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Focused February - Week 3

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    Focused February - Week 3

    Hey, we forgot we're starting a new week.

    Pap, you sound so busy and cheerful. Keep up the good work. Interesting that you still have sleep issues after so many months. I too worry about taking pills to sleep. I know so many sleeping pills are addictive, so I try to stay away from them longer than a two week period. I have tried Ambien in the past, but just two weeks.

    I have to say, the longer I am AF, the more sleep I need and/or enjoy. It is so wonderful to feel rested in the morning. I think it just takes time. Piper, you are sick, so of course restless and not sleeping well. I wondered if you had bought the hypno CDs, I find them so relaxing, they help me to get in the relaxed stated so that I can fall asleep. I seriously keep my CD player in bed with me, so that if I wake up I can listen to the CD, and go back to sleep. I feel I am training my body, naturally, to relax, and get that restful sleep.

    Oh, and stay away from caffeine, after the morning. No soda, tea, coffee, chocolate, energy drinks or anything like that.

    Rusty, the doctor will give you something to clear you up. Get better and rest today.

    Lav, glad you made it through yesterday. Valentine's day can be annoying with all the expectations, it sometimes seems forced.

    PAguy, hope you are continuing to heal.

    I don't know where some of our people went to, hope they are AF.

    To all, have a lovely AF Tuesday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Focused February - Week 3

    Hi Star and all to come

    Thanks for starting us off Star. Hard to believe we are at week 3 already. Another busy day for me. Spent all morning driving. It's lashing rain here so I did not even get my walk in. Oh well, did fit in my weight watcher meeting and lost half a pound. Did not think I would loose anything and was very tempted not to go but glad that I forced myself. It has given me the incentive to keep going this week.

    Catch you all later.



      Focused February - Week 3

      Good morning Focus'ers!

      Star - I have to agree the sleep is just better and better. And I sleep through a lot now! My hubby tossed and turned last night and finally got up at 3:30 and went to the living room to watch TV -- I didn't know anything about that until I found him there this morning! (oops) I slept great and feel great!

      Rust, that is so great you are walking every morning and doing WW. There are a group of people at my office doing that and I think I will join in. Sorry about the rain, but good job with all the motivation!

      Have a wonderful AF day all.


        Focused February - Week 3

        Good morning Focused Ones!

        Thanks for having the energy to start week 3 Star :H

        On the topic of sleep, I'm afraid I'm still a crappy sleeper, not as bad but still not great. 15 years of night sweats & hot flashes (hormone related) now - you would think it would be enough. I've worked with my NP on this issue re HRT, avoiding certain foods, drinks, etc. but they continue. The one thing I haven't managed to do is completely rid myself of stress & we all know why. I finished the 21 Meditation Challenge from the Chopra Center so I am going to bed feeling calm & relaxed but......
        I absolutely will NOT take a Rx sleeping pill due to my addictive personality. NOT tiptoeing into that territory.

        My focus today is on my daughter as today is her due date
        Hope the show gets started soon for her.

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Focused February - Week 3

          Hey Lav-

          Hope the stork comes right on time!! Keep us posted!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Focused February - Week 3

            Daughter & SIL here for lunch - baby still on board

            I was just noticing the brightness of the moon as I was chasing chickens to bed.
            Came in & checked the calendar - full moon is Friday, the 18th. That was also my Mom's birthday.
            My bet is going on Friday the 18th - we shall see

            Watching the dog show now. The English Springer Spaniel looks good & not crazy like the one I had years ago :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Focused February - Week 3

              Hey Folks:

              Getting ready for hump day here - relatively quiet week so far. Work has been undramatic and uneventful and I've been getting to the gym for some light walking on the treadmill. I'm not supposed to start running again until Feb 24th but frankly, I think I'll be fine to run by this weekend

              On the topic of sleep. I, too, enjoy sleep so much more now that I am AF. I actually look forward to relaxing in bed with a book and reading myself to sleep. zzzzzz. So much better than crawling into bed after leaving a trail of tossed off clothes and not remembering how I got there. Attractive, huh? Yeah - those were the good old days - NOT!

              Right now I'm reading "Gap Creek" by Robert Morgan that depicts the rough life of a young couple in South Carolina at the end of the 19th century. My goodness, life was tough back in those days and to think it was not all that long ago!

              Lav - We're all on stork patrol waiting for your granddaughter's arrival. Hope she comes soon! And, wouldn't it be a lovely gift to be born on your mother's BD?

              Hope you are all having a peaceful evening.....
              AF since 7/13/2010


                Focused February - Week 3

                Good morning everyone

                I have always been a great sleeper. I get a much better sleep when AF rather than when passed out but the difference is really on the awakening. I have'nt been getting great sleep the last few nights. I seem to have done something to my back. I could have pulled something. The goldie often gerks to the side when she get a scent of something in the woods. All this driving is not helping. Will see how it goes and if it does not improve will have to go to the doctor.

                Any word on the new arrival Lav? It would be nice if she arrived on the 18th.

                Rushing again so just wanted to wish you all a happy hump day.



                  Focused February - Week 3

                  Good morning all.

                  Lav, exciting news about your daughters baby! I hope for you it's Friday, too! I chuckled thinking of you chasing the chickens under the moon!

                  I am sleeping great again. I do have to admit if there is something stressful going on (usually work) I will still have issues -- but it's so much better to be sleep deprived and NOT hungover at the same time!

                  Hope you all have a great day.


                    Focused February - Week 3

                    Good morning & Happy Hump Day Focused Ones!

                    Still waiting.........
                    Had an email from my daughter this morning. She said she is focused on Friday's full moon too to get some action going!
                    I could spend the day sitting here telling you stories about the unusual activities & behaviors of hospitalized patients on the full moon :H

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Day!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Focused February - Week 3

                      I did it! I slept last night cold turkey on the cold meds and the traz. I fell asleep fine at 11 pm, woke up at 1 am, coughed a little, drank a little water and changed out of my damp tshirt and went back to sleep. I woke up several times more over the night, but only because I had to change my nightclothes two more times. Is there anyone who had nightsweats well into the third week? I don't really mind, as I feel like my body is ridding itself of well established pockets of toxins, but the laundry is getting old. I have to change my sheets as they are visiably damp. I drink a lot of water and vitamin water and unsweet tea during the day. Is that the problem?


                        Focused February - Week 3

                        Good Morning and Happy Humpday Focused Friends,

                        Piper-I have never had night sweats but you are probably still going through some kind of withdrawal. I don't know how long your AL issues have been going on but one of my co-workers drank alcoholically for 25 years and when he quit cold turkey, he had night sweats for over a month.

                        Lav-anxiously awaiting the new would be wonderful if she were born on your mom's birthday.

                        I hear my client coming in....back to work, but I'll be back.


                          Focused February - Week 3

                          Rusty, I drank wine, two bottles a night plus or minus some, a few lulls, and it started with beer back in my mid 20s, for 15 plus years. I am 50 now. I have also been on wellbutrin, cybalta and blood pressure meds, and I stopped the wellbutrin, can't really tell, forgot to take my cymbalta this am and started getting a tad dizzy so I just took it, and I have been on a cocktail of cold meds for pretty much the entire three weeks. part of the night sweats could be the virus breaking. I am still to tired to run, but after a nap this afternoon I'm going to try the gym. Normally, if I were working full time and when the tripets were still here, I would have been to the doc in the first week, been on a zpack and back to normal by the second week. My family practicioner was very sympathetic to my need to be well to take care of the kids. This is the first time in a long time I've had to ride it out because I don't have health insurance.


                            Focused February - Week 3


                            You and I are the same this explains something about the ngiht sweats. I'm guessing it's menopause. My friends who have already passed menopause told they had night sweats starting at about age 50. Sorry you are going through all of this.:l I would ask Nurse Lavande if she has any suggestions....and her rates are very reasonable.:H She has never lead me down the wrong path when I've had issues.


                              Focused February - Week 3

                              That reminds me Rusty - I need to send you a new bill :H

                              Piper, I can only guess your night sweats are probably a result of everything you mentioned ie medication changes, cold virus, perimenopause.........

                              Have you seen a Doc about your upper respiratory status? A common cold does not typically last more than 7-10 days. 3 weeks is a long time for a cold. My daughter's head/chest colds often morphed into bronchitis - you should get that check out.
                              I started with soaking night sweats at age 42.........before I began any heavy drinking. Had my hormones tested & sure enough there I was in menopause already. I've been on HRT ever since & am still dealing with hot, hot flashes that wake me up several times/night but without the sweating. Can't wait for all that to end

                              I need to get back to my online class but the mental break was nice
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

