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Marvelous, Magnificent March

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    Marvelous, Magnificent March

    Good morning, I am up really early, so thought I would start the March thread. I was not sure what we wanted to call it, so just used both discussed names.

    What are our goals for March? I have lots of birthdays, celebrations, etc., and am determined to celebrate AF. Reading others posts, and the temptations of going out, I guess a plan has to be made and support has to be asked for. So simple and yet so complicated.

    I had a lousy day yesterday, sometimes I struggle with Mondays. Both my job opportunities are not going anywhere, so it must not be quite the right time. I know from the past, you send out resumes and may hear back weeks or months later. So, patience and trust in everything working in divine right order.

    Chill, loved your description of the visible health and happiness of MWOers in Ireland. It is good to hear. Thanks.

    Dill, it will be hard to not drink in New Orleans. I have been focusing on flavored teas when I go out. I know they are full of sugar, but they are better than booze. What do you like to drink besides wine and other alcohol drinks? I know I shared my struggle with the martini's the other night. I went right to the teas, that was my salvation.

    It was interesting, I was talking to a friend who has an off switch,and she told me she has to be very careful when she has a drink or two, as she can still get a hangover the next day. She has to sip and eat, not go to sleep right away. I was thinking, does it taste that good? I teased her and said, one drink or two, what is the point? She also asked me about my AFness and said, Never again? I told her that for right now, this is what I am doing. Am I a coward, should I have said more? I just think it is no one's business, but mine....and to say never is not where I am at right now.

    Well, off to exercise.

    To all, have an AF first day of March.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Marvelous, Magnificent March

    Morning my marvelous, magnificent marchers

    Thank you Star for blowing the starters whistle. My calendar has this to say for March:-
    This is a great month to practice gratitude. I am grateful for every part of my body and how well it works for me. I am grateful for all my relationships; for the work I do; for my home, my car, for my ability to express joy, the beauty of nature, the food I eat, the water I drink and the air I breathe........

    For me March is going to be most marvelous purely because I choose it to be. I haven't been at my best this year. January was full of anxiety, February very unsettled but all necessary to bring me to where I am today. Having been away for the last 10 days my eating habits have been dreadful. I have dined out, eaten processed food, way to much sugar and OD'd on chocolate! Now my body feels it and is complaining profusely! I pledge for March to honor my body and treat it with the respect it deserves.

    I am also unhappy about other habits I have fallen into, allowing myself to pass judgement on other people. I so dislike this trait and just when I think I have it at bay I fall into it again. I am in need for some time for reflection and intend to spend most of March alone at home with my dog where I am at my most happy.

    Everything else I will deal with ODAT for tomorrow belongs to no one
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Marvelous, Magnificent March

      Good Morning! Thanks for the start Stargazerlily! I plan on making March 31/31 for the first time EVER! Lets go team AF! I'll see you at the finish line!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        Marvelous, Magnificent March

        Good morning, Marchers! Thank you Star for the great kick off! I think your answer to your friend that "this is what I'm doing now" is perfect. As you know, 'Now' is all we really have! At least it is all we have control over in choosing to drink or not. If you are "AF Now" then there is a good chance that it will be forever. Thanks for suggesting the thought of focusing on what I like to drink. It will make it easier for me not to say "Chardonnay, please" if I have a favorite substitute. I'm going to work on that. At the present my favorite other drink is simply ice water. But I need to add to that for more festive meals, etc. Good suggestion. You are right. It is hard to not drink in New Orleans. It is EVERYWHERE! They have alcohol on the menu at breakfast there!

        Hi Chill, I can relate to what you are saying about being judgmental. It is something I have worked on in my life. The more experiences and failures of my own that I have had have tempered my tendency to be judemental. Hmmm. Should I thank alcohol for that?:H


        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Marvelous, Magnificent March

          Good morning March!

          I, too have fallen into some bad habits in February -- especially with eating processed food on the run that I intend to break this month! Time to get back to exercise on a regular basis and wholesome food. I think that will be my goal -- other than 31 AF days like Jenny!

          Have a wonderful day all!


            Marvelous, Magnificent March

            Hmm, I think I shall call us the 3Ms this month

            Good morning everyone, thanks for being up so early Star!

            I admit to being on the bad food wagon myself this winter as evidenced by the numbers on the scale. I have cooked healthy things, really put the effort into shopping & healthy eating........
            but I still find myself eating crappy things too. Winter, feeling sorry for myself & a touch of anxiety over things I cannot control are all involved. There is only one person who I feel judgmental about & it's going to take a long, long time to quit that habit but I am working on it

            Chill, Dill, Jenny, mylife, Star & all who stop in today - I wish you a wonderful AF Tuesday!
            I am going to drop in & check on my daughter & grandbaby this afternoon - see how they managed their first night at home. I do remember those days

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Marvelous, Magnificent March

              3 M!:H Hahahah, I like that, Lav!

              Good Morning Marvelous, Magnificent Marchers!

              Star-thanks for the start for the new week. I like your idea for having a solid plan in place so that I can be AF in March. That was an interesting conversation you had with your friend, Star. Aren't you getting tired of the conversations where people are asking you why you've chosen to be AF? Can't they just say, "I'm happy for you. Good choice." That's what my friends say. Good for you to sticking to your fitness goals.:goodjob:

              Lav-I'll be anxious to hear how Mama and Lily did on their first night home. I'll be anxious to see new pics.

              Dill-I so know how you feel. Chardonnay is my drink of choice, too, and I LOVE the taste of it. For me, when I'm out with friends, it's the taste I like with dinner. Soooo, the bottle of Angosturas Bitters has a recipe for a Non-AL drink that I know Chill likes....tonic, lime and bitters. I prefer Perrier with bitters and the squeeze of a lemon and lime. It tastes good and it looks pretty in the glass. This is my plan for my four social functions in March. One of these functions will be challenging as I will be with my client who is a lovely woman but a huge drinker. Must think mindfully, as our Star would say.

              Chill-I, too, have to strive not to be judgmental. Thank you for that reminder. I am so glad you had fun with the other MWOers. What a great bunch!

              A warm and welcoming shout out to Mylife (I've missed you) and Jenny! Good to see you guys!

              Well, I'm off to the gym. I'll be back later! Have a swell AF Tuesday!!


                Marvelous, Magnificent March

                Hi all,

                Star - thanks for getting us started and asking about our goals for march. It's always good to have a record of what you want to achieve. My goals for this month are:

                1. Get more appointments in the diary for my time in the US and really make it work for me. I refuse to let it be a wasted trip.

                2. Get another room or two decorated.

                3. See family and friends that I haven't seen in a while.

                4. Get through my third month af.

                It may seem odd that I have being af last. To me, if I am working at the other three then being af will come naturally. And that's what I want it to be. Star, it's interesting about your friend and the fact that she doesn't drink a lot but still suffers the consequences. I like you would think it easier to just not drink at all.

                Chill - thanks for sharing about gratitude and your goals for this month. I have to admit that I am really judgemental and wouldn't even know where to start with trying to not be...might need therapy for that. Are u back in Portugal now.

                Dill - I like your plan for a new five tippler. It will be difficult to not drink in new orleans but as we all know it's hard not to drink anywhere if u want it badly enough. I wish u peace and strength.

                Jenny - hey! Here's to 31 for 31.

                Mylife - I am with u on the exercise! Gotta keep it going. Feb was good but march could be better!!!

                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  Marvelous, Magnificent March

                  Hi 3 M's

                  Thanks for starting us off Star. I thought of it earlier but could not remember if we had agreed on a name. You have the right attitude regarding your friend, it really is your business and nobody else's.

                  Dill - Good luck with New Orleans. The first few minutes are the worst, I find. Thats when the internal battle with Al goes on, once you have ordered your non Alcoholic drink you will be fine. Lots of great suggestions.

                  Lav - You must be over the moon with baby Lily. I visited my neighbour yesterday, she had a baby girl a month ago, Hannah. You forget just how tiny they are, its amazing to hold them.

                  Chill - Glad you had such a good time in Dublin.

                  The sun is shining here today, a real feel of spring. Went to weight watchers and lost 1lb this week so a good start to the month.

                  Big hello to everyone I have not mentioned and hope you all have a wonderful March.



                    Marvelous, Magnificent March

                    Hi Cassia

                    Cross posted. Good for you having your goals clearly outlined for the month. Hope March is much better for a lot of people.



                      Marvelous, Magnificent March

                      It's wonderful to hear all the enthusiasm for the new month!

                      I too was a chardonny girl! My we all have sooo much in common don't we :H

                      Rusty - I love my Schweppes tonic water but ditched the bitters when I discovered there was slight AL in it. It tastes great and I know it's only a tiny amount but I now buy the squeezy lemon juice and add it to my tonic instead, I really love this drink and have one every night after dinner as a sort of ritual.

                      Lav - re being judgmental about certain people you reminded me of a time when I was attending a spiritual group and we were discussing this subject. I admitted that the only person I carried a grudge against was my ex husbands girlfriend and was working on sending her loving thoughts. One of the group was an American lady and she immediately replied "jezzus! We are trying to become more spiritual here, not go for a sainthood!!" :H

                      Cass - I'm heading back to Portugal tomorrow and I'm aching to see my darling dog! When is your trip to the States?
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Marvelous, Magnificent March

                        Hey chill,

                        I am heading off three week today! I am very excited as I need a break from work and the negative energy in it. I need to do something for me.

                        So, you are coming back to the uk at the end of the year? When did u decide?

                        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                          Marvelous, Magnificent March

                          Good afternoon marchers!

                          Wow - this post has been extremely busy since I flew by earlier this morning!

                          I agree with everything you guys have been saying - been eating bad, not exercising - really need to get going with that.

                          Chill - did you have to leave your dog behind? It's amazing how we get so attached to our pets. We could learn a lesson or two from them - they are happy all the time (for the most part) and never need AL to get them that way! Why can't we be more like our dogs lol?

                          Dill - my new favorite is cranberry juice topped off with a little club soda (to make it fizzy).

                          Cassia - have a great trip!

                          Rustop - "weigh" to go!! get it? Sounds you are doing great with WW.

                          Jenny and Mylife - 31 days sounds like a marvelous goal!!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Marvelous, Magnificent March

                            My goodness there is too much here to respond to, I will go back and read when I have a minute. Another busy, busy day at work and I am away for two days in London for a work meeting tomorrow teatime, back late Friday evening so there will be even more to catch up with at the weekend. I am really chasing my tail with work at the moment and have an even busier week next week. I?ll keep checking in but not sure how much time I?ll have to respond to you all. I?m shattered tonight again, man this can?t continue at this pace and it?s only Tuesday. I guess I have to remind myself that I am fortunate to have a good job that pays the bills and stop moaning.

                            Was surfing the net the other night and came across a very interesting business opportunity which so fits my skill set (I?m beginning to sound like Cassia and nothing wrong with that!) and I would be so good at it, it would really get my mojo back. Unfortunately I need that redundancy payment I think to make it financially worthwhile. It?s good though to realise there are things out there that I had never thought of and that I really do have a lot of transferable skills.

                            I received a lovely bunch (well huge bouquet really) of spring flowers when I got home tonight from Alex which was a lovely surprise, he?s off working for the next few weeks so won?t be around but we will keep in touch by email. I'm off for a quick pizza and salad and a green tea then bed as soon as possible.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Marvelous, Magnificent March

                              Good afternoon all!

                              Chill - :H:H I don't think there is a prayer in hell of me ever attaining sainthood! Seems like every step I take toward forgiveness & acceptance of the crap YB dumped on me I find 2 more reasons to be resentful about his egocentric behavior.

                              We sure have a busy group marching along today, nice

                              I had a lovely visit with 3 day old Lily & of course she slept thru the whole thing! They're doing great & all is well. I am happy & oh so grateful
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

