good to go!

      Mstall, I hope you feel better soon. Yoga will probably be great to help out with the cold!


        AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

        Xposted DG - Good morning lovely lady! My area sounds a lot like your area, we are snowed in as well, schools are cancelled for the 2nd day in a row..but, I have cake made so all is good.


          AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

          Morning all - sounds like everyone is doing great today despite the continued crazy weather going on all over the place!

          DG, it took me an hour with the snowblower yesterday just to clean out our 2 1/2 car-length driveway so I can't image what your driveway looks like! Work was a ghost town, but was able to get a lot done as there was no one around to interrupt me (I went in around 10am)! Thankful that the area seemed to get through it without too many problems (LSD being the exception I guess).

          Anyway, wishing everyone all the peace and serenity they deserve. BB, glad that you are feeling better today and hope that Det & Uni are headed in the same direction.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

            AA, everytime I hear 'Snowblower' I laugh

            I have some pics to share.. I'm just waiting for the upload on PB.


              AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

              Now to start shovelling...


                AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                Good Morning All,

                Everyone sounds chipper this morning despite all of the snow. In Virginia, we managed to escape both snow/ice storms this week. Hooray!

                BB. Love the photos. I know the snow is a pain but it looks so lovely and peaceful.

                Det, happy to hear you are on the mend. Curiouis about the Librium. Did they just give it to you to take home? You did not have to detox at the hospital? I always thought that if you went to the clinic/ER, that you had to detox there. Just curious.

                Uni, Come out, come out wherever you are and whatever state you are in.

                Hi DG, AA.

                Mstall, I'm on my way to a class too.

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                  Good morning Abbers!

                  Sunny & chilly here at the moment but not complaining! I have heat & everything I really need

                  DG & BB, sorry about all that snow! I talked to my SIL in Michigan last night & she said the same thing is going on there.

                  Det & Uni, hope you are both OK, check in later.

                  I was in no hurry to get my butt out of bed this morning so I'm a bit behind on things to do.....
                  I'll be back.
                  Wishing everyone a good AF Thursday.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                    Hi all - back in the game after being away for over a year. I've been okay, but am excited about getting back on ABS. Great to see a lot of the same people here. Have a great day.


                      AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                      Hello world of af daily!!!

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                        Hi there DogLvr, welcome back!

                        Cassia, hello back atyah!


                          AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                          Welcome back, DogLvr!

                          Wow, those pics are something else, Gia! I was looking at them just now on FB. I love the snow, but only when it lasts a day or two!

                          So, the groundhog did not see his shadow yesterday so apparently it will be an early spring. Thank goodness. It is nice out here today. No frost! I hope we have a day of sunshine! I don't watch the news much as it has been horrific with the Dog Sled slaughter in Whistler. I cannot bare to watch and listen to the suffering they endured. Not to mention all of the destruction in the world. I am very sensitive when it comes to animals and children, so not watching the news helps keep me from falling into a pit of despair.

                          I hope Uni and Det are OK.

                          Hello to all, and have a great day everyone!


                            AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                            AFM, I finally got plowed out...praise the Lord and the man who drives the snowplow. For only $25 it has saved me a crap load of work. Still need to shovel out the rest of the way, the mailbox or she wont deliver my mail, and a path to the shed. And yah for an early Spring! What's this about the dogsled slaughter? I never heard anything about that. Over here it's the baby seals that get people going when it happens every year. I can't watch anything like that either..or with kids, it physically makes me sick. I did find out that in the States somewhere a ferret chewed and ate 7 fingers off a baby..the parents were at the bar I believe and left the child alone. The pain and torture that poor little child was in. I almost got sick reading it.


                              AF Daily - Thursday, February 3rd

                              Hello everyone,

                              I'm happy to see so many people here - some new some old but still great to see.

                              Man Gia that's lot of snow. Ours is crusty at the moment - temp went up yesterday than got really cold today so there's a thick icy crust on top.

                              BB glad to see you are here. Det how's the detox going?

                              Uni honey I hope you are ok. You went through rehab just a short while ago. If you keep drinking what are you going to do next? Maybe you can talk to a therapist?

                              OK getting back to the real world now.

                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

