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AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

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    AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

    Hi all,

    I read this in the twitterverse and wanted to share it will you

    "Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, & is never the result of selfishness."

    On this sunny Saturday morning I though we could share stories of achievements in our life. My greatest achievement was getting my accountancy qualification. It took so much hard work and sacrifice and determination. I was living on my own (which I had been since I was 18), working two jobs, and trying to help my dad stay sober. It was not an easy time. But i did it!

    Happy Saturday!!!

    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

    AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

    Morning Cassia & all to come,

    Well, I hate to sound all born-again but giving up drinking has been a huge achievement for me. There have been other achievements in my life obviously but everything was going downhill rapidly until I stopped drinking.

    I'm at work, keeping my nose clean Have a good day all!

    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

      Hey all - mine was persuading a man I used to work with in his sixties who was really ill that he needed to move out of the semi supported housing he was in (surrounded by young people with offending histories and current substance problems and all the chaos that entails)and into his own flat with home care (to help with personal hygiene and meals and cleaning,somethig nthat was very challenging as he was a proud and rather defensive character). The conditions he was living in previously were awful - partly due to his own physical and mental state and the fact it wasn't the right for him. He is dead now but I feel happy knowing that his last few years were more comfortable (and that another younger person could take his place and benefit from it in the previous project).

      Saturday morning - up drinking coffee and feeling a bit sniffly - taken some echinacea so am hoping it won't be around for too long!Lazy day today - food shopping,bit of washing and dvds tonight with OH, may even do a spot of cleaning/tidying.
      I would feel so much worse with booze in me as well.

      Feeling anxious today - thinking about work - BUT trying to think what it was about this week that has made me so anxious.I think feeling criticised by manager/job share - frustration at being unable to progress pieces of work due to others workload/uwillingness(but that being attributed to me/my skills),sheer volume of work, members of team making situations worse and appearing as though they have 'saved the day'.

      Regardless of all of that, reasons why, justifications etc - these are all resentments/wanting to control things I can't aren't they? They have all been living rent free in my head HOW do you stop this? I keep saying to myself 'your opinion of me is none of my business' and serenity prayer but I still feel churned up and strung out.:upset:

      Keeping on keeping on - taking positive action - seeing friends, booking nice stuff, counting blessings - main one being I'm healthy alive in my own home while it's rainign drinkign nice coffee and I'M NOT WORKING TODAY!!!
      Happy Saturday everyone!
      one day at a time


        AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

        Good morning all!

        Thanks Cassia for getting us started. I think you, like me, are a very take charge kind of person! I love that!

        Accomplishments. . . . one of mine is 18 years of marriage and my 12 (almost) and 14 year old wonderful, beautiful, smart. loving children. Everyday that I wake up and do what needs to be done is for those 3 people. I could never let them down and I never want them to have a moment of unhappiness or hardship. So far so good, however raising teenagers and raising kids under 10 are two very different things!
        Also I have a job in the medical coding field that I worked hare to get into on just my smarts and my wits with no formal education or even a high school diploma. When I was 26 I decided crap fast food jobs were for the birds and I applied to every doctor's office in the metroplex until I found one that would give me a chance. When I did I worked there for 5 years and then moved to another office closer to home and now I work for a group of doctors in the billing and records department and am one of the top three in the company on the admin side.

        My job and my family are my two biggest accomplishments.

        Next accomplishment will be getting my forensic science degree in biochemistry with a minor in biology and working with the state to solve crimes and retire in 20 years with a pension and health insurance. Well see if I can do it. I start classes in the summer.

        Have a great day all

        One things for sure. . .
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

          Good Morning All and Happy Saturday!!

          I'm with Marshy, being AF these last 47 days feels like one of my greatest achievements. I am also proud of getting out of a bad marriage, buying my own place for my daughter and I so we can live in peace.

          Today is hot yoga again and then i'll be getting stuff done around the house and grocery shopping. I am meeting a girlfriend for dinner tomorrow at a town thats about an hour away. The restaurant is awesome and we've never had the opportunity to have dinner there. It will be an early AF dinner and then home to veg before the next work week starts.

          Hope everyone has a healthy wonderfully sober weekend!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

            Good morning Abbers,

            Yes, the stork is finally within sight!
            My daughter texted me about an hour ago - she is in L&D now I will let you know more when I hear more.

            I have worked hard all my life to be the best at whatever I was doing at the time - daughter, wife, friend, mother & now grandmother. I am proud of my accomplishments & have no regrets. I have learned & survived hard times & enjoyed the good times.

            Heres to more good times
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011


              Hope your daughter has a happy and healthy daughter and a safe delivery!!!

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                Yeah Stork! I know your just dying to meet you granddaughter Lav! I know you will make a great "Mi Mom"!
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                  Lavande;1066475 wrote: I have worked hard all my life to be the best at whatever I was doing at the time - daughter, wife, friend, mother & now grandmother. I am proud of my accomplishments & have no regrets. I have learned & survived hard times & enjoyed the good times.

                  Heres to more good times
                  Love this! I concur!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                    Morning All,

                    An accomplishment I am especially proud of is coming from a working class family with little education and earning a Ph.D. A lot of blood, sweat, tears, and determination was put into getting that degree.

                    My greatest accomplishment is being there for family, friends , and community when they are in need...a listening ear, dropping everything to be there for them, offering encouragement, love and support. It doesn't get better than that.

                    Yeah on the way!!!
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                      I'm posting before dark for once, holy snot batman! weeeeeeeeeee

                      fabulous kick-start Cassia thank you.

                      hot yogurt? ok, I may give that a try

                      my greatest accomplishment is accepting that I'm an alcoholic (as difficult as that is for my stupid male ego to deal with).

                      and somehow hanging onto my beautiful Dx

                      And surviving one of the most abysmal childhoods you could ever imagine (I could tell some stories). yet I won't fall into the victim mentality of being abused and kept down. I am responsible for every step I take, and in what direction that may be.

                      I grew up in a literally dirt-poor family (floors were dirt) no windows since they were too expensive to replace. went to school barefoot for many years etc etc. to this day I have no HS diploma or formal education of any kind. Yet, that didn't stop me from teaching myself what I needed to become highly respected in my field. this job I have now I never applied for....a competitor snapped me up based on reputation alone. I now make more than any of my family or relatives, but most importantly I like my life Really didn't mean to make such a self-indulgent post, my point is simply that we are in control of our destiny (or at least 80% of it) and don't let anyone try to mitigate your dreams or aspirations.

                      off to enjoy a lovely AF snow day

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                        Amen Det. All things are possible!!
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                          Hmmmm, accomplishments. Hmmmm. Can't really pick just one or the greatest because at each stage of my life, I do something that I never did before.
                          In no particular order:
                          Getting my sports medicine certification/license back in the early 80's. It took me 2 tries to pass the national exam and when I finally did I felt on top of the world!!

                          Being a wonderful auntie to my neice and nephews but that is an ongoing accomplishment.

                          Becoming AF last year. This is definitely huge!!

                          Taking up the sport of agility 2 years ago and being successful

                          Joining the world of dog rescue and being a damn good foster mom and regional coordinator. this was all done within 1 year of getting my very first dog. I've learned a heck of a lot about dogs and myself since then and although I'm no longer involved in rescue (for now), The lessons have been invaluable.

                          Becoming so proficient at different college systems that I was recruited 3 years ago to take the job I'm currently in. Things have died down now that the initial implementation and the major upgrade are done but there will always be upgrades. I did not go to school for computers, this is all self taught just like Det.

                          Getting my Real Estate license back in the early 90's, selling my first property which no other agent had been able to move in the year the office had the listing, then selling my dad's house and finding him a condo that he is still in.

                          Thanks Cassia for the wonderful start to the day-it's been fun learning about all of you and reminiscing.

                          Lost another fish this morning-the blue large one and I can't find one of my new bumblebee fishies-hopefully just hiding. Might go back to goldfish as these trops seem to be pretty delicate.

                          Gain .8 at WW this morning-boo- but went immediately to PF and worked out for 1hr and 45 min. Did the Couch to 5K week one program and was amazed that I could actually do it after virtually no formal exercise for months!! MUST. KEEP. THIS. UP.

                          Hey to Lav-baby here yet?, Det-glad you're home safe and sound!! DOCTOR Mom3!!, Jennie, Mstall, Bear, Greenie, DG and anyone else who stops by.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                            Haaaaallllloooo fabbies!

                            Greatest accomplishment, eh? What an awesome group we have here!!
                            Every day I show up in life and do the best I can and shift gears when necessary.

                            There was a nice turnout for yoga this AM. I've run some errands, gone to a job fair and now I've got some stuff to do before going to a birthday party. An old friend wants me to go with since his wife doesn't want to go. I've given fair warning that I don't drink and don't plan on staying long. I'm not the person he remembers in other words. I hope it works out OK.

                            Keep the peace!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily ~ 26th February 2011

                              Awesome posts everyone!

                              I think my greatest accomplishment was accepting that I am an alcoholic and needed help. Going to the treatment centre and staying to finish the program. Also recognizing that I do have medical issues in the mental health field and taking the LTD at work so that I can work on getting healthy. Lots of people go through life without ever working at getting healthy so I am proud of myself for taking that step (even though at times it really friggin sucks).

                              Speaking of which - Bear - can you go to your doctor to let him know of the challenges you are experiencing at work and how much they are causing you stress? I am worried that these challenges will continually drive you to drink. That is what happened to me and until I got help and left the horrribly stressful job I was in, I was unable to fully commit to my sobriety. I am not sure if you have any type of disability plan with your job but mental health challenges such as anxiety (which it seems to me is in an abundance in your life) is considered reason to be off work and on disability pay. Just a though, not sure if it works where you are - that was just my experience and it truely helped me. I'm thinking of you. (((hugs)))

                              Have a great AF day everyone, I am painting my brick fireplace white today and the shelves surrounding it black so that I can have a nice contrast. Going to put up black and white photos in nice black frames. Hope it turns out the way I see it in my head! LOL

                              Love and hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

