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Focused February - Week 3

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    Focused February - Week 3

    X post Papmom - loved your post, i could have written every one of these myself. Thank you for the reminder and congrats on the weight loss
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Focused February - Week 3

      thanks Chill! Have a great visit in Scotland! Keep us posted!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Focused February - Week 3

        :l:h papmom!
        You've said it all Sista!!!!!!

        Chill, glad you arrived safely, have fun & skip the politics

        Still on stork watch.........
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Focused February - Week 3

          Just checking in.....

          PAPmom, thanks so much for your memories....mine are pretty much the same and I want to create distance from that lifestyle. I'm working on it. Anytime a craving hits, I have some really horrible memories of ol' alcohol and will make sure to remember the truth. I don't need it. I can't control it, and it makes me sick.

          Chill, isn't family fun?

          Lav, you are still on stork watch? How about some labor cookies?

          I am just hanging out by myself tonight, relaxing, reading, and watching a little TV. Hope there is something good on tonight.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Focused February - Week 3

            Labor cookies Star? For real
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Focused February - Week 3

              Hey all,

              I have had a chance to read back the thread properly now.

              Star - thanks for sharing your story. I took a lot from in particularly around it being personal. It definitely is for me and that struck a chord particularly after an odd convo I had with my best friend tonight.

              Rebirth - good to see you and I hope moderating continues to work for ya.

              Pap - congrats on the weight loss. Awesome result!

              Hey to everyone else. Special big hiya to bring me!

              As some of u will know I have been feeling a bit down lately but am trying to pick myself up. I had a lovely meal out tonight and watched a feel good film. I also went to a bar for the first time since I started thus journey. I felt nothing. Things have changed. I just don't drink.

              Hope u all have a great rest of your weekend. Lav - maybe Sunday is the day?!

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                Focused February - Week 3

                Labor Cookies are for real :H:H
                I'll make these for her tomorrow!

                Thanks to Jenny, a midwife in New Mexico, for this:

                LABOR COOKIES!!

                2 1/2 c. flour
                1 1/2 t. baking soda
                3/4 t. cinnamon
                1 t. ground ginger
                1/2 t. ground cloves
                1/2 t. salt
                1/2 t. cayenne pepper
                8 T. butter
                1/2 c. sugar
                1 c. brown sugar
                1/3 c. molasses
                1/4 c. egg whites

                Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, baking soda and
                spices and set aside. Cream the butter and sugars together. Add the
                molasses to the creamed butter, then add the egg whites until
                combined. Add the dry ingredients slowly. Once incorporated, roll
                dough into 1 inch balls and place onto baking tray. Bake 8-10 minutes.
                Once cool eat as many as you can possibly stomach, lay down for a nap
                and wait for labor to begin!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Focused February - Week 3

                  A person at work told me about labor cookies and that they work? It will be interesting to see what the results are. How exciting!!!

                  Cassia, this journey is personal, and hard, so it is difficult to share with others. Was your conversation with your friend positive or negative? I find it hard to talk about it with my friends......
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Focused February - Week 3

                    Star - it was just came across as negative bur I don't think she meant to be cruel. I get that a lot though. I am kinda getting used to it but I guess I just expected more from her. X
                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      Focused February - Week 3

                      Cassia, I know, there is that stigma about alcohol. That is why I have stuck to this thread and this site. I can talk about it without being judged, just understood. Even my really good friend, who has seen me overdo it, is just like, can't you just have ONE? I told her, my off switch just doesn't work. Her off switch does work so she sees it as a sign of weakness, no self control. I do have self control if I stay away from that first drink. It is biological for me. It runs in my family, for generations. It is what it is. I think I am finally coming to accept it. My knew tactic is going to be health reasons. When I don't want to drink and get comments, I 'll just say I am not drinking for health reasons. It's just so odd, do people give you a hard time if you don't eat certain foods, don't like tea? I mean, come on. Alcohol upsets my stomach.

                      Waking up feeling clearheaded and focused. That is what this AF journey is all about. Strength, hope, honesty, integrity: every day. I am starting to like and understand the AA term, living life on life's terms.

                      Sending everyone vibes for an awesome AF day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Focused February - Week 3

                        Papmom-this is all I have to say to you:applaud::thanks::goodjob::l:h What an incredible many of your memories of AL are mine as well...and they are what keep me focused on being AF. Congratulations on the weight loss! You rock! Thank you for taking the time and having the courage to write such a powerful post. But I must say, dearest Papster, that your post is NOT a sandwich post. MINE are. That's why I will no longer write them, because then this whole thread would be going to Weight Watchers!:H

                        Star-I want to commend for your thoughftul post...and for your commitment to live a healthy AF life, especially with the stressful situation with your son. I also read with great interest about the conversation with your daughter regarding AL consumption. Your daughter must feel so blessed to have a mom like you. My mom was too afraid to confront me because she didn't want to hurt my feelings. And the idea of Labor Cookies? Well, obviously Lav took you seriously. Let's see if they work today.

                        Lav, I say if the Labor Cookies don't work today, then go over to your daughter's house and do the "chicken" dance with know the kind you do at wedding receptions.

                        Cassia-I had a similar conversation with a friend of mine the other day, and yup, she didn't mean it to be negative, but it hurt my feelings for the day. When I talk to her again, I'm going to tell how she made me feel. I still get reminders of my drinking days and they are painful....sometimes those reminders come in the form of conversations with friends, but not always. The conversations obviously stick in our heads longer and it really sucks.

                        Rebirth-I'm glad you can moderate successfully and I applaud your courage to tell us about it. It really bugs me on other threads when people write in that they drank, and not to the point of being out of control, that other members vilify them for saying it. Then that member is hurt and feels like he/she can't be honest with their feelings and actions. If anyone on this thread ever did that to me, you would see a side of me you absolutely would not like. Star is right, we should be able to be honest about our drinking and not be judged, criticized, etc. This thread is my "safe" place....the only forum on this whole site where I feel like I can be me.

                        Cyn-thanks for checking in. We missed you!

                        Being me-A warm welcome! This is a wonderful place to be.

                        Chill-have fun in Scotland, dear one. Glad you got there safely.

                        Dill-where are you? I hope you're happy and safe. Check in when you can....I have missed your quotes, thoughts, words and deeds.

                        LBH-are you ok? I miss you!

                        Shelley-Take care on the will probably encounter some majorly bad weather.

                        A warm hello to Paguy, Guitarista, SD, Sooty, Rustop, Dewdrop, Mylife, and anyone who stops guys are the best!

                        Uh, er....I think this was a SUBMARINE sandwich post! HAHAAHAHAHAH!!

                        Have a fantastic AF Sunday, everyone!


                          Focused February - Week 3

                          Good morning kids!

                          9 am already - where does the time go when you're busy drinking french roast coffee & surfing the internet? :H

                          I have to admit this past week was super hard emotionally for me. Shed way too many tears, had too many nightmares, intrusive, depressive thoughts despite the daily meditations, etc. BUT this morning after a really decent night's sleep I feel more like my happy, positive self. I swear that damn full moon just tears me up sometimes........

                          I have a busy day ahead. Making EB's fav meatballs & having the group here for dinner. I'm about to put the Labor Cookies in the oven - lets hope they work

                          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday.
                          Your loving friend :l
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Focused February - Week 3

                            Hi everyone

                            Lav - Hope those labour cookies work.

                            Papmom and Rusty - thanks for your wonderful posts. Among other things this thread is a kind of supplementary weight watchers. Well done Papmom. I'm back again too and lost half a pound this week. 3lbs since I joined 2 weeks ago so very pleased.

                            Rebirth - well done on being able to moderate. That was what MWO was all about when I joined but has become more about total abstinance now. I agree with Rusty, this thread is wonderful and its great being able to post honestly about your journey without being judged and attacked. I have to say I stay away from a lot of the other threads for that reason.

                            Weather has changed again today, its dull and grey. A day for the fire and the Sunday newspapers.

                            Hope everyone has a great day.



                              Focused February - Week 3

                              Hi all

                              Just thought I would share the conversation I had with my friend as it seems we have had similar experiences.

                              We went to the pub before going to the cinema and I told her that it was the first time I had been in the pub since I quit drinking. And she was like, that's not good - you should be able to go to the pub and not drink. And I thought - hang on a minute here - I have had no reason to go to the pub since I quit drinking for PRECISELY that - I don't drink. I don't shoot guns either so should I go and hang out at a shooting range. It was just so odd. Anyway - she seems to think I am heading to moderation no matter how much I tell her that I ain't drinking.

                              Thoughts guys? I must admit, I am fortunate that my friends don't bring up my past drunken experiences (I can get them just as good as they get me) - they think I am being super self conscious about drinking. I have to be - alcoholism runs on both sides of my family. If I ain't watching out for me who is????

                              Lav - I am excited to find out if the labor cookies worked! Stork update please.

                              Rustop - sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday!!!

                              So - I have been pretty productive again today - been at mass, made cookies, cleaned the flat, got in touch with four people who could potentially help me relocate to the US (both here and in NYC). Tonight is roast dinner night and my hubby and I will possibly go to the gym.

                              Have a wonderful Sunday.

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                Focused February - Week 3


                                I know just where you're coming from with your friend, and it's a really common experience, I think. I think it's because some people really like the comaraderie of drinking. Also, your commitment to be AF and your self-control probably makes her feel guilty, and if you don't drink, she will then be forced to look at herself and she might be afraid to learn she has a problem with AL. I have a now former friend who is the same way. His ignorance blows my mind....his son has a problem with AL, got a DUI and my former friend's response was, "Mark, learn how to drink, for crying out loud! Just have 1 or 2 and then STOP. It's as easy as that!" UGH! The stupidity of some people. Fortunately, my friends don't try to get me to drink when I am out with them. I have club soda and they are fine with that. Great news on the contacts who could get you relocated back to the US. That probably made your day.

                                Star, I applaud you for recognizing that you don't have an off switch. Alcoholism runs on both sides of my family, I'm always weary that the beast is lurking nearby. I think you should just tell your friend that you don't find drinking fun anymore. The reason I say this is because with all the traveling I do, and with the people I work with and meet every day, I have met people in their forties and fifties who just stopped drinking one day, and I ask why, and they say, "oh, it was okay when I was in college but I kinda outgrew that." When I ask if they miss drinking, they say no. I guess I would ask her why she thinks it's so important to her that you drink with her.

                                Rustop-congrats on the weight loss. What an achievement!

                                Lav-sorry you were feeling blue this month and hopefully the stork's imminent arrival will bring you joy! They say the first baby is usually late...isn't that right?

                                Ok, back to paperwork.

