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Focused February - Week 3

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    Focused February - Week 3

    Some really amazing posts here today guys!

    Star - i didnt come with an off switch either and thats why moderation cannot work for me, i find the whole thing way too stressful and having to monitor what i drink becomes an ordeal. I used to count off days and hours of abstainence to convince myself i was in control. It was a horrible way to live and being completely AF is a much more relaxed way of life.

    I agree with you and Rusty about the honesty on this thread, its absolutely vital and i too applaud Rebirth for being truthful. The no.1 reason MWO works is exactly because we can give honest non judgemental support to each other. I have mentioned many times that for me being able to express my feelings here was the biggest theraputic experience i have ever had and it also lead to me being more honest with myself than ever before.

    Cassia - i have had exactly the same conversation with several friends and it is irksome when there seems to be such a lack of understanding from them. Rusty's points as to why they say these things are all very valid as too is the fact that they just dont "get it". All i can tell you is this will stop... All my friends know now and accept i DONT DRINK, and thats that. Its never mentioned any more. As for hanging out in bars, i find it the most boring pastime in the world and so why you would need to get used to doing it AF is beyond me, i love your analogy about the shooting range! I will remember that one

    Lav :l sorry its been an emotional time for you, get your smudger out!

    I had a nice lunch with my Sisters, have eaten way too much! Its much harder to stick to healthy eating in this country, in Portugal its much more traditional wholesome food as junk food hasnt really reach them yet. I went to the local gym this morning and had better keep it up as im definately going to gain a few pounds during this visit!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Focused February - Week 3

      Evening everyone,
      I?ve been offline this week and have so missed you all, computer issues are beyond me and it can be so frustrating when the damn thing doesn?t work. I haven?t had time to read back yet but will do, so I will be a bit indulgent and just speak about me!! I have had a very busy week and weekend and I can?t believe that it?s Sunday night already.

      I picked up my son, DIL and granddaughter yesterday and we spent the evening with my parents (great grandparents) and had a lovely night together. My son cooked a delicious steak and kidney pie with homemade suet crust pastry, small onions, chunks of carrot and parsnips and a dish of crushed potatoes and garlic; he roasted whole garlic and then crushed them into the potatoes with cream and butter ? yumm. I don?t buy red meat myself but do eat it if someone cooks it for me so I must admit I really enjoyed it. He also made a white chocolate and vanilla pod cheesecake and homemade mango ice cream, what a treat for everyone. The wee one was on great form and kept us all amused, Mum and Dad really enjoyed the evening and Mum was a bit emotional when we were washing up some of the dishes later, she is very happy for both of my sons now they have their own families but wanted me to know she?s very proud of me for bringing them up myself as she knows it wasn?t always easy. Mum and I are very close and I count her as one of my closest friends so her opinions mean a lot to me.

      Today I was invited to a friends for lunch, roast beef dinner with Yorkshire puds and all the trimmings with a choice of three desserts, I am stuffed and feel like a beached whale, and two days of red meat will definitely take its toll on me for the next few days. However there was a rather nice man there and we have exchanged phone no?s which is a first for me in many months so you never know?? My friend has been trying to match me up with a few men over the years and I often find it quite funny, she means well.

      I managed to lose 3lbs this week so I am feeling good, I?ve also managed to get in 4 x 3-5 mile walks so that?s an improvement on last week, yoga class is still ongoing and I do feel a lot suppler (is that the correct spelling?). I met an old customer last week and she immediately said ?You look great, you?ve lost weight and you look so well, what have you been doing? I need some of whatever you have.? Sometimes we don?t always appreciate how far we have come and can get dragged down into the day to day domesticity struggle. Simply being AF is such a huge accomplishment for every one of us so big pats on the back to all of you.

      I hope you are all well and will catch up over the week, I've really missed you all.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Focused February - Week 3

        Hello Folks:

        Sorry I haven't been posting much these past couple of days. Sometimes my introversion really takes over and I hibernate from social interactions. I was a bit anxious this weekend as I was meeting up with 2 friends for dinner whom I have not seen since I started my AF journey and was curious as to how it was going to turn out. My partner is out of town on business so I met them last night. Their first remark was on the weight that I've lost so I just came out and told them I stopped drinking and lost 10 pounds. I went on to say that it was 10 pounds of wasted calories to which one friend replied, "I wouldn't call them wasted calories. I really enjoy drinking!" Oh, boy, I thought, this is going to be an interesting evening. I should have asked him how much he was enjoying himself 2 hours later when he was falling asleep at the table after having 6 drinks.

        Papmom - I really enjoyed your post and was able to relate so much to it. You really hit the nail on the head with so many of your comments.

        Star - I've really enjoyed reading your updates as well. You seem to have such a clear vision of where you want to be now. Congratulations and keep up the great work!

        Lav - Sorry you were struggling this past week. I do believe there's lots to be said about the effects of the full moon. Hope you are feeling better.

        Hello and hugs to rusty, rustop, rebirth, cassia, dewdrop, chill, lav, star, papmom and everyone else who follows? can?t believe we are approaching our 4th week of February already ? Yikes!
        AF since 7/13/2010


          Focused February - Week 3

          Paguy!! :h There you are! I missed you. Doesn't people's ignorance about stopping drinking amaze and annoy you? AL is all wasted calories, for sure. Nothing nutritional at all. Oh yeah....if he remembered the conversation, I hope he felt stupid.


            Focused February - Week 3

            Hello friends,

            I AM feeling much better today - the decent night's sleep after a thorough smudging of the house last evening did the trick
            I was just overwhelmed with BS feelings last week, couldn't turn them off, ugh.

            Well my daughter spent 4 hrs in the hospital today but was sent home. Poor girl was disappointed, understandably but she's OK now. She had regular contractions for 12 hrs (coming 4 min. apart at one point) but they just stopped. SO, I sent her home with a big bag full of labor cookies, a big hug & kiss & a big dose of Lavan-ittude :H
            EB went out with me tonight to help 'put the chickens to bed'. At one point I heard him say "i carry you' - I turned around & there he was standing there holding a chicken :H No kidding! The chickens aren't the least bit afraid of him - I guess they just consider him as someone in charge

            John, don't be shy with us! We're all practically related here :H
            I've gotten to the point where I just don't talk about drinking, about not drinking or any of that with friends. I really don't feel the need to explain myself to people. I don't think most people give a damn about what I'm doing - I mean that in the nicest way possible of course.

            Dewdrop, great to see you! Glad you enjoyed your family time. I hope your new aquaintance turns out to be wonderful!

            I need to go wind down now............
            it's exhausting being me sometimes!!!!
            Have a good night all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Focused February - Week 3

              Hey John-so glad you checked in. We missed you!! Glad all is OK and that your got through your dinner unscathed. You were honest with your friends and that's all that counts. How they choose to react to your honesty is all them. Keep on being true to yourself-its all that matters!!

              Happy Presidents day US FFers!! Last day of vaca for me tomorrow and I am going to get everything prepared for the work week ahead-laundry, lunches and dinners (I have 1 crockpot pork dinner and one ground turkey/veggie bake dinner all cooked up and frozen). Its been such a busy week off for me and of course I didn't get everything done I wanted to but tomorrow I will try to get some relaxation in as well as this week will be a busy one. A trip to PF late afternoon, then a hockey game tomorrow nite. Quilting on Tues nite, agility wed and Zumba on thurs. Friday is free and Saturday is a road trip to the Cape to check out a sweepstakes it looks like I won. Supposedly 4 round trip tics to over 29 different destinations all over the world. No hotel tho so that puts a damper on it a bit. I'm still skeptical but they will pay my gas/milage to the cape to get the info so I can't lose. I'll defo keep you all updated on this one!!

              Dew-so good to hear from you! You sound great despite the puter troubles. Lots of good eats for you this weekend (although kidney pie isn't my idea of good eats but then again I've never tried it!!)

              Keeping fingers crossed those labor cookies did the trick and that's why we haven't heard from Lav since this morning!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Focused February - Week 3

                whoops!! Xpost Lav!! There you are!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!

