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AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

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    AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

    Hi fabbies! AA, thanks for starting us off today with such a good quote. Very true for me too. Breaking the seemingly impossible down into bite size pieces is good advice. Reminds me of that age old joke: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Getting sober was certainly like eating an elephant. Maybe a couple of elephants. But here we are!!!!!

    :welcome: Jolie!!! Congratulations on 41 days sober!! That is outstanding. You mention going out with friends who drink very little. It's been amazing to me the observations since sobering up. I used to think everyone drank like me. It's been quite shocking to realize that there are many many many truly normal drinkers out there who have one. Maybe two. They will do insane things like drink 1/2 a glass of wine, and leave the other half just sitting there. Like they forget about it or something. I NEVER forgot about a single drop of wine left in a glass unless I passed out first. No - I definitely never drank like those people!!!! Have fun tonight.

    BB - hope you get to go to the dance! You and Cassia should have a bake sale with all those cup cakes! Cassia, you definitely get a zoom zoom award for today. Oh. And YB is Lav's estranged husband. YB - Yard Boy, or other things that start with Y and end with B depending on the day.

    Speaking of...Lav, how fabulous that YB is coming over to do chores. I know you would rather him be a real husband, but at least he's doing chores. I hope YOU have a relaxing and fabulous day. You deserve it!!

    I want a blue egg omlette.

    Uni - holy moly you are taking this decluttering thing to a whole new level! I was reading an article on the weight watchers site just the other day that decluttering our space really does help declutter our minds. This article was more about decluttering the pantry in the kitchen, but I think the general idea is the same! :H You sound great and that is so good.

    P3 :l I so understand how horrible the grip of the sugar monster is. The Diet Cure by Julia Ross really helped me make the connection between alcohol, sugar and me. It grabbed me last summer and it was hard to get free. The supplements really helped. If nothing else, keep taking All One and LOTS of L-Glut. I also take some other extras like GABA and L-Tryptophan and some other stuff - as outlined in that book. It's still hard work. I'm determined not to let sugar cross my lips again if I can help it. I thought the dock diving was today! Have fun doing that tomorrow! Wish I could go with you!!

    Hi Greenie! Oyster party sounds like fun. You know what they say about oysters. I hope and orgy doesn't break out. Or if it does, I hope someone really fabulous is there with you.

    I think I'm going to go to a speaker meeting and valentine's party / dance tonight at the Alano club. I don't usually go to the social stuff but I'm feeling like a teenager today wanting to maybe dance with my girlfriends like junior high. I did a bunch of Mary Kay fun running around this morning and also worked out. I really need to clean up my office a bit, then head for the shower. I LOVE BEING SOBER!!!! This day would be a waste if I was still drinking. If I were still alive that is. Oy. What a dark place. Don't want to go there again. SO..... ONE THING IS FOR SURE!!!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

      Top of the weekend you AB fabbers you!

      had a stellar morning, up early and out doing some long range shooting with my AF shooting partner. glorious sunny day and now back and putzing around the house.

      Papmom, you don't need any particular book to get 90% of your diet right since I'll be it's mostly common sense, but if a book is helpful by way of motivation then by all means get several I have a bookshelf full of them myself. According to my research the blood type diet is not very factual unless you assume your blood type is O in all cases. if you really wanted a diet based on your blood chemistry we'd have to get you to a clinic that would take a minimum of 4 blood (or urine) tests during a 24 hour period of time to check for a number of markers ( cortisol, androgenic hormones, etc ) and then that would be analyzed by a clinically proficient nutritionalist. it's kind of expensive and I've never bothered. here's the worlds fastest diet in order of importance

      cut out:

      greatly minimize (or ideally cut out)
      simple carbohydrates from refined flour products like breads/pop tarts/cereals/pasta etc

      and finally (if you're going for your super A-game)
      eat only 'real' food raised naturally and locally in a bio sustainable manner. Real food means food your grandmother would recognize if she read the label of ingredients.

      if you can manage the first 3 you'll be doing better than the vast majority of the over-fed under-nourished population. If you can make the first 4 you'll start feeling/looking amazing in no time.
      throw in some moderate exercise and look out!

      if anyone hasn't seen Dr Lustig's incredible presentation on sugar please take the time:[/video]]YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth

      ok, I'm off to cook something healthy

      be well loves
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

        Hey Deter -I know you are 100% right but cutting out the sugar has been harder than the AL. Truly. If it were as simple as just having some will power then I would dig in and fight the demon but I think it's more than that. I've been reading up on low seratonin levels and the symptoms fit me to a T. Maybe the blood type diet will help and maybe it won't. Maybe the 5-HTP will help, maybe it won't but I need more help than just saying NO to whoopie pies!! I'm on a roll today but I can feel the sugar beast coming on now that my chores are done and I'm ready to sit down to dinner (boy does this sound familiar!!!). I have been taking the supps again, esp. GABA and L-Glut. I don't want to start the All One again because it has Calcium Carbonate not Citrate in it and I've been advised to go for the Citrate. I can up my L-Glut to include a mid day dose. I have low sugar popsicles in the freezer so maybe they will hit the spot. I will definitely take your recommendations to heart. I guess I have to tackle this beast with the same determination I do AL. Doesn't seem fair somehow.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

          Pap, sorry you're struggling. I'd up the Lglut to 6grams per dose (not MG) and do that 3X or more per day. Dr Atkins found a dose as high as 12-15grams was needed to fight bad sugar or alcohol cravings. you'll want to get the bulk powder form to save money. remember a rounded teaspoon is about 6grams
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

            This is what my egg haul looks like everyday - just one blue egg

            Papmom, I seem to remember that book, I may have a copy around here somewhere - I'll look & let you know. Sugar cravings are a special beast, aren't they? I do my best to keep distracting myself to stay away from the M&Ms I always have some here because EB comes over & asks for Nem & Nems! :H

            Hi Deter, DG, Uni & everyone!

            YB (that's Yard Boy Cassia) was here, took care of the jobs on the list & hopped back on his horse (Ranger 150) & was gone!!!!!! Complete mystery that man is.....
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

              Beautiful haul Lav! nothing beats farm fresh eggs
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

                Wish I could send some out your way Deter
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

                  I can see a blue egg in my mail box with stamps on it. marked 'fragile' ahahahaaa you sweetie
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

                    Thanks Deter :h

                    Lav-that basket of eggs looks so nice!! I want to live on a farm now!! If you send one to Det, you have to send one to all of us :H. Nem and Nems-precious!! yes, YB is a mystery but he willingly comes over to work on his "list" you give him so that is something. Not what you would like I guess but it's better than nothing, right?

                    I am finally DONE with my day of cleaning. I also managed to squeeze in a round with the jigsaw. I had to trim down the platform my dad made for my Ru as the backseats wouldn't lock in the upright position. I had forgotten how much I like power tools!! The seats are now up and safe for my passengers tomorrow and the crates just scrape the back windshield when I close my hatch. I had forgotten that by bringing the platform forward, the crates moved forward as well. But all is good, the hatch closes, the top of the crates don't look any worse for wear and I'm happy. The house is clean clean clean and I put some stuff up on freecycle and put all my gift wrapping in a new station, out of sight. Have a ton of stuff to bring to Saver's this week and boy is that going to feel good!! Can't wait to continue the decluttering and organizing on Monday!!

                    I did good with Dinner tonite-leftover eggplant parm and low fat hot chocolate (I'll need to find some sugar free). I feel good, no heartburn and I'm ready for bed. I'm one tired puppy but happy to have gotten so much done.

                    There was no room in my life for AL (or sugar) today that's for sure!!

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

                      ooootstanding Papmom!

                      dang it. now I want eggplant parm. hmmmmmmm
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Saturday Feb 12th

                        YAWN! Tired. That is all.

                        Have a great evening everyone. I worked, and just filled my face full of beef dip and au jus & fries (oven baked) for dinner. I hope I can make it till 8pm!

                        Until next time.... xoxo

