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AF Daily - February 17, 2011

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    AF Daily - February 17, 2011

    Hello Fabbies! I hope everyone is gearing up for a full living AF day. I love todays note from the Universe. For anyone who doesn't get that e-mail, here it is!

    Just curious, DG, but when was the last time you relied upon me? You know, consciously realized you weren't alone as you went about your daily affairs, choosing a path, finding a parking space, or a new friend, or a great idea... and expected, at least, a little something?


    Well, let's just say we do it more often.

    The Universe
    Asking for help from other people and the Universe is not my strong suit. I like to think I can handle EVERYTHING on my own. And I keep beating my head against that wall even when things are not going well. Things turn out SOOO much better when I am humble enough to realize I DON'T know it all, and that I NEED help. So today I ask for help from the Universe and you - all of my friends here for help staying sober today, and for help doing the next right thing as I go through the day.

    One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - February 17, 2011

    Thank you for getting us started DG. 1001 and counting right! Life is looking up. . . if only I could stop watching Dexter! I think I found my new addiction! Tomorrow is Friday, Day 7 since the slip, would have been day 60 if there had been no slip. . . it will be a good day tho! I have faith!

    Have a great AF day all

    One things for sure. . .
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      AF Daily - February 17, 2011

      Morning everyone!

      I have a headache today - I hate post acute withdrawal! But at least I'm sober and not actually hung over (even though I feel like it!)

      I am going to take care of me today - not sure what that looks like yet but I know I won't be doing anything incredibly strenuous.

      Okay, I'm off to have coffee and wake up.....

      Have a good AF day everyone!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - February 17, 2011

        Morning All.

        DG - I can so relate to not asking for help. That is something I have to continuously work on.

        Uni - I hope your headache goes away quickly so you can enjoy your soberness.

        Jenny - My DD is hooked on Dexter too! I have season one here that I will start watching this weekend. Not sure i need to get hooked on more tv, but i'm willing to see why she loves it so much.

        Looking forward to hot yoga tonight, havent gone in a week and a 1/2 because of vacation. I really miss it.

        Have a wonderful sober Thursday!
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          AF Daily - February 17, 2011

          You guys are not going to believe this. I'm going to work part time at Weight Watchers. I will start training soon as a receptionist. The cool thing is that it's TOTALLY part time. I'm going to work just one meeting per week to start (2 hour time committment), and then see where it goes from there. I will proably look to have one scheduled meeting, and then just fill in for people as needed / as my schedule permits.

          The local team is very cohesive and awesome - it will be fun to be part of that team and hopefully very motivating to stick to my weight and fitness goals.

          LIFE IS BIG!!!!!!

          I will have to do some schedule re-balancing as time goes on but I love having so many options and so much wonderful fun stuff to choose from!

          The sober life is truly the good life!

          I have no idea what this Dexter business is all about! TV is just something to fall asleep to these days. I even fell asleep during American Idol on Tivo last night.

          Jenny, you are doing so great working up to one week back AF. I suggest focusing on what you have learned and gained from this experience rather than remorse over not having 60 days this week. This truly is a process and what we learn is the most important thing. I hope you are feeling better! It is so good to have you with us.

          Uni - I'm sorry about the headache. AL is such a buggar. The older I got, and bigger the toll AL seemed to take physically. Everything was magnified from the buzz to the consequences including the physical stuff. This too shall pass!

          Mstall - enjoy that HOT yoga tonight! I still can't believe how much stamina you guys must have to get through it!

          Well - I gotta zoom zoom and get to Curves. A little sweat is just what I need to get my engine going this morning! (well, that and coffee!)

          From yesterdays thread... Deter, your comment about the open bar at the hotel made me think of an observation from the business social event last night. Although nobody was inappropriately drunk or anything (at least not by the time I left, which was early LOL!) the difference between those who were drinking a little and those who were not drinking at all was very noticeable to me. Even a couple of drinks affected people's reaction times in conversations, etc. It was actually pretty horrifying to me to think about how drunk I must have been to the world while I was fooling myself thinking I was "acting OK." No wonder my boss was "concerned about my drinking." :H:H:H NO SHIT!!!

          I am so grateful to just not drink, and not have to worry about it. I can just be myself for better and worse without the negative influence of AL. And that's how I see it these days - it's a negative. I can't believe I thought AL did anything positive for me in social situations. I would rather be quiet and not make an ass of myself than feel "socially bright" and stick my foot in my mouth, which I did many times. (and probably many more times than I realize!)

          One thing is still for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - February 17, 2011

            Good morning Abbers!

            Almost 9 am & I am rather sluggish todays. Sleep has not been easy this week - never is for me as the full moon approaches. Plus I have my daughter on my mind this week & some brand new YB resentment building again. DG I am happy to ask the universe for help today. I tried listening to my Breathing Colors into Forgiveness CD last night but just couldn't shut up the mind chatter.....Grrrrr.

            Uni, I hope your headache is better soon. Jenny, you hang in with us, you're doing great! MstaLL, i don't need to go to a hot yoga class as I spend my nights tossing & turning in hormonal/stress induced hot flashes :H

            I'm going makes the best of the predicted 67 degrees & do some clean up outside this afternoon. Have a great day everyone. I'll be back if there's any stork news

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - February 17, 2011

              Good Morning All,

              DG, I think the weight watchers position is fabulous. I am sure you will bring your great enthusiasm and wisdom to this job and everyone will benefit from it. Yes, the opportunities are abundant when you have a clear head and confidence.

              Det, I also read your post last night and was thinking how challenging it must be to be on the road and to be faced with situations such as this. For me, I know my willpower can only do so much (and I have alot of it). I also need to be in environments and social situations that support my alcohol free lifestyle.

              Hello to all,
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                Seems everybody is moving right along! Sorry about that headache Uni, hope it leaves you soon.

                Jen, are your eyes better?

                Love the new twist to you job life, DG!

                I ate a half a bag of cheetos for brekkie. Started with them in the car. Feck. But I will negate them with the lovely fresh beets I bought. Must put some stricter rules into place; ANY rules actually. Maybe trying on a bathing suit will help. Under flourescent lighting. :H

                Where IS knicker ripper?

                I wish my gym offered hot yoga. An aerobics class follows the yoga class - we complain when it's cold, they complain when it's warm.

                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                  Good Morning Wonderful Abbers!!

                  DG-I'm so happy for you!! One of my long term goals is to work the front desk at my WW center. I am a great receptionist if I can pat myself on the back for a sec and I know I would truly love to do that as a part time job. I have to get lifetime however and I know that. On an up note, although I've had some giving in to the sugar cravings it's not as bad as it has been and I definitely feel more in control. One goal for this week that I haven't started yet is to do a crock pot dinner or two so I have something in the freezer for after work next week and won't be tempted to stop at S&S on the way home and then give in to the WTF attitude and buy the WP. My sister's tip about the chocolate Vitamuffin cut in half and filled with 1 tbsp low fat dairy topping has really hit the spot this week. It's my new treat at nite with a cup of decaf tea and its only 2 POINTS!!!!! My deal with myself is if I eat anyother type of candy or dessert during the day, I can't have my treat. I kept the deal on Tues when I gave in to a chocolate marshmallow heart at CVS for 50% off.

                  Greenie-I bet you can find a great recipe for Cheetos and beets and then you won't feel so bad :H !! Cheetos were one of my big drinking foods and now I could care less about them and my other fav chips and dip. You'd think I'd drop 20lbs right off the bat just because I'm not eating those every nite now!!

                  Jennie-you keep up the hard work! I had 2 slips during my first 60 days and then I never looked back. You can do it!!

                  Uni-I sure hope that headache goes away soon. I hope all your ailments go away as soon as possible so you can live the life you are meant to live!! It's hard work for sure and I'm so glad you are not shy of asking for help. Any movement on the job front for you or are you not ready to begin the search? Feel better :h!!

                  AFM-I hope you are feeling better too. This time of year sucks for germs doesn't it? Well, it's great for the germs, sucks for us!!

                  MStall-keep up the good work! I tried Bikram yoga twice. Just couldn't get in to it but more power to you!

                  Deter-great job on passing up the open bar. Seriously, what are establishments thinking these days with all the liability out there???

                  M3-so good to see you posting regularly again. I always get inspiration from you-how fit you are, how you deal with everyday life, your travels. So glad you like your new kitchen and the chaos is behind you!!

                  Lav-67 today? We were supposed to hit 40 yesterday-not even close. 47 today but I'm not seeing any rivers running down the road yet :H. I'm itching to get at the poop area!! Keeping fingers crossed tomorrow is the day for your DD. That will be soooo cool! Sorry you had the awful sleep but I bet once the little one arrives you'll be more relaxed in some ways.

                  DG again-way to go with seeing the social even through sober eyes. I too cringe when I think of how hard I tried to act normal when I was clearly intoxicated. I guess when we're young, being drunk is "cool" so we don't try to hide it and hence the "good times" we remember. the older i got the more work it became to actually get drunk just in terms of trying to hide it and therefore, I don't remember many "good times". Of course now I realize all those "good times' as a young adult probably weren't really good-it was all an illusion. It really is so much more relaxing now to know I don't have to work at having a good time as there is nothign to hide anymore!!

                  I am watching my "agility twin" with new eyes(the girl I take classes with whose birthday in the same day as mine). She was supposed to meet us at the dock diving event last sunday and when I texted her to see where she was she had just gotten up and had "forgotten" all about it. It was 11am. I talked to her last nite and she said she was sorry she missed it but overslept. then she went to 5 Guys and had a great lunch before she threw up. Oh my! She could be living my life 30 years ago!! Hungover on Sat and Sundays, craving greasy fatty junk food thinking it would make me feel better then getting sick anyway. And this was normal? How much did I miss out on?? How much is she missing out on? And all I can do is standby and watch helplessly. What I want to do is shake her and say "Hey!! You're 27 and getting married in 6 months!! Stop the insanity now so you don't waste your life away like I did!! I can help you!!" I have a feeling she doesn't drink during the week but more than makes up for it on the weekends. She probably thinks she's normal although she has mentioned a few times that she needs to slow down as she's not in college anymore. Sigh. so frustrating but if I've learned anything here, it's that the person has to want to get sober-no one can tell them that's what they need to do. I guess all I can do is stay her friend and when the time comes, if it ever does, offer her the tools. It will be up to her to use them. She knows I quit drinking a while ago. Maybe someday I can tell her the whole story.

                  So on that note, I will say SYL and get going on my errands and projects for the day. It's Fish Day!! And yes, DG-I will post pics tonite!!

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                    Greenie, my eyes are better with the drops but they still hurt and burn and I am still in the glasses which I hate! But I feel better other than that.

                    Hi all! Everyone seems great today.

                    Uni *hugs* I hope your headache goes away!

                    Lav hope that baby comes tomorrow!

                    Thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                      Phew - enough poop scooping for one day :H
                      I have 2 dogs but I'm scooping for at least half a dozen as we have no fenced yards around here & all the dogs tend to wander. I hope my neighbors have at least as much as I do

                      Have fun with the WW job DG!
                      You're an expert at motivating others

                      Greenie, I have a fish tank or two sitting here if you want one

                      What kind of fish are you thinking about Papmom?

                      Damn, this lack of sleep this week is making me think about a short nap later - maybe
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                        Hello all and Happy Thursday!

                        Lav, I think you deserve a nap! You are always busy doing something!

                        Hope everyone has a great day.


                          AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                          Hi everyone, thanks for the well wishes - they must have worked as my headache is feeling better!

                          Papmom, I am on Long Term Disability through my company for my depression and anxiety issues so I am not currently looking for a job -just working on getting myself healthy again!

                          I went to my sponsors house for a bit and did some work - felt so much better after that. I am having a salad now and then am going to complete the housework I started before my meeting tonight.

                          I hope everyone has an awesome day!

                          Love and hugs,

                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                            Fish Pic

                            There are 5 fish so far but you can only see 3 in this pic. I love my bubble gum and blue cotton candy fish!! next month I'll get 4 more. It's so pretty to look at with the light on. What a cool hobby but expensive so i'm glad most of the equipment was free!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - February 17, 2011

                              WOWEE!!! LOOKIT THAT!!!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

