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AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

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    AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

    Morning people,

    Well I haven't got much to say this morning but wanted to start us off. Just been doing some thinking and was wondering when you realised that staying sober was no longer an all consuming thought? Have u even reached this level?

    I guess my time came relatively quickly after my 30 days. I only have fleeting thoughts of it now and don't get real cravings. I am thankful for can be terribly draining to worry about it.

    Thoughts on a postcard...
    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

    AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb


    I'm relatively new to this thread but have been AF for 50 days today. My routine was to drink every day of the week - obviously more on the weekends. At this point I'm finding that I seldom get urges thru the week but still get them on Friday. You know the "it's Friday! the end of the work week - boy would I like to have a glass of wine!" urge.

    Since the urges thru the week have subsided, I am really hoping that the Friday night cravings will subside as well. I agree - it can drain you to constantly worry about drinking. That's why I know modding is definitely not for me. Besides I know I would probably slide ride back where I was if I returned to my old habits. Hope this helps. I'm sure there are many here that are wiser than me and could probably give you some good sound advice as well.

    Hope everyone that drops by has a happy hump day!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

      Good Morning! Cassia and Jolie I only get urges when there are triggers like being alone at home or Friday night or going to the lake or a friends house that I used to drink with but as far as everyday all day trying not to think about drinking does not happen anymore. In the beginning it was an all day everyday thing. I had to try so hard that all I was doing was trying not to drink. It was very tiring but it passed in about 10 days and then all was good. I think I am progressing, I think we all are.

      I went to bed at 8:15 last night so I got almost 8 hours of sleep! I feel great!

      Have a great AF Wednesday all!

      One things for sure!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

        Cassia;1064727 wrote: Morning people,

        Well I haven't got much to say this morning but wanted to start us off. Just been doing some thinking and was wondering when you realised that staying sober was no longer an all consuming thought? Have u even reached this level?

        I guess my time came relatively quickly after my 30 days. I only have fleeting thoughts of it now and don't get real cravings. I am thankful for can be terribly draining to worry about it.

        Thoughts on a postcard...
        Good Morning, Congratulations to all who are racking up the AF days. There does come a point where you will not worry or obsess over being AF. Rather, it becomes a lifestyle, for example, like vegetarianism. You have made a commitment and you are conscious about what you are putting into your body.

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb


          My hubby is driving me crazy! The past 2 days he has been in this goofy little boy mode and I am so not in the mood for his stupid little antics. I am pretty sure I only gave birth to ONE child so WTF am I raising TWO? Okay, I just really needed to get that out because he is driving me seriously friggin batty.

          Other than that, today is going to be a pretty relaxed day - although I desperatly need to work out. This weight gain from my meds is getting severely depressing.

          Okay, I need to go get a coffee and snap out of this pissy mood I'm in! Brutal! But at least I'm sober. Could you imagine feeling this way hungover? That would be even worse! LOL
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

            Good morning Abbers!

            And Happy Hump Day
            This week is going by fast for me as I continue my stork watch! I seriously hope something gets started for my daughter today.......I totally understand how she feels right now!

            Cassia, Jolie & Jenny - I not sure how long it took me, I think about 3 months or so before I relaxed a little & allowed myself to enjoy my AFness. I think you need some time to build some trust in yourself & your new lifelong commitment

            Uni, I could write a book about men turning into whiney little girls - but I won't :H
            I personally believe they suffer hormone changes much as we do & when their testosterone levels drop ~ you notice the differences. If they would just agree to see a doctor - all that could be managed but........

            OK, time to feed & water my huingry hens then get some work done.
            Have a great day everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

              You go Uni - get it out! You're right though, there is nothing in our lives that alcohol can't make worse....

              Thanks for getting us started this morning Cassia, and interesting topic about staying sober being an all-consuming thought. When I was in the early days of sobriety, all I wanted was to be able to forget that my drinking life ever happened, I think in part because it had brought so much pain to me and the people around me.

              In AA we use a phrase that says "We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it..' and to me it rings very true. If I forget/block from my mind how I got here, then I am very likely doomed to drinking again. There will be some obstacle, some challenge, that comes up in life that will be difficult to handle, right? But if I can 'count my blessings' and remember the hard work and perseverance that got me here, I stand a good chance of handling it the right way!

              Great to see everyone this morning, and hope it is a happy Wednesday!

              P.S. I was going to wish Lav a very happy morning, but I won't know cause she thinks men can turn into whiney little girls....

              P.P.S - DG I know you haven't checked in yet today. but I read the meditation for today about 'loving the busy life' and it made me think directly of you!
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb


                Cassia thanks for getting us started. Yes it becomes not all consuming, and it is nice to put in in the background. I for one have the goal of making this just one part of my life, but not the defining part. I like what M3 says about vegetarianism. So true.

                Jolie welcome to the thread and great job on your AF days.

                Jenny I'm envious of your sleep!

                Uni they are all children. We just have to face it. Hopefully sometimes they are cute and cuddly.

                Lav I'll keep my fingers crossed for your daughter today!

                AA I think your phrase is a good reminder. I agree that if we forget we might think it's ok to drink again. We need to have those reminders of how bad it gets. However, to continue feeling the pain of it is not much help either.

                I"m going for another hour workout today - one hour yoga one hour treadmill. After completing work for a client so I better get going!
                AF since May 6, 2010

                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                  AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                  Oh BTW, that low level scream I had on Monday has gone away. Got busy and forgot about it.
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                    A zooming by shout out to all the fabbie abbies!!!!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                      really long day -after much sobbing yesterday/last night i feel better cos i have let some of it out. Long tiring but productive day at work, too late to skate though;((

                      Was gonna gym/steam but then thought I am shattered I need to have a nice bath and an early night.keeping on keeping on - one day as I go.

                      Late evening meeting tomorrow so finishing work early afternoon to get a break and will gym and steam inbetween.Then another big meeting first thing Friday then finish early Fri pm - thank god! Feeling a bit coldlike - runny nose/sore throat.
                      Pleased to be af.

                      My consequences of drinking were bad enough I know that and will only go in one direction (downhill) but there's that little demon in me (that we all have/had) who will pop up and say 'go on,just one, you never drank that much...'etc etc.
                      It's him I need to beat - not today though.
                      one day at a time


                        AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                        when i say not today - i mean i'm not tempted to drink today - sorry my brain has melted.
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                          Afternoon Abbers,

                          Hang tough bear - you can do this! We're here to help you remember that it's not OK to have just one dreink.

                          AA - :bow You will forgive me, I hope. I have a tendency to speak out & group certain individuals into certain groups when I'm feeling pissy :H
                          I would love it if someone capable of dragging the 100 lbs of chicken feed currently sitting in the trunk of my car would stop by to help me get it stored properly in the chicken house

                          No stork noise yet......
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                            Hey all

                            Bear - you are doing really well...we are all here to support you - keep posting!

                            Lav - where is that damn stork - he is really starting to piss me off.

                            Lots of good chat on the thread today - it's nice to know that it does die down at some point and I think it is so true - being af doesn't define us. Sometimes I get trapped in the feeling that it does and I am so much more than a non drinker.

                            love you all.

                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              AF Daily ~ Wednesday 23rd Feb

                              You know what I REALLY liked was when something big would happen. You get hit by a big stressball of a situation/person... and down the road from that you realize "Hey, I didn't even THINK about a drink"! I mean no inkling of it ever entered your brain. Not even "Oh I remember I used to drink over things like this". The knee jerk simply didn't happen. That is awesome!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

