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Marvelous, Magnificent March

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    Marvelous, Magnificent March

    witchywoman;1069662 wrote: Hi everyone,
    it sounds like everyone is doing awesome. back in Jan when I did nearly the whole month AF, I hardly had any cravings at all, hardly even thought about AL at all, then came Feb which didnt go so well & I had really bad cravings, now I have march,I have decided to get the supp's etc, since I just did 14 days in a row at work I will have enough money to order the starter kit, My sobriety is so important to me, I am going to do everything i can to hold onto it.

    Lav - your wee Lily look so sweet.
    to everyone else stay strong, we are the Resistance in the war against AL & we will win!!!
    well off to work, will check in as soon as I can.
    Great post Witchy. Go for it!

    Safe travel's Dewdrop. You write so well. Maybe you could write a review of Mama mia, or various show's/gig's and start a free blog over at

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Marvelous, Magnificent March

      yaaaaaayyyyyy made it home, however the cat has been sick all over the upstairs (cream/off white carpet ) and it is stinky, she has also pee'd all over the white rug in the bathroom so need to get her to the vets first thing tomorrow. My neighbour pops in and feeds her when I am away and hasn't phoned me to say there is a problem. But as soon as I opened the door I could smell something was amiss.

      I'm so happy to be home but am now wide awake and I wanted to go to bed earlier think I'll take some melatonin and put on a relaxation tape. See you all tomorrow.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Marvelous, Magnificent March

        Evening guys

        Witchy - I love the thought of us being the Resistance!

        Mr G - I had never heard that poem before and I think its awesome. The "it isnt my fault" was so familiar in the bad old days, then the seeing it as it really was and chosing to walk around it....fantastic! I think im somewhere between walking around it and going down another street. I have to say I like Lav's idea of you maybe putting some music to it......

        Star - Im a huge fan of affirmations! In my early days of sobriety I repeated them daily and I still carry in my wallet 10 cards I made, each with 3 or 4 slogans on each that I copied from Allen Carr's book. Here are a few:- I love my body, why trash it! One drink changes my mindset. AL is a poison which destroys you mentally and physically. Were you ever impressed by a drunk? I like feeling good! drinking AL is a drug addiction. habits are easy to break if you want to. Dont forget all the misery. EUREKA! IM FREE! Never Q your descision. This to shall pass.....

        Jolie - It was a joy to read your post and feel your enthusiam. Fridays were torture for me in the beginning and I played out the pity party, everyone else is out enjoying themselves and here is poor little me stuck at home with my glass of soda! Now there is no place Id rather be and waking up unhung on a Saturday is still got to be one of the greatest feelings in the world!

        Dewdrop - I hope you are tucked up in bed by now. Having come back to my own bed after 10 days away, i have to say theres nothing quite like it.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Marvelous, Magnificent March

          Sorry Dewdrop x posts! Shit sorry about your homecoming, hope kitty is ok, get that tape on and relax..... Im going to do something similar.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Marvelous, Magnificent March

            Glad you arrived home safely Dewdrop
            My dogs have been known to terrorize my house too - I feel for you!

            Dill - I asked my daughter about that kniited hat she had on the baby the other day. She said she bought it for $5 from a seller on Etsy. What a bargain, huh?

            Chill, maybe we should gang up on G.....get him to write our theme song

            Well, true to form - YB emailed me this morning to say that he would be here after work to pick up some things......he never showed. I told myself that he would do this again & he did so at least I'm not angry. I think he's about completed his transformation into a total A____hole.

            Looking forward to a sunny, 60 degree day tomorrow - woo hoo
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Marvelous, Magnificent March

              Evening Marchers!!

              Loved catching up on all the happenings today!

              Dew-so glad you're home safe and sound but so sorry about your kitty. Hoping she didn't get into anything horrible. My Freddy got into the dry dog food yesterday that I forgot to close up. I woke up to vomit and shit all over the DR but luckily I have no rugs. Had to give him a mini bath and then a trim around Lav's hubby (sorry Lav, couldn't resist!!). he seems OK tonite but will watch him closely. Sending pings across the pond to your kitty.

              Chill- I LOVE those affirmations and yet I didn't like A Carr's book! But, I still have it and might take it out and reread it now that it's almost a year later.

              G-thank you so much for that poem. It was awesome! Music would be great with it!!

              Rusty, Rustop, Star, Lav, Dill, Jolie, MyLife, Sped, LBH, John-you guys are always in my heart as the rest of our crew is. Hope you have a fab weekend with babies, warm weather, running, kids, hubbys and whatever else makes you happy.

              Me, I had a very quiet nite for once, read the paper, the AARP mag (really? Its that time of life for me? I'm only 29!!) and hopped on here. Tomorrow is WW and PF then errands. Need to squeeze in time to rework my budget and declutter some more. Sunday is a vet appointment for DD (whose new AKC name is: Devil Dog Its All Mine) for his rabies shot and I'm hoping to finally fire up the sewing machine and try it out with a couple of new belly bands for the boys. Then it's Monday again all too soon but at least I have whole weekends again. No money but I have time now.

              OK-the kids are barking and meowing for their dinner and I've held them off long enough. See you all in the morning!!

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Marvelous, Magnificent March

                Hey Gang:

                It's Home Sweet Home for me. Feels good to be home and to know I'll be sleeping in my own bed tonight (with my little 4-legged pal!). I love coming home after being away for a few days. He really brings out the welcome wagon for me

                This is my last weekend of training before I run my half-marathon in Sarasota next Sunday. I'm supposed to run 10 miles tomorrow - we'll see how far I make it. Hope to get a good night's sleep tonight so I can be ready for a productive weekend.

                Finished reading my latest book this week Tricking of Freya, Christina Sunley, (9780312429386) Paperback - Barnes & Noble. It was an interesting story, I liked the characters, I learned enough about Iceland to think I'd like to visit there someday... but, the book was about 100 pages longer than it really needed to be. The pacing wasn't there for me and it just seemed to drag on.

                Dew - Traveling can be a challenge - keeping busy and staying out of trouble. Back in my drinking days, it was much easier. Each evening was dedicated to drinking, eating, and then more drinking. Life was much simpler then, wasn't it?? :H Only kidding!! Now, I travel with 2 laptops (work and personal), my running gear, and a book. So, between surfing the internet, exercising, and reading, I've been managing quite well with my work travels. I, too, enjoy people watching and will do that in restaurants when I go out to eat. I am so used to traveling by myself that it doesn't bother me to go out to dinner alone. I know some people don't like to do that but I'm OK with it.

                Looking forward to waking up to an unhung Saturday morning... Wishing you all a peaceful evening....
                AF since 7/13/2010


                  Marvelous, Magnificent March

                  Good morning all!

                  Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend! I am on a misison today - working out this morning with my favorite dance CD - anyone do Zumba? was thinking about giving it a try but I'm not mega-coordinated

                  Heading to the store to buy a new computer. Mine is all virused-up! Will still be saddled with dial-up but at least it won't be doing weird things all the time.

                  Hope to get in a little cleaning / re-arranging - promise of spring right around the corner always makes we want to change things up a bit.

                  Planning to stop by the library and pick up some new cookbooks and hopefuly a good movie or two.

                  Just realized today is day 60 for me (less 1 glass of wine early on) and I still feel like this is a dream. Never believed I could give up my precious friend - a good ol glass of pinot grigio - ha ha! I should say a good several glasses of pinot grigio. There was never anything good that came out of those glasses. Life is good and I owe all of that to MWO and all of you - thanks guys.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Marvelous, Magnificent March

                    Good morning Marchers!

                    :wd: Jolie, congrsats on your 60 days! What a difference, huh?
                    I plan to spend most of my day in my big backyard doing some cleanup (there is half a ton of dog poop out there) :H Well, if the temp really reaches 60 at least that will be nice! When I finish that job then the chicken coop could use a little attention too. I guess it's just a poop scooping day all around for me :H

                    I hope everyone has nicer plans for today!
                    Can't wait to come back & read all about them

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Marvelous, Magnificent March

                      Good morning Marchers!

                      I am on a mission today as well Jolie! I need to get this house organzied, get to the gym and get those taxes filed once and for all! I think I read on here that procrastination is a good thing when it comes to AL and I agree 100% ....but I need to work on that in other areas of my life...!!

                      I also joined WW last week. Time to get this 15 lbs off for the summer. I have been allowing myself to eat pretty much anything I want and I think I need to reel myself in on that.

                      Lav, good to hear from you -- we'll both be out and about today. Guitarista -- I read that poem back in January and loved it. I think I posted it here somewhere as well back then. It's still on my fridge as a reminder!

                      Have a wondeful AF day all to come!


                        Marvelous, Magnificent March

                        Hi everyone

                        Quick check in from me as spend most of Saturday and Sunday on the road. Glad those of you travelling made it home safe and AF. From reading you can see both sides of the coin regarding pet ownership. There is the clean up that we all face but there is also that wonderful welcome that makes having them worthwhile.

                        Mylife - welcome to WW, there are a few of us who have joined in the last while. Love their new programme, you can eat so much on it.

                        Jolie - Congratulations on your 60 days, you should be so proud of yourself.

                        Guitarista - Thank you for the wonderful poem.

                        Everyone else big hello and have a great AF week-end.



                          Marvelous, Magnificent March

                          Hey Jolie-I had to say goodbye to Pinot G as well! At first it was very sad for me as not only did it keep me company at nite but it was such a ritual when I got together with my sister and my family. But, slowly and surely I began to see it for what it really was: Poison to me. Without an Off switch, I only tasted the first glass and that usually got finished off in less than 10 minutes. After that it was nothing but AL and poison. Now that thought of drinking a glass of PG makes me a tad nauseous. Congrats on your 60 days-that is the bomb!! Wish there was a way for you to get high speed internet instead of dialup-the difference will be so dramatic you will never go back!! do you by chance have a smart phone you can tether to your new PC? Are you getting a laptop or a desktop? I'll never ever go back to a desktop setup!! And yes, I do Zumba at school on Tues evenings right after work. Love it and believe me, I have NO coordination!! You don't need it!!

                          John-welcome home!! I'm sure your little doggie was beside himself with glee!!

                          Lav-I too have poop to clean but there is still ice out there which makes it a bit treacherous. I'll get up what I can. Definitely won't get to 60 here but maybe 40s.

                          Rustop-I agree with you on the new WW plan. the amount of food you can eat is insane!! I lost point 2 today at weighin and the meeting was really good. I was able to share my delight with with the whole meeting. My problem is with the journaling, even using Etools. I've never been a journaler for anything and I'm finding it very very hard to journal as I eat even with the WWmobile to go website. I had one day last week where I had planned the whole day out and put it in etools before I went to work. That was fabulous and a great success except I was late for work because of it :H !! One of the ladies in the group has a new Ipad and takes it grocery shopping with her because she can somehow download a shopping list based on the recipes she selects. I want an Ipad!!

                          Went to Planet Fitness right after WW and had a marvlelous workout!! Johan-I am up to 4.5 mph for the jogging portion of my Couch to 5K program!!!

                          I've just finished lunch and will get to things around the house. My budget being one of them!! Dishes and cleaning the kitchen and throwing a load of laundry in comes first tho.

                          Have a great day all-see you tonite!!

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Marvelous, Magnificent March

                            Hi everyone,

                            I have had a bit of a 'blah' day today, I really didn't feel well when I woke up (didn't sleep too well either) so went back to bed till noon which is so unlike me and I have been feeling flat and lethargic all day. I have accomplished nothing so the domestic chores are all waiting patiently till tomorrow, hopefully I'll feel a bit better.

                            You all sound so positive and upbeat it's great to read back all the posts and hear how you are. Kitty is fine today so I am not sure what was up with her, I planned phoning the vet first thing but she looked perfectly okay and was purring and playful

                            I'm having a quiet night with a book, a long soak in the bath and an early night so that I can wake up tomorrow feeling much better. I want to get out and have some fresh air tomorrow and lift my mood so I think I might take a long walk along the beach if the weather is okay.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Marvelous, Magnificent March

                              Good evening guys
                              It's been a busy day and I'm heading off to bed shortly to listen to Louise Hays evening meditations which I rediscovered today whilst browsing my iTunes.

                              I dropped my Parents at the airport at lunchtime, did a supermarket shop and completely cleaned the house from top to bottom. I then went to the early evening AA meeting at the request of a friend who wanted support over some proposed changes to the no. of meetings in our area. I met an infamous aquaintance known for his heavy drinking and who would have been lucky to see out another year at the level he had been going at. He is 5 weeks sober and it was a joy to see his new excitement for life.

                              I'm not an AA regular or even a particular fan but tonight there were many stories that really touched me. One Belgian gentleman who claimed to be 77, although looked amazing, told the story of his many wasted years drinking and how now he is so happy to have finally found peace in sobriety. His key to success, he claimed, was when he stopped wanting anything more than he already had.

                              I came home quite inspired but mentally exhausted, had a sushi take away and watched the heart warming movie "Simon Birch".

                              I have decided to be harsh with myself regarding lent, it's high time I tested my self discipline a little further my greatest pleasures are currently coffee and chocolate both of which I would be healthier without. In the next couple of days I will decide which one I will forego for lent, hence to say tonight I overindulged on toblerone.......
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Marvelous, Magnificent March

                                Hi all,

                                I still have to go back and read the post but I just needed to share my triumph today. I went on my first hen weekend. We did some activities during the day and then for lunch and then to see mamma Mia. I was feeling pretty down cuz everyone was drinking and I wasn't. I felt very left out. Not that anyone actually cared or pressured me to drink but because of the occasion. I was so frustrated that I nearly started crying. I had a chat with my husband on the phone about it and we discussed how far I had come. I am not far off ninety days and I knew if I had a drink I would have undone all of hard work. I just didnt want to go back to day one.

                                It is also incredible how u sometimes get a sign. After the interval I noticed how drunk the people were in front of me, particularly one woman who was there with her daughter. The steward had to go over a number of times and tell her to be quiet. Her young daughter was clearly agitated and not enjoying it and that made me sad. At the end, the woman had a huge fight with her friends and stormed off. I just thought to myself, I don't want that to be me. I felt better. I had chosen af and I was thankful.

                                The girls all went out clubbing and that would have meant huge temptation for me. They decided to go to a really crappy nightclub so the decision was made for me. I went home.

                                Just had to share.

                                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

