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AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

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    AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

    Good morning AF Dailies!

    Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day and is looking forward to a Sober Tuesday! I just can't get over the great sleep I get without Al in my system.

    Hope you all have a wonderful AF Day!

    AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

    Good Morning mylife and all to follow!

    Yep, nothing compares to the sleep i get now. I actually wake up refreshed and ready to go.

    Looking forward to another great sober day and night. It's amazing how much i can accomplish un-hung.

    Happy Tuesday all!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

      I'm here, still sick, not going to work again today. I will call the doctor when they open, not sure which one though, my head still hurts and my eyes were swollen almost shut this morning. Is that allergies or eye problems? Also I'm depressed and just don't want to do anything but sit on my couch and watch TV. My sister rides to work with me three days a week and was upset that I could not take her today. That makes me feel bad but really, everyone should have a plan B if they are in a situation like that right?

      Still AF, still moving right along, hope this depression lifts soon. I feel very blah. Its been 3 whole days, I wouldn't think the alcohol would still be depressing me. I'll start taking my L-glut again and see if that helps.

      Well good morning all! Hope everyone is doing better than me today.
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

        Morning guys!

        I also had a decent sleep although I am still feeling a bit tired. I just need to get up and moving I guess.

        I ate an entire box of Turtles last night - WTF? I seriously have to stop this late night binging. I'm working out but not losing any weight because I'm just suplementing the junk food! Today I pledge to have an entirely free of crap food day. That is my pledge! LOL

        Therapy day was wonderful as always - love it! Today I have 2 meetings to go to, working out and a bit of cleaning up. Then some reading. All in all looks like it should be an okay day for me so I'm good with that.

        Hope everyone enjoys a sober 24 hours!

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

          :lHi Jenni - X post. Sorry to hear you are feeling so down and yucky. Enjoy the day under the covers and give your inner child a warm hug. She might need it.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

            :l Thank you UNI, now I know somethings wrong, your kind words made me cry. . .I think I may need a hug. I'm glad you had a good day yesterday and I love turtles!
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

              Good Morning all!!

              Lav-I'm sure there is a Piggy Swiss Mountain dog in the running!! Working group is tonite I think so let's keep an eye out LOL!!

              Jenny-my guess is that you are usually such a get up and go person that being sick and unable to do what you normally do is making you feel pretty blue. Please try to just rest, enjoy the non working day and treat yourself really really good. Anything you want in terms of food, TV and or movies OK?? And yes, you're sister's lack of plan be is NOT your problem. ".....Accept that which I cannot change......" etc etc.

              Greenie-You WILL get the bathroom done by the end of the summer. You've made one big decision, now you're on a roll!!

              Uni-good luck with your no junk food pledge today-that sugar demon is a monster!!

              Hi Mstall and all others to come. Second day of vacation!! Brekkie, Planet Fitness and hanging blinds are all on the agenda, plus filling up the new fish tank so I can go get fishies tomorrow!! The eye doctor's office yesterday had the most amazing tropical fish tank! I spent 15 min just staring at it and thinking how I might be able to replicate some things.

              Oh, if none of you have heard of Washington DC Deal of the Day | Local Daily Deals from Groupon (I'm not sure why it's saying Washington DC unless that is the home base for MWO-you can choose your town)please go check it out!! I just got a coupon for a 45 min/$45 massage for $25!! My sis and I have decided that this is the year we are going to get our very first massages. Now that we're over the pedicure phobia, it's time to move on :H.

              Have a great day everyone!

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                Papmom3, the dog show continues tonight??? I only got to watch 2 hours of it last night. I watch almost to the end of the non working group (my fav! I have Lhasa's and I love chows!) Are they doing it on USA or CNBC tonight? I didn't like the channel switching in the middle last night at all.

                Thank you for the kind words, I hope you are right. I tried to talk myself into going today but if I can't get my contacts in my eyes I guess driving is out of the picture, so to speak.
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                  Hey ho fabbies!

                  I would LOVE to have a fish tank!

                  :important: FYI, Vitacost has free shipping in Feb. for orders over $49

                  Jen, green tea would be good and use the bags on your eyes (anti-inflamatory)
                  How to Use Tea Bags for Swollen Eyes |

                  Hi everybody here and to come - gotta run!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                    Happy post-Valentine's Day to everyone in MWO-land! Okay, show of hands, how many people went wild on the chocolate yesterday??? In the AA household, my son, wife and I each gave the other two some type of chocolate (in addition to flowers for the lady of the household) - Holy Cocoa Hangover Batman!!

                    One of those things that you have to enjoy, which I needed after feeling like I wasted away most of the day at work yesterday. I was mentally unfocused almost all day, which was my fault, and I was beating myself up all day long for it...

                    Oh well, onward and upward, and thanks for getting us started Mylife!
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Ah, sunshine today
                      And best of all - no snow predicted!!!

                      Jenny, could you possibly be having an allergic reaction to something? Maybe one of the supplements? With my history of allergies I chose to stick with my own supps, tried & tested by me. Even though It's February my brother the microbiologist informed me years ago that there are certain spores & things outside starting to come to life that could be affecting us allergy-wise. Hope you feel better soon

                      Uni, I had a little chocolate yesterday, good thing I didn't have any turtles on hand

                      Greetings Greenie, AA. Mstall, mylife, Papmom & everyone

                      Hope everyone has a great AF, non-chocolate Tuesday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                        Lav-that is possible, the only thing i've taking different is the SAMe and I only took two, two days ago and I took nothing yesterday. I am going to go to the doctor of some sort today and start my zertec and stop all the supps till I figure this out. And of course, I will drink lots and lots of water.
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                          Jennie-I'm willing to bet there is something in the SamE that's causing the reaction so good that you've stopped it. I would google SamE for adverse reactions. Yes, the dog show continues with the Working, Sporting and Terrier Groups and of course, Best in Show. The whole thing is on USA from 8-11 so no channel switching (yes that was totally annoying and for what? RAW? give me a break!! Money speaks don't it??)
                          Dog Show TV Coverage - Schedules, Times, Dates & Listings - USA Network - I was not happy that the bearded collie won the Herding group although gorgeous, I thought the BC was magnificent. I could be biased however as my next dog will be a BC.

                          AA-The only chocolate i had yesterday was my fake whoopie pie after dinner-good but doesn't count . I can't promise I won't indulge today tho as a trip to Walmart is in order and I'm betting everything is marked down!!

                          Greenie-sign up for The Freecycle Network in your area, put out a wanted (along with some offers so you're following the rules) and I bet you get some kind of fish tank, probably with all the accessories! The only things I have to buy this time are the heater as I've decided to go tropical and I want to start this right with a new one so if it malfunctions and kills my fish I can exchange it, the fish and I'm changing over from the decorative rocks to the "sand" as I like the look better and I'm thinking it might be easier to keep clean (the fish poop tended to drop down between the rocks). So a little more investment this time but the results will be well worth it!! Remember, I didn't have to buy a thing last year except for a new litebulb(which I never used anyway as light increases algea), a vacuum pump ($5?) and some new filter cartridges. Everything else came with the tank and the fish came with some pond plants I got from another freecycler. Priceless!!

                          OK, I've got to move. Zoom Zoom!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                            hidy ho ABland!

                            had my valentines night dinner with another dude from work near this hotel. sigh....
                            but at least Dx and I had a marvelous weekend together
                            and also...this guy is either a non drinker or very light one. yeah! he had ice water.
                            Papmom, I saw quite a bit of the dog show from my hotel room last night since they have a gazillion channels. it was a fun treat.

                            extra hugs for Jenny xxxxxxxx

                            well, off to the shower

                            be well my dears
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily Thread - Tuesday 15th February

                              Hi Fabbies!! Thanks for kicking us off today Mylife! So good to see everyone here and sober.

                              Uni - I can relate to that sugar binging. For me it's seriously as bad as AL in terms of craving, over eating it, etc. I've got it out of my system for now, and I'm gonna fight like hell to keep it out. Good that you had a fabulous therapy day! :l

                              So who won the hound group? I fell asleep shortly after the black and tan I think. That and the blue tick made me think of my Grandpa (RIP, many many years ago) as he raised both breeds and was a BIG coon hunter.

                              I wasn't aware of the channel switch and the way I set up Tivo (not by key word) I'm sure I didn't get that part. Should get the part on USA tonight though. My beagle totally slept through the beagles. I couldn't BELIEVE that!

                              Mr. Doggy made me a little metal heart with little red lights on it. It has a magnet so is stuck to one of the lights in my office where I can see it all the time. I also mentioned that he recently bought me a FABULOUS bracelet that he was not aware of. So it was truly an EXCELLENT valentines day!

                              Off to the dentist. Not my favorite thing by a long stretch, but they asked for Mary Kay catalogs this time so the dentist office is looking up from the teeth cleanings last year in more ways than one.

                              Hello to ALL fabbies!!!!!

                              One thing is for sure.....I am NOT screwing things up on day 999. No way. AL would have to tie me down and knock me out to get down my throat today.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

