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AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

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    AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

    Good morning everyone!

    I thought I'd get started since I'm in a Hotel and I can't sleep!! !!

    Happy to be AF and Hangover free, though. So, I can deal with a little discomfort for a few days. I have to remind myself that in this economy I'm greatful to be employed! And, I get to look forward to a 3-day weekend with my DH this weekend. Yeah!

    Have a wonderful day all.

    AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

    Good Morning ML

    Where are you at? Is the weather nice there?

    I hope you can sleep soon. Will you be home Thursday or before then?

    I'm quite happy to be AF and hangover free myself! I get a night alone tonight, that used to spell trouble but I feel happy about it right now. I get to watch my shows on the big TV! Downside is I have to clean the livingroom 1st because it's a mess!

    Have a great AF day all!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

      Mornin Jenny and Mylife!

      Having to deal with snow here today - yuk. Spring can't come soon enough. Know what you mean about alone time spelling trouble. Hey Jenny, even though you have to do a little cleaning first, won't it be great to be able to watch what you want on the "big TV" and better yet, remember what you watched tomorrow morning??

      Mylife - I feel your pain - I'm having sleep issues in my own bed so I can imagine what it's like trying to sleep in a hotel room - I never ever get a good nights sleep away from home.

      Really, really starting to enjoy this sober life - every day is a blessing now without that awful guilt and self-loathing. Hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22


        Hey ho mylife, jen, jolie & all to come.


        Cassia, CONGRATULATIONS ON 60 DAYS!!

        4 days to sort out this payroll tax mess. Feck. At least I'm clear headed. Stupefied, but clear headed. Caffeine doesn't work on stupefication.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

          Morning Mylife, Jenny, Jolie and Greenie and all to come!

          Back to work today. At least it's just a 4 day work week. Mylife - where are you? I hope at least somewhere warm.

          CONGRATS Jen on 10 DAYS!! Woo Hoo! Enjoy your alone time tonight.

          Jolie - I hear you on the snow, we got 18 inches over the weekend, hope yours is at least a bit less.

          Sending brain vibes to Greenie for your tax mess.

          Have a wonderful sober Tuesday everyone!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

            Morning everyone! I love hearing everyone so happy and healthy and hangover free.

            Slept great last night and headache is finally gone now! Woo hoo! I think that was part of the problem, I hadn't slept well all weekend.

            I too, love the AF life - hangover free, smoke free, healthy - it feels awesome. The clear head is a definite plus!

            I'm zooming today so I will check in later! Love and hugs everyone - hug your inner child today and be happy!

            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

              Uni, glad to hear that the pesky headache is gone and that you are feeling good! Isn't it a great feeling to wake up in the morning and 'feel' normal?? Kind of ties in with Greenie's tax fun - instead of drowning the mess in a bottle and having to wake up to the realization each morning that it is still there, she is tackling it head on (even if she is underestimating the power of coffee). Sobriety is a beautiful thing!

              Okay, time for today's quote - rings true for me!

              Worry is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere. --Dorothy Galyean

              Fairly 'normal' morning feel today. Start my Master's swim class today to start getting back into shape for multisport season - and boy do I have a lot of work to do! Went to the pool yesterday and could barely complete 50 yards without stopping! Guess that's what I get for focusing on strength over the winter and not cardio!!

              Have a great Tuesday everyone!
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                Good Morning All

                CONGRATS to Cassia on 62 days and to Jenny on 11 days. Woo Hoo!:goodjob:

                Kids have delayed opening today because of freezing rain last night.

                Lav, I hope that baby comes soon. Maybe he/she is waiting for warmer weather.

                Uni, Happy to hear that the headache is gone. Do you get them often?

                AA. Master swim class. I'm impressed. I've often thought of training for a triathalon but the swimming part always holds me back. I'm not afraid of the water and I can swim but don't have much endurance as a swimmer.

                I bow to Queen Green!

                That is all.

                Hello to Mylife, Det, DG, Gaia, Mstall, Lav and all others rockin the AF life.

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                  Zoom zoom...

                  :yougo: Cassia on 62 days!!!!

                  :yougo: to EVERYONE for another sober day!!!

                  LOVE LOVE LOVE waking up hangover free, guilt free, remorse free.

                  Greenie, try some flavored coffee. That should do it. (actually, big :l because figuring out taxes is :nutso

                  AA - LOVE that quote!!!! I was actually thinking about the topic of "worry" just this morning. Mr. Doggy's quote is "Worry is what we do to make ourselves think we are actually doing something about a problem, when we are not." I like the rocking chair quote better!

                  Have a FABBIE day one and all! One thing is for sure...

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                    Hello Guys,

                    It makes me so happy to see all the positive and upbeat posts! Being AF is the best.

                    I'm in Atlanta so at least it's pretty warm. I'll leave it at that! Jenn, glad you get to use the big TV tonight! Jolie, I have to agree, the sober life is wonderful. Green, good luck with the tax mess. Yuck.!! Mstall, Uni, AA so nice to hear from you and all to come!

                    Have a wonderful day all!


                      AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                      Hey Affabbers!!

                      What a deadly day to be sober, I agree with all sentiments above.We are all rocking it here, Well Done on the milestones guys....Great to see the AF time racking up, gives an amazing sense of achievement and the realisation that yes indeed, you can live your life with out alcohol! Whoohooo git out of those shackles and dance the funky monkey!

                      Love the quote AA, I can rock for Ireland, I worry about silly things mostly like the neighbour across the road did not wave quite
                      as cheerfully as she usually does.....OMG, I must have done something to upset her......

                      GET A LIFE ONEY !!!!!!!

                      Have a Fabby, Shameless, Glorious, Wonderful, Energetic, Productive, Guilt-free, Positive, AF day!!!!!!
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                        Good morning Abbers!

                        Someone left 6" of snow outside last night! Now I get to move it

                        Many cups of strong french roast coffee gets my brain out of idle each morning Greenie :H

                        No word from my daughter yet today so I assume she's still sitting at home. She was told by her Doc yesterday that if she goes until March 1, then he will induce her. That seems like a very long time for her since she is sure that the due date of Feb 15 was right on.

                        Well, I need to go shovel a path to the chicken house to feed & water them.
                        Will be back later
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                          Oney baby...Oney baby...Feb 27th!!
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                            Hello friends,

                            Congrats on the milestones Jenny and Cassia, and everyone else!! This is the place to be if you love your AF life better than your previous life under the influence!!:h

                            My prayers go out to the folks in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the wake of a terrible earthquake! You see, my hubby turns on the news as soon as he wakes up, and even though he has left for work (thank goodness) it is still on. Even though it is on, I don't pay much attention and can't retain what I hear, so I don't tend to worry about it as much as perhaps I should. My DH on the other hand, loses sleep and has IMO experienced a personality change due to worrying about life as we know it and the gloom of our future. While I'm glad he is concerned and up on current events, I still think it does no good to worry about things we can't change.

                            So, on that note, thanks for the quote about worry AA and Mr. DG.

                            I had a nice telephone visit with my SIL and did a little venting. This little family of mine really better learn some communication skills, or we are going to have very little quality time together I am afraid. By the time the boys finally got home from school yesterday, and DH came in for supper I was in tears and ready to run away from home.
                            I'm not going to worry about it though, I'm going to pray about it and ask God to give me the courage to work with my husband and sons on this.

                            Oney--I know EXACTLY what you mean about wondering what you might have done to your neighbor. We BOTH need to get a life!!:H

                            Ok, enough about me! Lav, you bring that daughter of yours over here and we will go for a little ride out in the rough pastures and bounce her around a bit. That ought to get things going!! (Be sure to bring some of those cookies)

                            I better get busy, I am VERY behind after being out of commission last week. Have a great AF day all!:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily - Tuesday Feb 22

                              Bonjour tout le monde!

                              Back from France yesterday and we had a really lovely time. A lot of the little towns we visited were deserted, houses shuttered up, restaurants closed because it's not tourist season, so we had a lot of beautiful places to ourselves but often couldn't find anywhere open for lunch!

                              But it was a big wine-making region and ALL the chateaux were open for wine tastings. I haven't been to France since giving up drinking and all my memories of the place are tied in with drinking lots and lots of wine. I did start to feel a bit antsy a couple of times. One morning we passed by yet another wine-tasting place and I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to try some wine (I think I had some weird idea of tasting vicariously) and she looked at me and said "Why would I want to drink wine at 11 o'clock in the morning?" Why indeed?

                              On Saturday morning we wandered around a little street market then went to a cafe for coffee and were surrounded by people drinking a lot early in the day - pastis, creme de menthe, wine - and we talked about the myth that the French don't have a problem with alcohol because everyone thinks they just drink a couple of glasses with a meal. But most of the people we saw in cafes/restaurants were knocking it back all day long.

                              On Sunday we were up early to go to another market (everything stops dead at midday for a long lunch so we had to get there about 10). We went into another cafe for breakfast and they were all drinking away (and smoking even though smoking in cafes was banned years ago!). Quite an eye-opener now I'm a non-drinker - there have been many times before when I was only too happy to join in.

                              Anyway, those were the booze thoughts. Most of the time there were no booze thoughts at all. Do I regret not sampling the wine? Non! Would I have regretted trying it? Oui!

                              Zooming... back later when I've come back down to earth. Have a good day all!
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

