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Focused February - Week 2

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    Focused February - Week 2

    Welcome to week 2 on this cold snowy day in February - at least in my neighborhood. The going is tough in February, hard to keep your spirits up with all the tromping through the snow, the dark and grey days. They say it is darkest before the dawn....spring. Only three week left in this month, let's make it AF and focused on self-improvement.

    I am keeping strong to my committment to stay AF this month. The rosy glow is over, and reality has set back in. Now, the focus is on health with diet and exercise. I watched an AE show "Heavy," and food is as much of an addiction as alcohol. Wow, what we do to ourselves.

    So let's commit to being good to our selves today, living with an open heart, knowing that spring is coming soon.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Focused February - Week 2

    Stargazerlily;1055517 wrote: Welcome to week 2 on this cold snowy day in February - at least in my neighborhood. The going is tough in February, hard to keep your spirits up with all the tromping through the snow, the dark and grey days. They say it is darkest before the dawn....spring. Only three week left in this month, let's make it AF and focused on self-improvement.

    I am keeping strong to my committment to stay AF this month. The rosy glow is over, and reality has set back in. Now, the focus is on health with diet and exercise. I watched an AE show "Heavy," and food is as much of an addiction as alcohol. Wow, what we do to ourselves.

    So let's commit to being good to our selves today, living with an open heart, knowing that spring is coming soon.
    Brilliant post Star!

    Hello everyone. Have a fantastic, fearless, err, froth free, focused, and fortuitous week!

    Best wishes folk's.


    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Focused February - Week 2

      Thanks for the excellent start, Star. You are so right.
      Hello G. and all to come.

      I have been superbusy lately and have been trying to cut back on internet time to find more balance. I think you all can appreciate that.

      Lav, those matching onsies were adorable! I have been to mid day showers where the wine is flowing. I find it odd in a way, but not too many years ago I would have 'expected' there to be wine and would have been disappointed if there had been none.

      Paguy, I finished Prayers for Sale (audio) and am recommending it to all my friends. I have started Tallgrass, by the same author, and it is very good as well. The subject is the Japanese internment camps in the US during WWII which is something I am interested in as a next door neighbor of mine, years ago, told me of his time in those camps. He was not bitter and was an exceptional man.
      Well, off to tackle an AF Monday!

      I am really late getting ready for work as I overslept. Greetings to all of you and peace and strength to you for an AF day.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Focused February - Week 2

        Hey my focused friends,

        Here's to week 2! I am v focused, not just on staying sober but on other life issues! I am hoping this focus will pay off dividends!!!

        L x
        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


          Focused February - Week 2

          Stargazerlily;1055517 wrote: So let's commit to being good to our selves today, living with an open heart, knowing that spring is coming soon.
          Hear Hear! Spring has to be around the corner!

          Good Morning Folks and Happy Monday.

          We're already into week 2 of February. At least here in PA we are having some milder temperatures and some rain later today to help wash away all this mess. But, more cold temps are on their way

          Dill - So glad you enjoyed 'Prayers for Sale'. It really is a lovely story. I also have 'Tallgrass' by the same author on my 'to read' list. Another book that is based on the Japanese internment during WWII is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Jamie Ford, (9780345505347) Paperback - Barnes & Noble which I did read a few months ago and enjoyed it very much.

          I am heading out for a business trip today. Fortunately, it is driveable - only 110 miles from home so I don't have to deal with the airport scene. Will be back home on Wednesday.

          Treated myself to a massage yesterday and I enjoyed it immensely. My calves were screaming after the 10.5 miles I ran on Saturday so they are feeling much better today.

          Rusty - I am sure you are dancing the 'happy dance' this morning as your Packers won the Superbowl. Admittedly, I did not watch any of it - I'm just not a footbal fan. Give me a baseball game anytime!

          Sending everyone good vibes today for the start of a good week. And let's take Star's advice - "So let's commit to being good to our selves today, living with an open heart, knowing that spring is coming soon."
          AF since 7/13/2010


            Focused February - Week 2

            Good morning Focused Friends

            Loving the sunshine again this morning John. I hope the rain that moves in later washes away all of the snow. Personally, I'm sick of looking at it.

            There of course will be no drinking or smoking for this grandma today. And there will be a lot less food taken in as well Don't like the large feeling!

            Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Monday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Focused February - Week 2

              Good morning all,
              Happy week two and thanks for starting the thread. I have been completely covered up with volunteer work the last two weeks but beginning to look ahead again. Our weather is cold for next few days and then into the 40s on Friday. Hopefully this is start of warming trend. My elbow hurts from shoveling all the snow this last month! I was reading yesterday that there is 4% more water vapor in atmosphere than 40 years ago because of increased CO2 levels from burning coal and oil. I believe we will experience more intense storms as our admissions continue so we need to adapt. The report released by IPCC in 2006 is coming true.

              Best to all and stay tuned in this week.


                Focused February - Week 2

                Good morning FF!

                I am starting week two on day nine? NINE? Holy cow never even thought I could get here. Yesterday I ran a mile without feeling tired or stopping, I just kept going strong. It felt amazing. I am dressed to head back to the gym now, but wanted to check in here.

                I am finding the nights sitting at my computer downing those bottles of wine must've really contained a whole lot of nothing because now that I am sober, I am finding I am missing something. Something interesting to get my attention and look forward to. I've dabbled in selling on ebay and made quite a bit of money, but I never really dived into it but with 19 year old triplets you can imagine the amount of clothing and stuff I have to get rid of. A lot of it is designer stuff that sells pretty good on ebay so I washed a load of spring sundresses and I'm going to iron them and photograph them and put them up on ebay. Even if they don't sell it'll be fun to watch.

                pg -- I can't wait until my calves are screaming from running 10 miles, it's been way too long. I remember when after long runs, the kids and I would go to the mall and walk by brookstone and I'd sit in one of those massage chairs with the calve massager and at the first squeeze I was in heaven...ahhhhh...


                  Focused February - Week 2

                  Hello Star, G, Dill, Cassia, Lav, John and mg72

                  Star- Was thinking the same thing. I have started binging on food since I quit drinking heavily. Al;l i have done is replaced one addiction for another. So I am with you in regards to diet and fitness in february.

                  Have a good monday all. x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Focused February - Week 2

                    hi piper
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Focused February - Week 2

                      Hi guys ive been quiet hoping that my next post would be to tell you all about my new job, i thought the interview went well but they were going to contact me today if id made it to a 2nd interview tomorrow.... I havent heard from them and its now 7.30pm here so its looking unlikely :upset: i had so much riding on this job and life has really been on hold for the last month because of it. I now have a lot more thinking to do......
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Focused February - Week 2

                        Hang in there Chilli.

                        If not this job, then there are lot's and lot's of other opportunities out there, just waiting for you to discover them. Whoever is lucky enough to have a person of your integrity, resourcefulness, and capability work with them, will be very fortunate indeed.

                        Let the search and journey continue, as it must.


                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Focused February - Week 2

                          Thanks Star for starting us off in week 2 and I agree with everyone on the let?s stay focussed on self improvement this month. I woke this morning really dreading having to get out of bed and go to work however the day was kind to me and I think I?ve turned a corner. I managed to get to the shops and buy some healthy food for the week, have restarted my supplements and I actually feel a lot better in myself tonight. I?ve decided to spend my spare time this week really catching up with overdue work things and if it means doing it in my own time then so be it, next week I will get the balance back and feel even better. I?m fortunate to have a job in this current climate so I am counting my blessings, gratitude rules this week. I'm still working on the anger and resentment towards a certain person but that's a work in progress

                          Chill so sorry to hear that the job didn?t materialise but you never know so don?t despair, it can be so difficult going through the whole interview process, it?s always good to contact them afterwards to ask for feedback and keep the door open just incase. Please don?t take it personally either it may simply be that someone else was more experienced, had contacts they wanted, etc. etc. It surely wasn't meant to be and means that there is something else around the corner :l

                          I too enjoyed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, there are so many lovely books you can never get to the end of them ? aren?t we lucky!

                          Hi to Rebirth, Paguy, Piper, mg72, Lav, Cassia, and Mr G ? it?s easy to remember everyone at the start of the week when their are only a few posts!

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Focused February - Week 2

                            Hi chill,

                            It's easy for me to say but I wouldn't worry too much. I have had a few jobs where people have said they would get back to me and it takes a few extra days. Perhaps of you don't hear by half four tomorrow then you should call them. You would then reiterate your skills and why you thin you would be an asset to them. It's a bit forward but it is effective.

                            Were the guys going back to Ireland today? The weather over here has been pretty awful. Maybe there were issues with your flight.

                            I will keep my fingers crossed for u!

                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              Focused February - Week 2

                              Good afternoon kids!

                              Chill, Cassia is right - the call just may be delayed. Nothing wrong in calling them tomorrow to express your strong interest in the job :l

                              Hi Dewdrop, Mr G, & rebirth
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

