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AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

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    AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

    1,000 AF DAYS FOR DG!!!!

    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16


    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

      Now my eyes are open and I didn't even need my tea :H !

      DG- you rock girl!! That is all.

      Well, of course it isn't!! Hee. Hee.

      Very happy with the outcome of Westminster last nite. LOVED the Deerhound! As she trotted around the room I could see her chasing deer and rabbit and being the great dog she is, not some pampered pooch. Great choice!

      Lav-The Greater Mountain Swiss was a great dog too. Their day will come!
      Loved the pics of your dogs Lav and DG. I could see them playing and eating together!!

      Last nite I stepped further out of my comfort zone and attended a small longstanding quilting class at the invite of my friend (the one with all the dogs and who LOVES DD). Crazy bunch of women and I was put through a mini initiation. Told I'm on probation and can be kicked out at anytime :H!! I haven't laughed so hard or so long in a while! I spent the whole 2 hours trying to figure out my project and then the hardest part-picking otu the fabric!! I finally did and was pleased that the total cost was well under $100 (although I think we forgot the backing material and batting). I'm making a lap quilt to start and the I love the colors. It will probably take me many Tuesday nites to do this as I don't see myself having the time or confidence to work on it on my own. I will be moving my Zumba class to Thursdays and again, that will be out of my comfort zone as it is mostly students in that class.

      Supposed to get up near 40 today which means poop scooping day!! Still miss having a dog Det???? Tomorrow and Friday in the 60's! Whoo Hoo!!!!

      Will also be filling my new fish tank today in prep for buying fish tomorrow. Got a treadmill session in at PF yesterday and hope to do the same today.
      Gosh I just LOVE being on vacation!!!!

      Enjoy your day everyone!!

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

        Now my eyes are open and I didn't even need my tea :H !

        DG- you rock girl!! That is all.

        DG- you rock girl!! That is all.

        Well, of course it isn't!! Hee. Hee.

        Very happy with the outcome of Westminster last nite. LOVED the Deerhound! As she trotted around the room I could see her chasing deer and rabbit and being the great dog she is, not some pampered pooch. Great choice!

        Lav-The Greater Mountain Swiss was a great dog too. Their day will come!
        Loved the pics of your dogs Lav and DG. I could see them playing and eating together!!

        Last nite I stepped further out of my comfort zone and attended a small longstanding quilting class at the invite of my friend (the one with all the dogs and who LOVES DD). Crazy bunch of women and I was put through a mini initiation. Told I'm on probation and can be kicked out at anytime :H!! I haven't laughed so hard or so long in a while! I spent the whole 2 hours trying to figure out my project and then the hardest part-picking otu the fabric!! I finally did and was pleased that the total cost was well under $100 (although I think we forgot the backing material and batting). I'm making a lap quilt to start and the I love the colors. It will probably take me many Tuesday nites to do this as I don't see myself having the time or confidence to work on it on my own. I will be moving my Zumba class to Thursdays and again, that will be out of my comfort zone as it is mostly students in that class.

        Supposed to get up near 40 today which means poop scooping day!! Still miss having a dog Det???? Tomorrow and Friday in the 60's! Whoo Hoo!!!!

        Will also be filling my new fish tank today in prep for buying fish tomorrow. Got a treadmill session in at PF yesterday and hope to do the same today.
        Gosh I just LOVE being on vacation!!!!

        Enjoy your day everyone!!

        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

          Congrats on 1000 DG

          Greenie, Applewood Manor B and B is now on Facebook. Check it out. It was great to see photos of their dog Samson. Looks like they now have a parrot too.

          Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

          Quilting Papmon, I'm impressed

          Onward to yoga.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

            Congrats DG and enjoy your wonderful day - tomorrow you get to start working on the next 1,000! I saw this quote this moring and it reminded me of the you DG and the steps you had to go through to get to this point:

            “Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.” - George Arliss

            None of this would have been possible without you first being willing to admit your powerlessness over this disease, and humbling yourself in that way helped open the door to all that you are now. Keep up the great work, and at the same time always try to remember what it took to get here.....

            Happy Wednesday to others to come, and thanks for getting us started today Greenie.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

              CONGRATS DG!!! WOW! 1000 days behind you and many more ahead
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                :cheering ROCK ON DG :cheering
                Congrats on your 1000 AF DAYS!!!!!!!

                Still on Stork Watch here!
                I am focused on Friday now

                I've dabbled in a little quilting papmom, it's fun but you need to be very exact when you cut your square, shapes, etc. Have fun with your project

                Greetings Greenie, Me, AA, Mstall & all to stop in today.

                That dog was very very interesting looking & quite large Papmom........looks like a shedder to me
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                  Morning abbers!

                  Congrats DG - that's AWESOME!!!!

                  Sorry, I cannot relate to all the dog talk going on because I simply cannot watch dogs prance around on tv. Just not my thing. But I am glad you all have found something to relate with each other to!

                  I had a good day yesterday - went to an awesome meeting last night, really good speaker. Today I think I am going to tackle my spare bedroom - lots of rubber maid containers in there that really need to be gone through and stuff thrown out that I don't need anymore. Ah, the joys of decluttering!

                  I hope you all have a fabbie AF day - One thing is for sure here!

                  Love and hugs
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16


                    DG congratulations again on 1000 days. That's 4 digits! Wow. It's a lifetime, and a lifetime of opportunity.

                    I am COLD! burr. I thought it might be warmer but no.


                    Have a great day!
                    AF since May 6, 2010

                    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                      AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                      DoggyGirl, what a treat to witness your 1,000 glorious AF days!!!!! thank you for your commitment to monthly ABs, your a wonderful inspiration and friend. XXXXXXX!!

                      another AF night in hotel land last night. Busy day ahead (heading to the San Fran bay now).
                      although I fell off the Paleo wagon last night and had some apple pie. oopsie! so I better go do some pushups and situps and take a shower.

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                        1000 days is awesome! Obviously life changing. Congratulations! I'm not sure I can even count that high!


                          AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                          1000 days is awesome, DG!! Congrats!

                          Ho hum... not feeling too well the past couple of days.

                          Be well everyone! AF - all the way! xoxo


                            AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                            DG - Awesome Job!

                            Hope you know you are an inspiration to a lot of us here :h
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              AF Daily - PARTY DAY 2/16

                              Yesterday I saw some daffodils. Must have given me the fever because I have been outside for 5 hours Didn't get out the chain saw, but did some serious pruning! What a good "did in the dirt" kinda fix! Now for lunch and the paperwork I'm task-avoiding. Grrrrrr... just DO IT greenie!

                              Wich I could be at DG's AA meeting today!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

