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AF Saturday 2/19

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    AF Saturday 2/19

    "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

    Good Morning All,

    This quote caught my eye yesterday. To think that I was close to wasting my life because of alcohol sends shivers down my spine. I started drinking when I was 14 years old and I have spent countless hours, days, weeks, months, years tethered to a bottle. I am so very happy and grateful to be free from the grips of alcohol for almost three years.

    That is all,
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Saturday 2/19

    Good morning M3 & everyone!

    That quote is quite an eye opener M3! To think we wasted so much time...........

    Well winter came back - figures!
    I heard a rumor of possible snow next week - bummer!!!!

    I have lots of little things to do today which is a good thing. I'm starting to obsess (just a little) on my stork watch! I've never been a terribly patient person :H

    Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Saturday
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Saturday 2/19

      Hi M3 and thanks for getting us started today! I LOVE THAT QUOTE!!! I can so relate to your post. I too wasted countless hours, days, weeks, years with AL's ball and chain around my ankle. Life is so BIG to me now, with so many different options. I feel like a kid in a candy store some days.

      It took TIME in recovery to get to thsi place. The early days (months, first year+) of recovery for me were just hanging on with both hands and figuring out how to keep not drinking. But contented sobriety, and the ability to focus on all of life's bounty is OUT THERE FOR THE TAKING if I work for it. I am more than happy to invest some time each day into prayer and meditation, readings, AA meetings and MWO postings in order to have the opportunity to enjoy life's bounty.

      Lots of people here at MWO who are just getting started often can't understand why it's important to maintain CONTINOUS sobriety. Can't understand why drinking days are treated with such seriousness, when another point of view would be "well, I've got more sober days now than I did before." I suppose more sober days than before is progress techinically. But for me, continued drinking days mixed wtih sober days characterized my RELAPSE PERIOD, not my sobriety. That period was filled with fear and frustration. It was NOT filled with enjoyment of life's bounty. Drinking a couple of days and then being AF a few days and then drinking again kept me STUCK it did not move me forward in my life. To me, that is the BIG reason I cherish continuous sobriety. It's the only way I can truly get the most out of my life.

      OK - I forgot to give a sandwich warning! :H:H

      Where is knicker ripper?

      One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Saturday 2/19

        X-Post Hi Lav!!! I was wondering about the stork watch and now I know. I was also wondering if there are any recent chicky pics. I want a blue egg omlette. I bet they taste WAY better than brown egg omlettes.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Saturday 2/19

          Hi Afferooneys!

          Isn't it GREAT to be sober, clearheaded and full of life on a Sat morning??? I swear, I NEVER get tired of opening my little beady eye and not have a banging drum in my head, that horrible fright feeling you get when you realise how last night went and a mouth like Ghandi's flip flop.

          I could never go back there...ever ever. I love my life now and I am beginning to love myself.

          GREAT quote Mom...funny, I never made any plans or had any ambition when I was drinking, I kinda just drifted aimlessly and took whatever life gave me instead of making life work for me...
          I have lots of little lists now of things I want to do and explore, it is a long list and will take me many years to complete but I will enjoy and savour every moment of the journey.

          DG, Continuous sobriety is paramount. I agree that getting some AF time and then drinking again and getting a few more AF days and then deciding to drink again (I refuse to say slip) just keeps you under The Beasts thumb....kinda like a cat with a mouse..letting the mouse escape momentarily only to pounce on it when it runs a bit too far away..

          Lav...I really hope the stock brings a bundle today! Tis awful waiting!! Maybe your daughter will hang on till the 27th and have a Oney Birthday Baby (God forbid lol)

          Have a fantastic sober Sat guys!!
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            AF Saturday 2/19

            one2many;1062711 wrote: and a mouth like Ghandi's flip flop.

            Yes indeed. Am VERY grateful not to have THAT mouth any more!!!!


            I love your post!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Saturday 2/19

              Morning guys!

              I agree wholeheartedly - I hated waking up feeling crappy and hungover every morning. it's nice to have a clear head in the mornings. Funny, I was grocery shopping the other day and was thinking of how different it was because I actually was paying attention to the fact that I could smell the veggies and fruit and that my head was clear - wierd the things we start to appreciate once we are freed of our addiction.

              Not sure what is on the table for today. I know I will go work out but other than that I don't really have any grand plans. Which is kind of nice for a change!

              I hope everyone has a great AF Saturday!

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF Saturday 2/19

                Good Morning. . .Guess what. . .I'm here I'm sober. . .I don't have Ghandi flip flop mouth. . . .and I'm happy! The sleep fairy left my house this morning at 6 am on Saturday. . .come on! But it's cool cause I'm great. I don't need extra sleep this morning because I got a great AF nights sleep last night! Today I am going to see my friend in jail (went last night also, I think she is my sobriety plan, when I need something to do I go see her because she always need something to do LOL) then to the gym (I have to ware a sweatshirt over my gym clothes because you can't ware tank tops to see inmates, odd) then home to shower and go to my mothers with my sis and my kids for a wonderful lunch and stories of their cruse. How fun! Last Saturday I couldn't have done any of that! Hello life!

                Everyone here looks good. Headache gone today UNI? Can't wait for pics of the baby Lav, do they have a name picked? DG, Oney,Mom good to see you.

                Have a great AF Saturday

                One things for sure. . .
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Saturday 2/19

                  Good avo all,

                  Mom - thanks for getting us started today! I recently started hot yoga and really enjoyed it. I wouldn't even have thought about it if you hadn't talked about it so a big thanks from me!

                  Lav - I hope u get some stork news today! Being born on the 19th runs in your family? Fingers crossed the tradition continues.

                  Dg - I have missed this sandwich warning will have to fill me in.

                  Big hiya to oney. Looking forward to hearing all about your bday celebrations next week.

                  Lots of good points in relation to the quote and how it relates to our sobriety. An awesome way to start the day. I am going to look at it from a slightly diff angle. To make the decision to change your life takes enormous courageous and strength and we should be thankful that we found that courage to finally say no more. We can only be grateful we all found that strength. I think for a lot of people and we can probably count ourselves among tem, it takes several tries at It before we get It. Continuous sobriety is my aim and I admire all who can maintain that lifestyle. Equally, I admire those who keep trying to get there. It's a battle. Thankfully, they have all you amazing people to look up to. Pretty dn special.

                  Unrelated...I bought a new hat and a bunch of seventies chic clothes! AWESOME! off for dinner and the cinema tonight.

                  Here's to you! Have a great day!

                  'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                  "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                  AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                  "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                    AF Saturday 2/19

                    Cassia- when a poster is about to spill, or write a long post or "story" or get on their "soap box" if you will they will warn you to get a sandwich or a snack to tide you over cause it's gonna be a long one! LOL
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      AF Saturday 2/19

                      Ahhh...very clever! I like that!

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        AF Saturday 2/19

                        Morning Abbers! Happy Saturday!

                        Everyone sounds so wonderfully chipper and sober this morning. My last 60 min hot yoga class morphed into the 80 min class because the instructor got confused. I wasnt sure I was going to make it through that extra 20 mins, but i did and felt really proud of myself for it.

                        Long weekend for me as work is closed on Monday. Looking forward to cleaning the house, shopping and preparing healthy food and getting in some exercise each day.

                        I AM 40 DAYS AF TODAY! and i am going to celebrate tonight with an AA meeting. It's time for me to start getting some 3-D support.

                        Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
                        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                          AF Saturday 2/19

                          Congrats on your 40 days mstall....enjoy your celebrations! X
                          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                            AF Saturday 2/19

                            Morning fabs!

                            Awesome quote M3! I note that I am able to appreciate what I have at the moment because of the contrast of the past.... all unfolding as it should with no need for angst.

                            Back from yoga and grocery.... now to see if I can get some leaves off the roof and then at 1:00 EST catch a telecast by Jo Dunning, a speaker I like.

                            Experience the powerful energy of The Quick Pulse Technique and get answers to your questions about The Quick Pulse Training. I don't have a link, but you can probably get the internet link on her website. Phone is 805-367-3433 PIN is 722334#
                            During this teleconference workshop, we will use The Quick Pulse Technique to address 3 or 4 areas of your life that you would like to have different. Questions about The Training will be addressed after the energy work portion of the call.

                            Mstall, ROCK ON with your 40 days!!!! Can't wait to hear your feelings about 3D support!

                            Have a fab AF day!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Saturday 2/19

                              Hey MStall-congratulations on 40 days AF :wd:! I think an AA meeting is great way to celebrate. I did that on my 60th day and it was very special to me.

                              M3, DG and Oney-awesome posts and quotes! Love the comparison to the cat with a mouse!!

                              Jenny-you go girl-you CAN do this!!

                              Cassia-do we get pics of the new threads?

                              WW today was a huge success! After struggling for 8 weeks, I finally had a big loss-4.6 lbs!!! Not only did I get rid of those ugly 3 lbs I gained the past 2 weeks (before last week) but I'm also below my starting weight! I feel good and inspired to keep going.

                              Dinner last nite was OK but not as tasty as I expected. I only used 4 chops instead of the 8 called for so I also decreased all the other ingredients by half and now I wonder if I should have done that. It just didn't have that peanutty taste I was hoping for. But, it's good and I have 3 more servings. Tonite I'm making a ground turkey and veggie bake (WW recipe) and that should give me 8 servings easily. I should be set for dinner all next week!

                              Today is DIY at my house. I'm going to attempt to switch out my non functioning ceiling fan for an overhead light. Fingers crossed I don't electrocute myself!! It's tough doing this by myself as I have to keep running to the basement to turn off circut breakers one by one until I find the right one. Don't worry-I have a simple voltage tester to help me make sure the current is off. I might just shut down the whole house just to make sure!! Also will hang at least one blind today.

                              We are definitely back to winter today Lav!! Last nite after a gorgeous day of 60 degrees and sunshine, we had rain, hail and thunder and lightening!! 2 jets landing at Logan got hit by lightening-scary!! Today is very cold with 50+ mph winds and there was a brief snow squall on the way home from checking my dad's condo. This sucks quite frankly!!

                              Ok off to tackle my jobs!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

