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AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

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    AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

    Uni it is so good to see you back. I like the sound of your gratitude for the small things, and also your plan to seek additional treatment. :l Like AA said - one step at a time.

    Det, it's good to see you too and to read that you are looking back and identifying problems that led to relapse. I know for sure that when my diet got crazy I got crazy with it. Good for you figuring this stuff out.

    Welcome back skootie!

    Mstall, a friend of mine who is also in recovery went to Mexico last year and knew ahead of time she would not have cell phone access to her sober friends 'back home.' What she did was have all of us write something to her on a 3X5 card. She took a whole bunch of cards with her on vacation so she could pull them out and read them if she was considering a drink. You might be able to do something like that with some favorite posts from this site? You take it one beautiful beachy step at a time too, and you can do this sober.

    Doglvr, good for you getting through the evening out with friends without AL.

    Greenie, you OK? Are you home now or still house sitting? Maybe a hot bath and a little self pampering would help the mojo?

    BB, are you getting a new fridge or trying to repair this one?

    Lav, YB is definitely a weenie. No doubt about that. Any word from him lately or is he hybernating?

    Cassia, I say GO FOR THE REVERSE BOB now!!!!

    Hello to all other fabbies yet to come today.

    I'm in serious need of getting my ass in gear and getting my tax stuff pulled together for the accountant. That is all. No AL. No goofing off. Chop chop.

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

      BB, somethings been puzzling meall day. If you dont eat carbs who eats all the cup cakes you bake??
      Im sorry, I just HAD to ask!:H


        AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

        Evening DG, I'm patiently waiting for all my tax information to come in too so I can get my tax guy to file for me and get as much back as I can.

        Limey, that is the one thing I do eat...cake, large or small cupcakes. That's my So, I help! I'm just not big on breads, rolls, things like that.


          AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

          Brigitte Bardot;1054773 wrote: Evening DG, I'm patiently waiting for all my tax information to come in too so I can get my tax guy to file for me and get as much back as I can.

          Limey, that is the one thing I do eat...cake, large or small cupcakes. That's my So, I help! I'm just not big on breads, rolls, things like that.
          :H:H was just wondering, thought you force fed your dad them or something!


            AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

            Hey all
            Well I didn't go for the reverse bob this time but I am definitely going to do it next month and get some blonde highlights to get into my summer hair! I have to say, I am very impressed by the results from my facial although it felt more like a mini procedure! They say prevention is the best cure so here's hoping!!!

            Mmm...cupcakes, I think I might back some tomorrow.

            Dg - I hope you got all of your tax info sorted.

            Uni - so glad to see you back here. I have no doubt that you will recover from this and come out the other side a stronger person!
            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

              hi ABerooos!

              Uni, I'm so glad your ok. I took a similar turn a few days ago.

              Mstall, sounds like a great plan and hope you have a ball

              I'm sooooo tired. I did day one of a two day martial arts seminar today. Tomorrow I get tested for my instructors credientials to teach. I wasn't really physically up for it yet but did it anyway and actually moved pretty smoothly. feel like I've run a thousand mile marathon. whew. bed early me thinks.

              be well loves.....
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                ((((UNI)))). I am sooo sorry you got to the point where you didn't want to be here anymore. How scary that must have been for your BF and your daughter! I'm so very glad you were taken to the hospital in time and got the treatment you needed. Please don't ever do that again. Do whatever you have to to get totally well. :h

                Deter-how are you feeling today? Better I hope. So glad you've identified at least one trigger. Now you can work on preventing it from moving into your space again.

                DG-ugh. taxes. that is all.

                Greenie-I think your mojo got buried in snow. Time to dig it out.

                AA-great to see you on here regularly again.

                BB-I think you're doing great for having a weakness for cakes and you only indulge once a month. Can some of that rub off on me??

                IJM-we miss you! When you get a few seconds please check in!

                Well, today was my last day at the Real Estate office. It was very quiet and I got a lot of couponing done :H !! Everyone who came by to say goodbye was sad to see me go but understood and they wished me luck on my new venture. I think there are going to be big changes there-already one of the highest performing agents left. That's going to leave a huge hole. I'm very excited at the prospect of having normal weekends from now on. Not so excited about losing 200+ dollars a month but will deal with that the best I can.

                I've been really lax on my exercise and eating plan since before the holidays and gained 3 lbs this week (so my home scale said. Didn't bother going to WW). I think I have a good plan in place to improve things:

                1. Order 5-HTP. I am really getting tired of the Restless Legs at night. the meds do help but it's getting so I need to take 2 pills instead of one now. Not good. I've done some research and 5-HTP is being used not only to treat RLS but also sugar cravings and sleep problems. Seems that good old Tryptophan is important for a lot of things that keep you healthy and I'm betting I have precious little of it (not unusual for someone of my age).

                2. Now that I'm done with my Saturday job (today was my last day!!!), I have decided that after WW on Saturday mornings I will go straight to PF which is right next door. I'll be home by 9:30 am and the whole day will be ahead of me. This will start next Saturday.

                3. Zumba is now being offered at work on Tuesday nites at 5pm. One hour of crazy dancing and I'm home by 6:45pm.

                4. There are free conditioning classes at work starting at 5:30pm. Not that I need instruction on how to lift weights but having someone there to watch and give encouragement and suggestions should be very helpful. Again, one hour and I'm home by 7:15.

                5. Again, at work, there is a Couch to 5K group that I never knew existed!! There's an info session at 12noon on the 17th so I am definitely going to that. Being part of a group will be very helpful I think. We'll start off on the treadmills at the fitness center and in the good weather head outside for our runs.

                6. Be much more diligent about tracking my food intake. I am just fooling myself when I don't track and think I know what I'm putting in my mouth. Obviously-3 lbs up this week!! I feel like I threw the weigh-in on the Biggest Loser :H

                So, that's my plan and I hope I'll stick to it. All I know is that I can't keep going in the direction I'm heading (sound familiar???). And that AL will have no part in this plan.

                Have a great nite all!

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                  X Post Deter! glad you're feeling better. Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure you will nail the exam!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                    Pap mom - my daughter wasn't home, she was with her dad so thankfully she was spared. When she came back home to be with us I was bedridden but she was just told I had a really bad flu which she understands.

                    Thank god.
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                      Good evening folks!

                      Uni, so relieved to see you back. I'm sorry you went thru so much this week. Hope yo regain your strength & stay well.
                      Same for you Deter! Good luck on your test tomorrow

                      I was concerned about my long drive today on ice covered roads but luckilty the temp rose a few degrees so the roads were in good shape.
                      I went to a baby shower for my friends daughter. My friend is practically a non-drinker herself but had dozens of bottles of wine & beer ready for the guests. Yikes! I came right out & said no thanks, I'm not drinking anymore & that was that! I kind of wanted to gag watching people guzzling red wine at 12:30 in the afternoon - yuck! That would have been a major headache for me in the old days.

                      DG - you asked about YB. Well, my laptop croaked more than a week ago. I did everything I could with it, asked my kids if they knew anything to do, etc. Finally yesterday I gave up & emailed YB & asked if he could suggest a way to get it restarted (he knows this stuff). He responded with 'I'll go after work & buy you a new one'!!!!! Really??? Well, he was here at 10 am with a brand new laptop, got it set up & promptly left........ha, ha! I did repay him for it because I'm a nice person
                      He doesn't want to be here but he also doesn't want to be completely gone either

                      Greenie, where were you when you last had your mojo? Can you retrace your steps to find it again :H

                      This weekend is the one year anniversary of the 28" snowstorm of February 2010.
                      There's plenty of snow on the ground still from the last few storms & I heard more is coming next week. Don't need it or want it.

                      Have a good evening all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Saturday February 5, 2011

                        :l Uni :l I am glad you are on the mend. xoxo

                        Det, glad you are on the mend as well! xoxo

                        Little AFM was up at 3am this morning, thanks to my coughing fit and having to get up to get water. I believe she thought it was time to get up, the light sleeper she is. I felt completely refreshed and made coffee seeing I was asleep before 9pm last night. God, what a life! :H But by 6am, we were both feeling tired so snuggled and snoozed until 9am. That was nice.

                        I took her out to get some groceries, to the park (beautiful day here) and then home. She had a 3 hour nap, and I vegged out on the couch.

                        This cold that has been going around certainly lingers! My lungs feel so full of crap and it is hard to take in a deep breath. But, another night of getting to sleep early should help.

                        Well, after boring you all. Have a great night. I hope you find your mojo greenie!

