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AF Daily Friday 8/18

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    AF Daily Friday 8/18

    70 Degrees for the third time this week. It brings energy back into my body and soothes my soul!

    Papmom3. Love the fish tank and the little fish. Thanks for posting. I love fish tanks; both the sight and the sound.

    That's all for now.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Friday 8/18

    Morning M3 and all to come!

    Slept well although have that stupid headache again! I think my body is fighting off a cold - it's been through the house and I'm the only one who escaped it so I'm guessing it's my turn.

    It's a beautiful day out today! I have to excercise so I'm thinking I may go for a long walk instead of doing the eliptical. Might as well take advantage of the weather!

    Other than that, just the usual - homework reading, cleaning/decluttering (almost done! Yeah!) and then just some laundry etc. I do have an appt with my lawyer today regarding my DUI from last July - my court date is in June so he's gathering information now I guess to prepare.

    I hope everyone has a fabby AF Friday!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily Friday 8/18

      Hello M3! Thanks for getting things started today. This will be a quick one for me too.

      I dear friend in recovery was sharing something with me today that REALLY hit home. My level of committment to drinking. I found it good to think about this SPECIFICALLY as it relates to COMMITTMENT.

      For many years, I would have to say I was equally committed to my work and to AL. Anything else was a far distant 3rd. In the later years, AL really did take over as my absolute #1 committment. When I was busted for drinking on the job, I did not consider quitting drinking. I quit my job. It was a 6 figure job too. WOW. That's committment. I've never been willing to quit a job for a marriage, for family, for a good cause, nothing. Only AL have I ever been willing to quit a 6 figure job for. The only exception previous to that was quitting one big money job for a bigger money job. But AL got to come with me so I never made that choice.

      No wonder I have to be ultra committed to my sobriety. I think it's only logical that my committment to sobriety has to be even stronger than my committment was to AL in order to stay sober.

      That means I have to be willing to "quit" anything that threatens my sobriety. Jobs, family, friends, causes, hobbies, whatever. I thank God that I am not faced with those difficult choices today. But if I am, I know what I will have to do.

      Thinking of it in this framework makes it easy to see why I have changed so many people, places and things. Powerful thoughts for me today.

      One thing is for sure,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Friday 8/18

        X-Post Uni! Hi!!

        Zoom zoom...
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Friday 8/18

          Sweet! It's august!

          Ya'll were busy while I was on the phone! I'll move my post over here.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Friday 8/18


            Did you see the spectacular moonrise last night??

            It has been a bumper year for sweetgum balls. That is all.

            Where is that new baby, Lav?!

            I had a great walk at the river yesterday evening. I've been picking up my pace on the 3 mile treck. Then a nice time at the doggie park. Little doggie was full of herself. I like being around the doggie park people ~ it's a nice comfy vibe. I need a refresher course on their names though.

            P3 I swear I saw 4 fish!

            AFM, hope you're feeling better.

            Have a FABULOUS friday!

            Excellent food for thought, DG!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily Friday 8/18

              Hey guys,

              I read here very day without fail and LOVE the principles and commitment on this thread.
              So instead of lurking, I am gonna join you if that is ok??

              Great post DG!!

              Wob has an aquarium that he has just set up.....he spends AGES gazing at it! Love the pics of the fish tank, will show him when he gets in.
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                AF Daily Friday 8/18

                Good Morning guys! It's Friday! Truth. . .Friday is the scariest day of the week for me. Wish we could change it to any other day! I never have liked Friday, there always seems to be some expectation. . .something lurking in the shadows that I sometimes going looking for and I sometimes don't want to see. . . don't want to know what is waiting for me in the shadows. . .in the dark spaces in my mind.

                Today me and Friday will make peace with each other. . . Friday has to become my friend and the things lurking in the corners of my mind need to understand that I am taking this day of the week back today! No more!

                Hi guys, just had to get that out. Welcome Oney, good to have you! Everyone looks great! Uni I hope the headache goes away soon! Mine has lasted a month I think! I'll pop back later, gotta work!

                One things for sure. . .
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily Friday 8/18

                  Welcome aboard Oney, and thanks for starting us off today Mom! I'm officially jealous of your warm weather and am sure I have a full-on case of Spring Fever!

                  Good post DG, and very true. If we put anything in front of our sobriety, we stand a good chance of losing it. I was just looking through some of my old work emails that I sent, and found one that I sent to my boss telling him that I was having an allergic reaction to some medication and wouldn't be in. This was on a Tuesday, meaning I had been at it all weekend and Monday as well.... He had to know... How many times had I worked from home on Monday because I 'wasn't feeling well,' and how much lost productivity was there because of my drinking. I sure as hell wasn't focused on work - I was focused on nursing my killer hangover...

                  The crazy thing was - that lifestyle grew to be 'normal' for me... And people wonder why we refer to the 'insanity' of this disease. Just need to remember what is important in life, and put the rest in my HP's hands, right?

                  Have a great Friday everyone...
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily Friday 8/18

                    Greenie, I didn't see the moonrise last night, but this morning when I was walking the dogs I saw the moonset and it was awesome! Looked like this big orange bowling ball just above the horizon.....
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily Friday 8/18

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Nice to see it's August already - time flies :H

                      GM M3, DG, Greenie, Jenny, Uni, Oney & everyone!

                      I'm still on stork watch here
                      Hoping for some baby rumblings today ~ yes Greenie, I've watched the full moon developing all week. Today is also my Mom's birthdate so I'm hoping my granddaughter chooses to arrive today

                      Keeping my quits is a priority to me as well DG - I have to be 100% present to support my kids & grandkids. I have to be 100% present to take the best care of me

                      Have a great AF Friday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Friday 8/18

                        Welcome Oney!! I am soooo thrilled you are joining us for what I hope will be regular postings. I love reading your writings!! Fishies are a new hobby for me. It started 2 summers ago when I got "accidental" fishies from a freecycler that gave me some pond plants. I thought they were tadpoles at first!! :H I felt bad when the cold weather was coming so I managed to score 2 ten gal tanks and a stand with all accessories on Freecycle. I kept 8 of the fishies over the winter and gave 22 away to another freecycler. Last summer i decided to get them a bigger pond so that i could overwinter them outside. I have no idea if they are still alive-guess I'll find out when spring finally gets here. I missed them inside the house so when I saw the offer on FC for a 29 gal tank and all accessories, I jumped on it but didn't "win" it. She kept my email tho and the original winner was a no show so i got the set up. It's taking me a few weeks to get everything ready and yesterday was the big day to go get my new fish. I decided to go tropical this time and they will stay in all year round to entertain me and the kitties. The dogs are only interested in the fish food :H !!

                        DG-that was a powerful post this morning!! Thank you for sharing. I had no idea.

                        AA-your post sent chills up my spine because I can't even count how many Mondays or Thursdays or any day of the week I called in "sick": bad back, cold, stomach virus, flu, pulled muscle-you name it!! And when I did come in I must have looked like hell!! My eyes were always so puffy and my voice so hoarse. I must have called in at least once a week and noone said a word. Yet anyone I've told that I don't drink anymore said they never suspected I had a problem (except my sister). I guess its considered normal to go around looking like you have a alien disease!! I am sooooo happy those days are over!! I've called in sick once in the past 9 months for a bad cold and was so happy I really was sick!!

                        Mom-I'm so jealous of your 70 degree weather! It's supposed to get up to 60 here today so I will have to take the doggies for a walk but it goes back down to 30's tomorrow for the foreseeable future and they are talking 2 inches of snow on Monday. :upset: I know Spring has to get here eventually but it seems so far away!!

                        Uni-by any chance do you suffer from sleep apnea? I almost always got headaches in the morning even if I didn't drink too much the nite before because I'm convinced I had apnea. I would dream I couldn't breath and I would wake myself up and then take a huge breath in. Scary stuff. If that's not it, I sure hope you find out what is causing the pain. :l

                        Jenny-I'm glad you're taking on Fridays and making peace. I think there is a huge expectation that Fridays signal the end of the work week and the start of all dreams and expectations being realized in 2 days. Rubbish!! The weekends are a nice change to be sure but they are just days to fill however we want. Since I have almost always worked on Saturdays until recently, I never had the "whoopee it's Friday!" feeling. It will be interesting to see how that feels but I hold no higher expectation than I do any other nite. Keep close to here OK?

                        Greenie-you might have seen one of the orange ones. I can't see it but I know he was swimming around when I took the pics as he's in some of the other ones. I'm jealous of your weather too!! How nice you have a river walk AND a dog park near you! I hate my city-it is so anti dog!! You can't even walk your dogs in the city parks on leash!! Enjoy your good weather. If you are having great weather then I know my dad is too in SC.

                        Lav-fingers crossed for a stork visit!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily Friday 8/18

                          papmom3;1062326 wrote: Greenie-you might have seen one of the orange ones. I can't see it but I know he was swimming around
                          I think the orange one is in front of the lighthouse. Then there is a blue and red one sort of north west of it? But below the two obvious ones.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily Friday 8/18

                            My goodness. The warm weather has gone to my head since I wrote 8/18 instead of 2/18.

                            P3. I like this idea of Freecycle. I will have to do a search.

                            DG. Yes, our commitment to being AF has to come first. Absolutely. It is not easy to do in the initial stages when your brain, suffering from the effects of its daily dose of alcohol, wants you to keep putting alcohol first. Why else would you quit a 6 figure job so you could still drink, or in my case, be completely disconnected from my children because I was either drinking or thinking about drinking.

                            Oners!! Great to see you here. Keep on posting. We are a fun group and at the same time deadly serious about alcohol consumption. You will fit in perfectly.

                            Jenny, I used to dread Fridays too. Now, it's another day. Sounds like you are on the right track...staying positive and changing your mindset.

                            Can't wait to hear about Lav's baby news.

                            Yoga was super hot today. I don't think I ever sweated so much in my life.

                            Onward with the day.

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF Daily Friday 8/18

                              one2many;1062300 wrote: Hey guys,

                              I read here very day without fail and LOVE the principles and commitment on this thread.
                              So instead of lurking, I am gonna join you if that is ok??
                              Goodie! LOVE to seeing you here oney!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

