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Marvelous, Magnificent March

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    Marvelous, Magnificent March

    Hi folk's,

    I rarely attend AA meeting's either Chilli, but when i do, i alway's find some inspiration, and i do get a sense of 're-charge/power' from going, which give me a lift, and keep my mind on the job, like this place does.

    Thank's for the idea of putting music to Portia's beautiful piece everyone. I shall have a crack, and see if the author likes it.

    Have a safe, sober, and magical weekend!

    Edit: x-posted Cassia. Great stuff! We don't need alcohol to have a good time. That is a lie. We can, and do adjust to a happy, exciting, free of the bloody chain's, alcohol free life. There are NO negatives in being sober. Bravo friend!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Marvelous, Magnificent March

      Hello All,

      Glad to hear everyone is enjoying a wonderful AF weekend.

      Cassia, kudos to you for not caving in that situation. You are so right, too. When I have made similar decisions in the past not to drink at an event like that I am ALWAYS glad that I made that decision later. I think the idea that we're "missing something" is really going to take some time to overcome. But inevitably in those cases I'm so glad as the evening wears on I am not one of the obnoxious slurring drunken people in front of me who will wake up feeling crappy on Sunday.

      We're staying in this evening my DH and I. I am so jealous of the way not drinking doesn't even effect him. It's just not a concern or a worry for him, so he doesn't think about it, while I go through ups and downs biting my nails at times...oh well he has his own problems so I guess I just have to accept that this one is all mine!

      Have a great AF evening all!


        Marvelous, Magnificent March

        Good evening everyone!

        Busy day - ending up buying a laptop but also had to buy the modem to go with it. I'm amazed at how much faster it is but for some reason I was typing a few minutes ago and my screen simply disappeared! Had to log on again.

        Papmom - may I ask what you told your mother and sister as I will most likely face that situation again in the future? Sorry that I am so tech-dumb but how will it help to plug my smart phone into my computer? (please don't laugh)

        Lav - I should have been scooping poop today along with you . Two dogs and it's been about 2 weeks - we are supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow - I'm hoping the rain will wash the poop away and the grass should be nice and green come spring

        Cassia - way to go! A sober point of view can sure be enlightening when you have some tipsy ones around you. Way to stick to your guns and stay strong!

        Rustop, mylife, guitarista, chill, dew and anyone else that drops by - hope you guys all enjoy your Saturday night?
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Marvelous, Magnificent March

          Good evening Marchers,

          After I completed my yard work I went over & picked up my daughter & new granddaughter, brought them back here for a few hours & for dinner. My SIL was at work & I just thought the girls could use a short outing. It was very nice having them here. Lily is 1 week old today :l

          Tomorrow EB & his parents will be here for dinner
          I am so grateful that my kids live nearby. Life would be way too lonesome without them. The rest of my family is spread all over the place, including the west coast - so far away.

          Wishing everyone a wonderful evening! Dewdrop, I hope you feel better soon. Cassia, good for you sticking to your plan - you'll never be sorry. Greetings Jolie, papmom, Rustop, G, mylife, chill & everyone

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Marvelous, Magnificent March

            Chilli-your day sounds awesome! Would you like to fly over and clean my house from top to bottom? Oiy, it's all i can do to muster up motivation to do the dishes sometimes :H!

            Jolie-my mom passed over 10 years ago so my family is my sis, father, brother and inlaws. Last March I told my whole family I had stopped drinking. My sister was very supportive and even made some remarks about slowing down herself but I haven't seen any progress in that area. Now, for your smart phone, when you plug it into your laptop with a USB cord, a notification should come up giving you options of what your phone should be doing while connected. On my EVO, one of the options is to "USB tethering"-subtext: share phone's mobile network with PC. Now, I have never done this because up until a couple of months ago, I paid for the Sprint Mobile Hotspot which acted as a wireless router, my phone being the router (modem). It was $30 a month and it was OK but I had trouble accessing my work network so I ended up going back to Charter's home networking package for $50 a month. You can also buy a mobile "card" to stick in your laptop for x dollars a month that also works off of a cell company's signal to get you onto the internet. If you have an Iphone I'm assuming you can do something similar to what I could do with my android as far as tethering to the PC. Good luck with the research and here's to a new world of high speed internet for you!!

            Lav-I too cleaned up as much poo as possible today. It was actually much warmer than I thought it would be. Can't wait for the rain tomorrow to get rid of the ice and most of the snow. I hope. Hope you had fun with the girls!!

            Cassia-you just rock. that is all.

            Dew-sure hope you feel better tomorrow. Let us know.

            Hi to Mylife, Mr. G and anyone else lurking out there.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Marvelous, Magnificent March

              Good morning 3Mers
              I'm SO loving my Sunday! This is the 1st day in over 3 weeks that I don't have to go anywhere, do anything or see anyone. It's raining and set for the day which is just fine with me. I have had my mint tea, taken the dog a quick walk and I'm now back in bed with a large cup of coffee and my yoga music playing in the background...... Sheer bliss :h

              I can't share my plans with you as I don't have any and it feels wonderful wonderful wonderful!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Marvelous, Magnificent March

                Good morning to my all my fanastic friends on a lovely Sunday !!

                As you can probably tell I feel so much more like my usual self this morning, I don't know what was up with me yesterday but I'm glad to say I managed to read a good book, listen to some soothing classical music and have a great night's sleep so I awoke this morning raring to get up and go. All I can say is that life's ups and downs are so much more manageable without alcohol.

                Cassia I read your story of the hen night with a smile on my face, it reminded me of a few situations I've experienced feeling a bit left out but I ALWAYS hit a point in the evening when some people really made an arse of themselves and I would look around and think 'thank god that's not me, thank god I'm sober and thank god tomorrow I'll be the one feeling great' and so far I have never regretted not having that first glass.

                Right guys I'm off to do a bit of pottering in the garden for an hour before I tackle the ironing and cleaning so have a good Sunday and I'll catch you all later.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Marvelous, Magnificent March

                  Good morning to all....

                  I was really busy yesterday and didn't get a chance to check in. Exercised in the morning a bit, but have struggled with digestive issues this week, I am more sensitive AF. It is as if my system just says no to junk food etc.

                  I was upset at work on Friday, a new supervisor who is a micro manager. So, I ended up skipping lunch and then ate out for dinner. Bad idea. I have not felt right since.

                  Good news. I received a call from my friend about my resume. She said her boss is interested and may give me a call this week. It would involve alot of changes, a huge drive, but potentially lots more money, more independence and freedom, and less paperwork. So, I have been researching what I would need to do, and kind of jumping the gun. Life is a series of trade offs, and I have conflicted ideas on what I should do. It would involve evening hours, but I could go in later, so could fit my exercise in the morning, important to me. I would require that I only work four days, so would have three day weekends. That would be huge for me. No benefits, another deficit. However, where I work now, they have been raising the contribution, and having wellness checks, on weight, bp, and bloodwork, and will be getting more restrictive. So, what to do. I guess just wait to see if I get the call and go from there.

                  May I say that if I were not AF, no way would I consider this change. It would be too much. I would not be clearheaded or confident enough to make changes. So, my continued AF journey is vital to my career opportunities. As each day goes by, I am more determined to stay AF totally for 2011, as I have been.

                  Chill, how nice to have a day to relax and just be. Enjoy. I love a rainy day, by the way.

                  Lav, you are lucky to have your family close by, good to appreciate it. I was thinking, you are such a vital, fun, active person, have you thought about getting divorced and then maybe dating? I mean, you deserve to have fun, enjoy male company and be appreciated. You have not had that for years. Don't get mad if I am too forward, but it occurred to me that you deserve to have someone appreciate you for a change and the only way to make it happen is to move forward. But, maybe you are not there yet. So, if I overstepped, let me know and I'll stop.

                  Dewdrop, sometimes we need a day to just rest and recharge, sounds like your body was telling you this and you listened.

                  Cassia, you are awesome, what a great job staying AF. It always goes like that: it appears fun to drink, but within a short time, the effects of alcohol make people drowsy and let's face it, annoying and stupid. I mean, unless you just have a drink or two, people get loud and their personalities change. There is a frantic quality to the interactions. At least that is my experience, and the reason I don't like being around people seriously drinking or drinking as a goal, as it is boring and irritating. Ha, now I sound like a reformed smoker, oh I forgot, I am.

                  Hello to mylife, jolie, papmom. To all, have a great AF Sunday.:h
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Marvelous, Magnificent March

                    Star, great news on the job opportunity! It sounds like a lot to think about but the right choice will come to you as you weigh all the factors with a clear and AF head.

                    Mylife, it sounds as if both you and your husband have decided to go AF. Did he make that choice to support you, or did he want it for himself? It sounds like he is lucky not having the need and compulsion that we chronic drinkers have. It doesn't seem fair at all, but that's the way it goes. My hb has no interest in alcohol. If he never had another sip in his life it would make no difference to him! I, on the otherhand, struggle as you do.

                    Lav that hat was so cute! I'm going to look for a pattern.

                    Rain turned to snow overnight. Luckily just a dusting. Come on Spring!!!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Marvelous, Magnificent March

                      Good morening Marchers,

                      Pouring rain here at the moment, at least it's not snow!

                      Glad to hear you are in good form today Dewdrop

                      Star, as of right this very second I can honestly say it will be a cold day in hell before I go looking for a man replacement ~ I'll just leave it at that! My faith & ability to trust another is a big fat ZERO right now.
                      A job change for you would be exciting - hope it works out!

                      Dill, no snow flakes here just tons of rain. Good day to stay inside & knit/crochet a hat :H

                      Enjoyed a lovely afternoon with Lily yesterday. Today is EB's turn to come over. He has suddenly gotten taller & is able to reach up & take things off the kitchen counter.......nothing is safe or sacred as everything he grabs now he immediately proclaims 'This is mine' :H

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday - stay out of the rain
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Marvelous, Magnificent March

                        Good Morning Marching Friends,

                        Just a quick check in for me. I will be in Tennessee most of the week and have much work to do today, along with exercise and studying. I am blowing off church but have made a commitment to go during Lent. I will also attempt to give up bread, as it is my downfall...bagels with cream cheese for a mid-morning snack and hot rolls and butter with dinner....YUM! Much tougher to give up than booze.

                        Congratulations to everyone in fighting off cravings and drinking thoughts when surrounded by people who drink. :goodjob:

                        Dewdrop-I read your post last week looking for suggestions for what to do when you're in a city by yourself when traveling. I feel for you.:l I have lived this nomadic life for 12 years and, like you, I am single, and I live by myself. Believe me, I spent many a night on the road sitting in a bar, not drinking much, but just talking to the people around me. I'm a very gregarious person and I like to laugh, and the thought of working a 10-hour day and then going back to a hotel room was not at all appealing. Now, before I leave for a trip, I find out where the closest gym is and I go there after work. Just being with other people who have a common goal of being physically fit makes me feel good and I feel like I have companionship. And the benefit also, is when I'm done working out AFTER work, the last thing I feel like doing is having a glass of wine. I want to eat something light, shower, and crawl into bed and hope NCIS is on so I can fantasize about Mark Harmon sharing my room with me.:H So many times, I'm in a remote area, (like I will be in this week) and since I have to rent a car, I try to find out where there is a nice mall....even if it's just window shopping. We seem to have a lot in common. When I was on the road, even when my drinking was at its worst...I could stop without a struggle, after 1 or 2 glasses of wine. The same with going out with friends or family. It's when I was home alone on the weekends that I was vulnerable.

                        Lav-I loved the latest picture of Lily. She is such a cutie and I can't believe she is 8 days old already.

                        Star-I will be praying for you that you get that job and it's everything that you wanted. You are wise to be thinking about this AF and your commitment is so admirable.

                        Papmom-you are always so generous with your time and advice on using the Iphone, Smartphone, etc. Your posts always make me smile.

                        Several of us are setting goals to lose weight this year and I am elated to say I lost 3.5 pounds this week.

                        A shout out to anyone I didn't address today. Have a wonderful AF Sunday!


                          Marvelous, Magnificent March

                          Good Morning Marching Friends,

                          Just a quick check in for me. I will be in Tennessee most of the week and have much work to do today, along with exercise and studying. I am blowing off church but have made a commitment to go during Lent. I will also attempt to give up bread, as it is my downfall...bagels with cream cheese for a mid-morning snack and hot rolls and butter with dinner....YUM! Much tougher to give up than booze.

                          Congratulations to everyone in fighting off cravings and drinking thoughts when surrounded by people who drink. :goodjob:

                          Dewdrop-I read your post last week looking for suggestions for what to do when you're in a city by yourself when traveling. I feel for you.:l I have lived this nomadic life for 12 years and, like you, I am single, and I live by myself. Believe me, I spent many a night on the road sitting in a bar, not drinking much, but just talking to the people around me. I'm a very gregarious person and I like to laugh, and the thought of working a 10-hour day and then going back to a hotel room was not at all appealing. Now, before I leave for a trip, I find out where the closest gym is and I go there after work. Just being with other people who have a common goal of being physically fit makes me feel good and I feel like I have companionship. And the benefit also, is when I'm done working out AFTER work, the last thing I feel like doing is having a glass of wine. I want to eat something light, shower, and crawl into bed and hope NCIS is on so I can fantasize about Mark Harmon sharing my room with me.:H If I'm in a remote area, I try to find out where there is a nice mall....even if it's just window shopping. We seem to have a lot in common. When I was on the road, even when my drinking was at its worst...I could stop without a struggle, after 1 or 2 glasses of wine. The same with going out with friends or family. It's when I was home alone on the weekends that I was vulnerable.

                          Lav-I loved the latest picture of Lily. She is such a cutie and I can't believe she is 8 days old already.

                          Star-I will be praying for you that you get that job and it's everything that you wanted. You are wise to be thinking about this AF and your commitment is so admirable.

                          Papmom-you are always so generous with your time and advice on using the Iphone, Smartphone, etc. Your posts always make me smile.

                          Several of us are setting goals to lose weight this year and I am elated to say I lost 3.5 pounds this week.

                          A shout out to anyone I didn't address today. Have a wonderful AF Sunday!


                            Marvelous, Magnificent March

                            Hello Marchers!

                            I have been up early today, done a power walk, visited my sister, gone to church and breakfast and I still have half the day ahead of me! I tell you the energy I have without AL is really amazing. I probably would have been up for only a little over an hour by now in years gone by!

                            Rusty, I'm right there with you on the bread. But as I'm in early days I'm still going easy on the food thing and just focusing on AL so I won't give anything else up for Lent. Just stick with not drinking AL for those 40 days!

                            Lav, sorry about the rain -- but we actually could use some here it's been dry lately and we're on water rationing so maybe send a little this way. It does look cloudy...could happen?

                            Dil - My Hubby has not gone AF -- he just forgets about AL for weeks at a time. If we're somewhere social he will have one drink and that's pretty much it for him. Wish that could be me!

                            Hello to Star, Dew, Jenn and all others. Hope you all have a fantastic AF day!


                              Marvelous, Magnificent March

                              Hello Friends:

                              Having a very lazy Sunday here - it is raining and just feels good to be inside and relaxing. Getting ready to go for my monthly massage. I need it today after running 10.25 miles yesterday

                              I did manage to make a big pot of lentil soup today with leeks and carrots, along with some apple and maple flavored chicken sausage. Looking forward to having that for my lunches this week.

                              Have been thinking alot about how grateful I am to be AF and can't imagine having to start all over again. Cassia - Your comments hit home for me as any time I feel tempted or have a craving I quickly remind myself of the progress I've made and how awful I would feel afterwards. We always have to be on guard and be prepared to launch a counter attack when that inner voice starts to rear it's ugly head!

                              I thought I might fire up TurboTax and do my taxes today but I think I'll save that for another time. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to filing taxes. It's just one of those necessary evils.

                              Well, folks, I hope all of you are having a peaceful Sunday.... Take care..
                              AF since 7/13/2010


                                Marvelous, Magnificent March

                                Well a productive day for me today as I managed to get caught up with most things, I also spent a couple of hours pulling together a presentation for work next week so I feel ahead of the game on that one. I went down to the local beach and walked along the shoreline for an hour, I would have stayed longer but it was quite cold and windy a change from first thing this morning. I still have the ironing to do but I might do a few essentials and leave it for another time.

                                Star isn?t it great when opportunities present themselves like that and as you say why not give it your best shot at the moment and see what comes ? you can decide later whether to accept if you are offered it, also it?s an opportunity to network and let people know about you for the future. A friend of mine didn?t get a job she wanted last year but 4 months later they contacted her as the person wasn?t up to the job and she got it the second time around. I so admire your determination to live a healthy life this year and you are so right about us listening to our bodies, one step at a time.

                                I laughed at your comment ?I can honestly say it will be a cold day in hell before I go looking for a man replacement? too funny :H Maybe one of these days though you just never know what?s around the corner as you seem such a caring and compassionate soul. However I think I?ve said this before that the loneliest I ever felt was during the later years of my marriage.

                                I?m wondering now about giving something up for lent mmmm I?ll need to think about that one although I?m not religious I think it might be an idea to give up something and donate the money I would have spent during the time to charity. Or maybe I can give up being so lazy on the exercise front and start a regular routine for Lent, does it work like that do you think ???

                                I felt a bit ill again later today I suddenly felt very tired and was icy cold so put the heating on then after about 20 mins I was burning hot and had to put it all off and was hot and cold like that for ages, I bundled up on the couch and fell asleep for an hour; I also feel a bit nauseous and couldn?t face dinner. I hope I?m not coming down with anything as I have such a busy week coming up. So another early night for me.

                                Dewdrop :h:
                                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

