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AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

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    AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

    Cassia, my usual smoothie is 1/2 banana, frozen berries (mostly blueberries), freshly ground flax seeds, and either rice milk or almond milk. And the All One and a calcium complex powder made by the all one people. (nutritech?) I've decided that I'm switching to organic berries after my current supply is gone. I've known the dirty dozen list for some time, but I'm going to shift some things in terms of my pesticide intake. Here's why.

    Dr. Andrew Weil on EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

    Hi Uni & LVT!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

      Happy Sunday ABerooooos!

      Make a panini hahahahaha, love it.

      incidentally shooting is MUCH healthier than going to the pub. and being a non-drinker I can afford to shoot more often. a great fun, and strictly AF activity.

      One2, I love the spirited conviction in your tone today regarding being AF.

      LVT good to see you again

      I think I could go for a labor cookie. hmmmmm

      snow day here, good snuggling weather I say.

      be well everyone
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

        Hey Greenie-doesn't the All One have a full day dose of Calcium in it already? Is the Calcium complex you got in powder form and does it come in citrate instead of carbonate? This inquiring mind wants to know as I miss my All One.

        Oney-deadly post! Loved it!! Also loved the skip-we call them dumpsters over here and I would LOVE to order one big one and rid my whole house of EVERYTHING!! Clean slate (dogs, kitties and fish can stay!!). Course that won't happen for a while but if I ever get to the point of finding my dream property it darn well will!!

        Lav-I hope you are feeling better now that the full moon has past. :l

        Uni-zoom zoom!! Glad you liked your meeting this morning!

        Cassia-good luck on the global recruiting avenue. Fingers crossed!

        Mstall-your snowstorm becomes mine tomorrow but hopefully will be nice and weak by the time it gets here!!

        2 questions:

        1.Why are there stores anymore? It seems that the more I actually take the time to go physically out shopping, the less I find what I'm looking for and the more I end up ordering it on line. Food markets are excluded from this question.... for now. I get so frustrated because really, I do need to get out once in a while!!

        2. At the dock diving thing last weekend I filled out an entry form for some grand prize that Dick's Sporting Goods was giving away. I got a phone call on Friday saying I had a won 4 airline tickets to 29 different places, $200 in cash but no hotel (discounted rooms tho). This apparently wasn't the grand prize. She read from my entry form so I know this wasn't some scam out of the blue call. The only catch is that I have to go down to the Cape (about 1.5 hours away) and claim my prize at a big resort down there. No requirement that I sit in on a presentation or anything like that. The resort is sponsoring this "give away". I have her number and extension. What do you all think? I guess what i really need to do is go down there and find out the deal. It could be worse-they could have said I had to go to NYC or somewhere to pick it up. I'm really hoping Ireland is on the list (she did say there were some international cities). Maybe this really isn't a question but it was fun to share and if it turns out to be legit, well, whoopie!!!!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

          congrats Papmom!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

            Fabbies! :yougo:

            Great to see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed today! Cassia, thanks for getting us started. I haven't had any really weird dreams (that I remember) in a while. I'm waiting to have one about Johnny Depp. I had some real doozies in my first 100 days of smoke free especially! The only thing I can say about your friend and the pub discussion is just that non-alcoholics, especially those who have had no reason to study up on addiction (i.e. to support a family member or something) just cannot relate. They have a hard time grasping that this problem isnt' just one of making a different choice that is SIMPLE. They tend to have no concept of what the gripping compulsion to drink (or use drugs) is like. The Mission where I volunteer has big donor people who have donated BIG $$$$$ to the mission (with a very large recovery component) for years who have NO IDEA what addiction is really like and what recovery is really like. Anyway...that's my ramble on that topic! I hope the new recruitment direction works out for you!

            Oops - Panini warning! (did I spell that right?)

            Oney, love that your are here with us and LOVE that reading you posted about letting go! :h I have to work HARD at remembering I cannot control anybody but me. And that efforts to control other stuff can actually be detremental (sp) to others! Great great topic for me to hear today. I can also relate to you speaking up and sending back your dessert. That is a "courage to change the things I can" issue that I sometimes struggle with too. Accepting the wrong things, not doing what I should, and then feeling upset about the whole mess (which is only a mess because of my own lack of action!). Have fun filling that dumpster!

            Jenny, YOU GO GIRL getting ready for tomorrow's double digit day. I remember how excited I was about double digits! It seemed to take forever to arrive too! I still get excited about those kinds of milestones. Can't wait for your party tomorrow!

            Lav - I too would like to know what's in labor cookies! I hope they work! (((((Lav))))) about YB. What an idiot he is. I wonder if he will come to his senses some day? I wish you peace of mind my friend.

            Greenie, I'm loving my All One again too. Those aminos are great stuff. I started really sticking to the "Dirty Dozen" guidelines a long time ago. Rarely do I cross that line. More recently, I've started sucking it up and buying more stuff organic. I figure the only way the grocers can carry organic stuff is if people buy it. So I decided I better support the cause wherever possible. I'm looking forward to summer and my OWN produce.

            Mstall, I'm with you and Greenie being a morning person! I'm useless late at night. Mr. Doggy is the opposite. He's useless before noon pretty much. Does his best work around midnight!

            LVT - yikes what a dream! I'm glad I'm not surrounded by drinking on a frequent basis like you are. ((((LVT)))) I don't know how you do it! How is your sister doing? (I'm hit and miss keeping caught up with things here!)

            Uni - There is something really special about a GREAT meeting, eh? I like starting the day that way too.

            Det - you and Dx behave yourelves on this snow day OK?

            P3, CONGRATS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS in addition to your travel prize!!!!!! I was so excited when I read that yesterday, then I never managed to get back here and actually post. I know how frustrating the weight struggle can be and I'm just thrilled for you!!!!! Now. If you are looking for a traveling companion.......

            I was up early today doing laundry, making chilli, going a LONG way to Trader Joes to stock up on stuff I can't get locally, and other errands. Whew. I'm going to goof off this afternoon!

            I've been scoring some new clothes and shoes during the bonanza early spring sales. Check these out!! Product: Nine West Vintage America Collection® "Jolyn" Platform Wedge And with the platform they are SUPER comfortable! I need a support group to stop shopping.

            I can sure relate to the up thread comments about mind games and drinking. I get exhausted just thinking about all the mental gymnastics. I am SO GRATEFUL not to be wasting my time on that crap any more. WHEW. One thing is for sure...

            DG who is surely over her smilie limit and will go through the frustrated process of deleting most of them!
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

              food and alcohol

              Hey all.

              Day 1 here - focusing on looking after myself physically and emotionally at the moment.
              I plan to eat more fruit and fresh veg than I have been doing of late.

              I have been practicing intuitive eating where no food is banned and you aim to tune into when you eat for emotional reasons and also eat what you want, stop when full - eat when hungry. You will then change relationship with food and lose weight but without obessive recurrent diet/relapse cycle.It makes real sese to me - similar to Paul McKenna approach but much more focused on exploring the 'why' behind eating when not hungry.

              Not so good at stopping when full yet/not eating my feelings so am heaviest have ever been - i feel bloated and heavy - tho haven't put more on since christmas - just stabilised. Think it is working as I now crave fish, chicken,veg and fruit - i will still eat chocolate and crisps when i want, but now i know i can have them when i want they have lost their allure/glamour - don't feel the need to eat them all the time. The first few weeks I was eating hot chocolate pudding for dinner with cream couple of nights a week!

              I think some of the emotional eating really links to emotional drinking (to give confidence/escape from anxiety/anger etc). I think it also related to why I smoked.
              I've ordered online course on overcoming overeating - it's 12 weeks.

              Will be interesting to see if it helps me deal with emotions better/just be with them and therefore not feel so much of an urge to drink.

              Do any of you also eat to deal with feelings/relate to this?
              one day at a time


                AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                P3 it's calcium citrate and magnesium (I use a half scoop). Calcium carbonate is in the All One and I know you don't like that.

                I'd for sure drive 1.5 hours to pick up that prize!! FOUR tickets!!! WOW!!

                bear good to see you and hate it that you are on day 1 again - BUT good to see you still working on tackling those issues. Offhand I feel skeptical about just changing your relationship with food. There is a chemical reaction component that I think has to be taken into consideration as well. Do you keep "that" stuff in the house? If I had ice cream (and cheetos I have now discovered) in my house and felt I could eat it whenever I wanted,,, well I would want it until it was gone. I don't NOT want it unless I have it out of my system (therefore my house) for a while, then I'm OK. I guess I'm a crap addict. :H:H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                  Just spent the last 3 hours on Odesk taking some tests and lookingfor jobs. A little disconcerting and frustrating to say the least. I'm staying in the data entry category for now and I'm shocked at the wages some of these "employers" are offering: "....don't apply if bid below .85$(do they REALLY mean 85cents?!); "hourly rate no higher than $2-4/hr"; "lowest bid will get job"; "hourly rate $1.00/hr......". Then there is the fixed rate scenario: "..budget $10..." no matter how long it takes you to do the job and Odesk really warns you against accepting fixed rate jobs as there is no guarantee you will get paid and they only arbitrate hourly wage complaints. Whew!! My head is spinning!! A lot of the data entry things look like web versions of telemarketing-they want you to post on forums using their templates and scripts-isn't that trolling? Or they want you to get info off of websites and then send emails to people. Isn't that spamming? A lot of the employers posting are brand new and have no feedback rating which i can't really complain about because neither do I but there is NO info about them so you can't even get to a website to see if they are legit! Getting this business off the ground is going to be harder than I thought!! and I knew it was going to be HARD!!

                  So that has been my afternoon and I have run out of steam. I'm going to put together a dinner and then call it a nite. I think tomorrow I'm going to just do some laundry, dishes and relax as much as possible-something I haven't done my whole vacation!!

                  Thanks DG-well, I DO have 4 tickies (if it's legit!!)....... My dog friend has relatives that go over to Ireland (county Mayo) at least once a year as the BIL is from there and she's been bugging me for 2 years to join them. Unfortunately I guess geographically speaking it's pretty far away from the Dublin MWO crowd who I would dearly love to meet. But, putting the cart before the horse right now and just dreaming. I'll keep you all posted. at the very least my friend and I will go down to the Cape next weekend to check it out.

                  LVT-good to see you posting again. How is your sis?

                  Deter-hope you're enjoying your snuggles!!

                  Bear-I'm with Greenie on the junk in the house. It just finds it way to my trunk :H. Like AL, it can't be here.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                    greeneyes;1063385 wrote: I guess I'm a crap addict. :H:H
                    Hi I'm DG and I'm a crap addict. Good to know I am among people who understand me.

                    Welcome back Bear. I know for me the struggles with food and AL are all connected. I'm still trying to get it all sorted. There is so much out there to read and so much out there that might possibly help one and not another. I have no idea if this would be helpful for you, but before Christmas I read The Diet Cure (again) by Julia Ross. It just drove home that for me, the AL problems and food craving problems are tightly connected. I've been on the supplementation program that seemed to fit "me" from that book since early December. I fell it's made a world of difference.

                    My issue with food addiction (and yes, I believe for me it's the same brain chemistry that causes me issues with AL) reared it's ugly head when I let sugar back onto my plate and into my mouth last summer. I not only made myself crazy with those cravings, but I gained about 17 pounds. I'm back to having sugar out of my picture, and I've gotten rid of 14 of the pounds. I should be back to goal in a couple more weeks.

                    I have no idea if my problem is the same as your problem, or if my solution is the same as yours. Just putting it out there.

                    One thing I know for sure. If you have even a little bit of an issue with AL, it can't be helping with the other stuff. So good for you getting back on the wagon.

                    Welcome back!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                      Ditto that for me as well Greeneyes and Papmom. I refuse to bring home junkfood now because I'm just setting myself up for disaster. same reasons I won't buy AL. crap is crap and there's too much good stuff to enjoy
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                        Hi P3! X-post. You will have a fun trip to the Cape regardless, and maybe the bonus of some free tickets! A trip to Ireland would be most awesome and I will be happy to be your date.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                          Hello All.

                          Just winding up a great AF weekend. I've been busy and productive and didn't get much chance to post here -- but I'm not drinking so that's okay.

                          Hope you all had a great Day and are looking forward to a fantastic Monday. (Or Presidents day Holiday in the US!)

                          Signing off...for some ice cream. I try to keep the low cal/low fat stuff in the house only but right now I'm okay if it's my only vice.


                            AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                            LABOR COOKIES!!

                            2 1/2 c. flour
                            1 1/2 t. baking soda
                            3/4 t. cinnamon
                            1 t. ground ginger
                            1/2 t. ground cloves
                            1/2 t. salt
                            1/2 t. cayenne pepper
                            8 T. butter
                            1/2 c. sugar
                            1 c. brown sugar
                            1/3 c. molasses
                            1/4 c. egg whites

                            Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, baking soda and
                            spices and set aside. Cream the butter and sugars together. Add the
                            molasses to the creamed butter, then add the egg whites until
                            combined. Add the dry ingredients slowly. Once incorporated, roll
                            dough into 1 inch balls and place onto baking tray. Bake 8-10 minutes.
                            Once cool eat as many as you can possibly stomach, lay down for a nap
                            and wait for labor to begin!

                            Well - what a day!
                            My poor girl spent 12 hrs having regular contractions(4 min. apart at one point), went to the hospital as directed & the contractions stopped!!! She was disappointed but she's OK & sent home. I fed her a nice dinner, she relaxed and chatted with the group & I've sent her home with a big bag of cookies, a hug & a kiss & a big dose of Lavan-ittude :H:H

                            I'm glad my funk of last week is over. I need to be fully present for her & not mired down in my own BS. Cassia, YB is a dipshit, no kidding :H
                            I truly do just want to let things go but am finding it very difficult to just let go of 40 years of history, our plans for the future, etc. But I will keep working on it to preserve my own sanity & for my kids & grankids.

                            Granny Lav is tired & expects to sleep well tonight. Hope all of you do as well!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily ~ 20th Feb 2011

                              Lavande;1063473 wrote: I'm glad my funk of last week is over.
                              AS I was reading the first part of your post, I thought to myself..." Good. She's feeling better." :l That makes me happy.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

