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Focused February - Week 4

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    Focused February - Week 4

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on our last week. Where have the weeks gone to? Any ideas for our March name - March Marchers, Mad Hatters......

    We have our mid term break so I got to lie in this morning. It was lovely.

    Welcome back Cyn, John, Dewdrop. Good to hear from you all.

    Will catch up later. Am checking regularly to see if Lav has posted.


    Focused February - Week 4

    Hey all! What about marvellous marchers?

    It's snowing here...can't believe it!!!

    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      Focused February - Week 4

      Good morning, it's Monday and it is icy here or soon will be. Yay, the last full week of February, my least favorite month of the year. I will be AF, work hard, laugh often, eat healthy and try to exercise more. The place I exercise had a marathon, and I overdid it at my age. I am sore. But it was fun and a way to get through the crummy weather Sunday.

      March names, hmmmmm. My brain is not functioning this early. Good thing we have time to think about it.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Focused February - Week 4

        Good Morning Friends:

        More yucky weather out there this morning and another round coming in later tonight - come on, February, let's come to a close soon. Amen.

        Actually slept a little later this morning and it feels good. I pushed myself at the gym yesterday (did 6.7 miles of interval running) and I guess I needed a little more rest. I think I'll be moving slowly most of today

        Hope everyone has a good week. My work week doesn't look too bad as long as any unexpected dramas don't crop up. I always say, my day is only a phone call or email away from being ruined!

        Take care, folks, and have a great day!
        AF since 7/13/2010


          Focused February - Week 4

          Good morning all,

          Okay if I hop over from the newbie nest? Feeling very strong and confident (seems like 3rd time has been a charm for me). Trying to get thru a complete month does not seem as overwhelming as it did back in January!

          Marvelous marchers sounds great! Like star, it's a little early for me to have any creative juices flowing yet. Cassia - snow? Star - ice? After the beautiful day we had here on Friday (70 degrees) it seems unbelieveable that they are calling for snow where I am overnight (less than 1 inch but still - REALLY?)

          Where's spring?

          I am so looking forward to an AF March (long month - but we can do it!)

          Hope everyone has a great Monday!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Focused February - Week 4

            March Movers?
            That's all I can come up with this early in the morning!!

            Welcome Jolie! This is a great group of people who really put being AF as a priority. However, no judgements and lots of support as it ain't easy!! but the energy on this thread is awesome and is one of my tools for remaining AF for as long as I have. It's like a great big pair of warm arms encircling you in a hug!!

            Yawn! Need to get some tea in me and some wake up and go food. Woke up to about 2 inches of the dreaded white stuff but should be over by noon with no more accumulation. Watch out Lav and Paguy tho!! You're in the bullseye area!!

            I'll be back!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Focused February - Week 4

              Good morning Oh So Focused Ones!
              There will be no screwing up for us as we see the end of this depressing month to come an end

              The storm seems to have missed me here so far, not sure why but it's perfectly OK with me :H

              Haven't heard frommy daughter yet today, she's probably tired after yesterday's excitement. I think I am too

              Hope everyone has a great AF Monday. Please lets think 'Stork' collectively.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Focused February - Week 4

                My word another week has started and it?s the last week in the month ? amazing! It just seems like yesterday we were all celebrating Xmas and now we are nearly into March. I have a river of snowdrops running through a long border in the garden and some crocuses peeking through and it looks so promising ? spring is just around the corner. I bought a couple of pots of spring flowers for the kitchen window and they look lovely when I am washing up (no dishwasher, that?s me!). I?m on a strict budget for the next few months but I splurged on the pots as they really life my spirits Rumours are rife that our company will be facing big redundancies at the end of the year so I feel I need to save every penny just incase.

                Papmom where do you get all your energy from, you really are an inspiration and such a breath of fresh air through this thread. Star you do seem to be in a very good place at the moment regarding attitude and conviction I so admire you. Lav we are all waiting with bated breath on this wonderful new arrival, has any baby been so long awaited?? Collective Stork thinking coming your way. As for YB - box all of his stuff up and get it out of your house, put it in the garage/shed/outhouses/chicken coup/yard and get on with your life free from any link to the past.

                Hi to Rustop, Cassia, Star, Paguy and everyone else and :welcome: Jolie you have joined a very special group of people. Has anyone heard from Sped, she is in my thoughts?

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Focused February - Week 4

                  OOO - know what you could do with his stuff - have a nice bonfire. It's cold out and what better way to heat you up then with a nice big roaring fire!!! Still on stork watch here in Scotland!!

                  'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                  "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                  AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                  "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                    Focused February - Week 4

                    Stork prayers coming fast and furious from New England Lav!!

                    this is for you:

          [/video]]YouTube - Shawn Colvin - Get Out Of This House

                    Thanks Dew-that is such a nice thing to say!! Definitely being AF helps :H
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Focused February - Week 4

                      Hi guys
                      A late check in from me, it was a long but lovely day!

                      I got the train up to Glasgow and went through a snowy blizzard, it was the 1st time i'd seen snow for a few years so i enjoyed its brief appearance. It was also the 1st time in about 4 years i'd been back in my home town and i rather liked it. Even although lots has changed in 9 years... It still feels like home and i had many moments of nostalgia.

                      I went to my friends apartment for lunch, she has a loft overlooking the whole city, a fab place with wooden floors and floor to ceiling glass! She is my friend who lives most of the time in Libya where her husband has an oil business and she was due to be flying back out there tonight. In view of the troubles she is staying on here till things settle down but she is very anxious to get back to her husband. She is still trying to get me to consider moving out there but who knows how quickly the situation may escalate and make this impossible.

                      Lav - back in Portugal i see dozens of storks daily and typically just when you need one they are nowhere to be seen!

                      :welcome: Jolie
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Focused February - Week 4

                        Hey folks,

                        March is a better month for me too...the days are getting longer and there's the promise of spring around the corner.

                        I love marvellous march. x
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Focused February - Week 4

                          Good morning Focused Group!

                          I'm up early today because I'm traveling for work and I can never get a good nights sleep in a Hotel. Why does it seem that people start moving luggage and banging open and closed doors starting at the wee hours??

                          Anyway, one more night and I'm home sweet home. No thoughts of Al -- happy to be with a group of non drinkers on this trip!

                          Chill, I would love to see some snow -- I know it gets old for people who live in it but when it's a novelty its great! Sounds like spring is in the air for many. Lav, waiting to hear updates on the Stork alert!

                          Have a great day everyone!


                            Focused February - Week 4

                            Good morning, lots of snow here, about 10 inches. Unbelievable. I am going to be really good to myself today, wear something pretty, and drink alot of flavored green tea. That is how I am going to get through this day. Plus, it is still snowing.

                            Chill, interesting that Glasgow is having wintry weather too. I heard on the radio that Libya is in turmoil as are some of that regions areas. Probably a good idea to stay in Europe. Sounds like you are having fun.

                            Lav, any news for us on baby watch? What did those labor cookies taste like? If I made them I would have had to have at least one.

                            Today is a good day for me to pull out my gratitude list, dark, snowy and gloomy as it is. I am grateful for God, family, pets, health, work, home, car, food and being AF. I slept really well, one good thing about winter is it is so cozy under the covers, good weather to hibernate.

                            I like marvelous March, rebirth. How is the jewelry business going?

                            To all, have a great, AF day.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Focused February - Week 4

                              inkele:CONGRATULATIONS ON 62 DAYS AF, CASSIA!inkele: You are such a bright, cheerful addition to this thread and it sounds like AF-ness is agreeing with you. Good job!

                              :welcome: Jolie! It's great to have you here with us! I enjoy reading your posts on the other threads.

                              Rebirth-I have yet to use my Billy Banks DVD. I am bad, I know it.

                              Chill-sounds like you're having fun in Glasgow. Good for you! I agree with Star....I don't know that Libya is the best place to me right now.

                              Does anyone like Magnificent March?

                              Dill-I'm worried about you.....hope you're ok!

                              Off to the gym. Have a wonderful AF Tuesday!

