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AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

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    AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

    Good Morning AF'ers and it's good ole Saturday!

    It's a nice cold day here, but this is winter in Canada so I'm not going to be shocked. But I am very excited that it was predicted an early Spring..even if we are expected another snowstorm on Sunday. My fridge is pretty much on its's last leg again, so all my fresh food, and milk products are in a cooler sitting out on my deck. There's the silver lining in all of this!

    I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today, right now I can think only as far as my coffee which I need to make yet.

    Uni, I am so happy you checked in. Please talk to us a little more and let us know, if there is anything we can do you know we're all here for you.

    Det, how are you feeling this morning? I don't really eat carbs, I have to check more on that diet you're talking about but I eat more of a hunter/gatherer type of diet. I love meat and fish protein, veggies, fruit and berries, nuts..some milk products, not a whole lot and really my main weakness is cake. I make a cake about once a month and normally have a piece or two out of it, I'm not really into junk foods and I was never really into breads, rices or too many grains.

    One thing is for sure, no poision for me today... now to call my friend to come fix my fridge.

    AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

    hello everyone , Hi BB. Ive a busy day of drama, swimming , disco parties, ballet.....still all the running around will keep me out of trouble! Went to bed to watch eat, pray, love last night which wasnt a good idea as I feel asleep zzzzzzzz. Will watch tonight.
    I love carbs, I love homemade brown bread fresh from the oven and I love garlic nann with my curry. Oh and theres a little cafe near my kids school that sell tiny little scones in a portion of two and give you a portion of homemade jam and cream, divine. They are actually a tad like half shrotbread, half scone. I think they may use more butter than normal, whatever they do I just luv 'em. Might even go and have some today while im waiting for kids to finish classes, anyhoo, happy saturday to one and all xxx


      AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

      Happy Saturday everyone, and I'm glad that Uni & Det are back on the path to sobriety. Just remember, one step at a time...

      Thanks for getting us started today bB, and glad that you caught the fridge issue before you lost any food! I think I am right in the middle in terms of diet, but for me a lot of it depends on my workouts. In the winter I switch to a diet more like BB's because I am mostly lifting weights, whereas in the summer I am in the middle of race training and need those carbs!

      Anyway, busy weekend on tap so time to get going and start ingesting those carbs (assuming you consider coffee a carb)!! Have a great weekend everybody!
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

        Limey, your day sounds like so much fun!!

        AA, I think coffee is in it's own little food group and shouldn't be avoided. I need it. lol.


          AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

          I agree BB! I kicked this alcohol thing in the butt, and am 30 days into giving up cigars, so coffee is my last vice. You can take it from me when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers!:H
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

   gave up your beloved cigars? You didn't even really smoke them that often. Are you missing them? I would never try to take away your coffee, it would be like trying to take a good piece of steak from my plate. Not a smart move.


              AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

              Afternoon all,

              Got a day of beautifying myself! I got a futuretec facial this mronibg which was a light skin peel, wrinkle treatment (I have frown lines on my forever) and a blemish treatment. My skin looks incredible. Now in the hairdresser amd debating on whether or not to go for a reverse bob. I might wait until I lose these ten pounds. I lost two this week so well chuffed!

              Uni - good to see ya! Hope you are feeling better!

              Howdies to all the lovely people of this thread! You are all awesome!!!

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                Good day all! Thanks BB for getting us started.

                Today is hot yoga in the AM because i'm leaving for mexico for a week tomorrow morning. I must admit it's the first time in the last 26 days of sobriety that I am concerned.

                I have a plan, I'm going with my oldest daughter who knows i have a "problem" with AL. I am going to tell her that I want to continue my sobriety through vacation. She is a normal drinker, can sip one glass of wine all night and be good with it. I plan on getting up early every morning and walking the beach, sipping on club soda with limes during the slippery times of 5-7pm. And if necessary, going back to my room and read a book that i'm bringing. I'm not looking for a crazy night life, just a nice dinner somewhere and conversation.

                and yet, i still feel afraid of losing/giving it up. any suggestions you all might have would be appreciated.
                AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                  AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                  Morning Abbers!

                  Chilly with ice coating everything here this morning - yuck!
                  I'm heading out in a couple of hours so I hope it's not too slippery out there.

                  Mstall, make a firm commitment to yourself before you go away to preserve your 26 AF days - you can do it! Take some distractions - books, etc. Have a great trip!

                  AA, my estranged spouse has been trying to give up cigars for years but has managed...but then again he's a bit of a weenie :H

                  Greetings to BB, greenie, DG, Cassia & everyone who pops in today
                  OK, time to get myself together for today.
                  Wishing everyone a super AF Saturday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                    BB, the cigars took a similar path as the drinking. Started out as an enjoyable thing, had my humidor, found a great place to order them from, etc. But then a couple of months ago, I realized that as things starting getting more hectic at work I was starting to rely on them for stress relief, and was doing it every day. Realized it was getting out of control (just like the drinking used to) and it was time to stop.
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                      Anyone seen greenie's mojo?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                        To all my cyber friends.

                        I love you all and am so grateful to have you all. Thank you for checking in on me.

                        Tuesday continued from oblivion into severe alcohol poisoning. I didn't want to continue. When I picked up the bottle it was by choice and the choice was not because I was craving or wanting a drink. It was because "yup, this'll do it" (it was a 40lber (not sure in US terms but in Canada, big bottle) or rye. I don't even drink rye.
                        Anyway, needless to say I almost suceeded in my mission. I'm grateful now that I didn't. Hospital, crisis intervention etc. etc. - the past 3 days have been bedridden and I still don't feel great physically but I am able to do laundry and cook etc. now.

                        I found out today that someone very close to me is pregnant. I could have missed that. My daughter scored a goal. I could have missed that. My BF got a big contract with his company. I could have missed that. I am now going to more therapy and looking into depression/anxiety inpatient options. But I am back, sober, and feeling so thankful and grateful today.

                        Love you all.
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                          Uni, glad that you are back and on the road to recovery. Funny how we tend to get tunnel vision and have difficulty seeing the good things in our lives along with the bad ones.

                          Thank you for checking in, and it sounds like you have good plan to get back on track. Take it one step at a time....
                          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                            AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                            Uni - I'm glad you are back and getting better.

                            Just finished spin class and good walk with the dog, now time for some work and staying confident through tonight. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


                              AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                              Uni, thank God you're okay. There are so many good things going on, that sometimes we do focus so much on the negative that the other fades away. I hope you can get the help that you need and get back on your feet again, know you always have us here.

