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AF daily - Friday, Feb 11th

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    AF daily - Friday, Feb 11th

    Nurse Lav wishes you fast relief Cassia, migraines suck.:l

    I liked your rhyme Greenie.........kinda.
    Has your sister left the premises?

    DG, the snow is disappearing quickly.........the grass is showing over the septic tank :H, really, it is! Now I must prepare for the mud......the dreaded mud. I made a grooming appointment for my part pig - part Swiss Mountain dog for Monday. How long do you think she'll stay clean? Oh well. Just heard it may hit 60 degrees on Monday, wow!

    Didn't mean to scare you with the M word yesterday AFM.
    I was shocked to find out all that stuff I was going thru at your age was very early M changes - and I had all the medical education. By the time I was 42 I just knew what was going on & told my doctor to check my hormone levels. She called me the next day at work & said 'you're in menopause'. Well no kidding!!! She said she was sorry because it was going to go on for a very, very long time. No kidding :H Not a darn thing you can do but just go with it!

    I just try to focus on other things these days
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF daily - Friday, Feb 11th

      greeneyes;1058450 wrote: I see London
      I see France
      I see Marshy's ripped knickers.

      wait, that doesn't rhyme
      :H:H:H Greenie is that you over there behind that rock? HEY!! You are leaving a trail of POPCORN!! SHE'LL SEE US!!!

      Lav, I too am dreading Mud Season. I think your dog will be clean until Tuesday at the outside.

      So happy to end this day SOBER! Am looking forward to a new day tomorrow. Nighty night fabbies!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.

