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Focused February - Week 2

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    Focused February - Week 2

    toy group over and done-Peke took it :upset: I thought the Pap was the best I'd seen in a number of years!!

    Piper-When I first quit drinking I had horrible insomnia for about 2 months. I thought I was going to go crazy!! I asked for Ambien CR but had to pay for it myself because my ins co wouldn't cover it. I got 10 pills that I cut in half so I had enough for 20 nites. It worked great and I was really upset when I couldn't afford to get more. At about that time I had a follow up with my doc and I mentioned the wierd sensations I was getting in my legs at bed time and how they were keeping me from falling asleep. She dx'd Restleg Leg Syndrom and gave me Mirapax. It has been a god send!! I take one pill a couple of hours before bed (you can take up to 4) and I also take a benedryl. I rarely wake up at nite anymore and fall asleep very quickly. So if this helps you at all go for it. I don't like how you're mixing all these meds together esp. with some expired. I think that's a disaster cocktail because you don't know what the interactions can be. I would talk to your doc and get a real good sleep med like Ambien so you can break the cycle.

    Good luck!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Focused February - Week 2

      piper - I have had those smoking/drinking dreams...........but not lately so hopefully they are over for good! But I did have a seriously unsettling dream about my deranged/estranged husband last night - awful really. Luckily some of my wonderful MWO friends surprised me with nice things today & really made it a good day
      I was taught that expired meds have the capability of turning into something entirely different from the original med......not so sure about that. I think most of them just lose their spunk - esp. cough meds. I try to go through all the OTC at least once or twice a year (usually in the Fall). I always stocked up with fresh stuff for the winter cold season when my kids were young. The next time I need a new fridge I'll call you from Lowes for some pointers :H

      A special thank you to Rusty & John for helping me through what I thought was going to be a very shitty day.........

      :h Lav
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Focused February - Week 2

        Thanks Pap, I have the trazedone to help me sleep but it doesn't touch the virus. It just sucks that the AF and the virus are happening at the same time. I'm going with straight benedryl tonight.

