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Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

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    Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

    OK here's to week 3

    :welcome: Mema and congrats on day 6. You sound in positive form but please let us know if you are stuggling and we will help you along.

    Dewdrop - Wishing you a good trip to London, what is it you do?

    Im completely exhausted and ready to go to bed with my book. When I was drinking AL always acted as a stimulant for me and I used it as a pick me up if I was tired. The problem was I would just override my real feelings and end up going to bed late with no real quality of sleep. There is something wonderful about feeling tired when you have had a mentally and physically demanding day and you can just relax into it.

    I got up early and went to the gym before work and since then its been non stop. Its so great to have the lighter mornings as usually I set the alarm with good intentions but choose the extra hour in bed over a workout. Making the effort this morning really set me up for the day and hopefully will give me the incentive to do the same tomorrow. I swear that whatever endorphins are released in my body from exercise give me more confidence and a self assuredness I dont have when I dont workout.

    ok enough rambling from me.... goodnight Marchers x
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

    Good evening marchers!

    Week 3 - we are more than halfway there! Chill - I'm inspired - I wish I could get up and work out in the mornings but I have to be at work by 6:00 so it makes it hard. Now that the clocks have changed, I'm hoping to get some power walking in at night - we'll see.

    Hope everyone that pops in has a great night!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

      Welcome Mema and Sunbeam!! Keep up the good work both of you!!
      Sun-we have so much in common!! I live in the Northeast too (MA), have THREE rescue dogs (shhh, don't tell my city!!), and LOVE to garden when I have the time. I have a real nice perennial bed that got sadly neglected last year and I have a small veggie garden.

      Welcome home John! I too loved your picture! you look maaarrrrvelous (think billy crystal!!).

      Chill- I have been struggling so much with waking up these days. I want to get up at 5am so I can either get on the treadmill or take the doggies for a walk but I just can't seem to wake up. This morning I don't even remember hitting the snooze button but all of a sudden it was 7am!!
      Tonite I'm putting the d$#%^ alarm clock in the kitchen so I'll be FORCED to get up and shut it off! Hopefully I won't run back to bed :H Once I get up I'm fine (unlike my drinking days when getting up was a problem too but staying awake and getting more energized as the day went on did NOT happen).

      Star-so glad you've had a few days to enjoy warm balmy weather. how nice!!

      Rustop-why did I think Ireland didn't celebrate St. Paddy's day? Still learning stuff at 29 (54)!!

      Lav-Do you do designs too as part of your embroidery business?

      Tomorrow is my annual physical and I am trying not to get too optimistic about the lab results. Every time they have come back over the past year the numbers haven't been as good as I thought they would be considering I don't drink anymore. Fingers crossed. At least the BP readings I'm getting at home look very good-still on the meds too tho.

      Have a great nite all!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

        My exercise program & his Mother just left :H
        Trust me, running after a 2 year who is having a complete ball chasing chickens is a workout :H
        My DIL is due with EB's little brother on April 5th so she really does NOT feel like running after EB right now, can't blame her

        Didn't accomplish what I wanted to today but did do lots of other stuff so I guess that's OK

        Wishing everyone a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

          Morning march marchers,
          Hi lavande,papmum3,jolie,chill.

          I am of out to work soon but Hope you all have a lovely sober day.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

            Morning all!

            Big warmup coming the end of this week Lav & John - I can't wait!

            Good luck with your physical papmom!

            Morning Mario and Chill - hope your day is great!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

              "We've all heard that we have to learn from our mistakes, but I think it's more important to learn from successes. If you learn only from your mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors." ~Norman Vincent Peale

              Hi Jolie, Mario, Lav, Papmom and Chill, and thanks Chill for starting week 3. I just got finished reading back through week 2 and want to say:welcome: Welcome Back, Shelley!

              I haven't been posting as much lately but I am doing great. I just wanted to let you know because I know that often when a member stops posting we all wonder what happened and if they are OK or struggling. I am not struggling. I'm doing better now than I have in a long time, in fact. I don't know really why but maybe it's just beginning to really click for me.

              Peace and strength.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                Hi everyone

                :welcome:Mema and well done on the 6 days. Those early days are always the hardest.
                Also Mario, good to see you on this thread. You give great advice and I have enjoyed what you have to say on other threads.

                Chill - Thanks for getting us started on week 3. Well done on your early starts. I love to get my exercise done in the morning, it really sets you up for the day.

                Sun - I do some pottering in the garden and we started a vegetable patch last year. I have two dogs, a Jack Russell (Harry Potter) and a Golden Retriever (Sally). I walk them every morning.

                Papmom - Good luck with your physical. Hope all goes well for you.

                Dill - Great to see you sounding so positive and thanks for the reading.

                Everyone else big hello and have a great AF day.



                  Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                  Good morning Marchers!

                  Halfway thru the month already - woo hoo

                  Dill, I was just thinking about you yesterday Thought maybe you were visiting your daughter in N.O.
                  So glad to hear you are doing well sister.

                  Papmom, good luck today. I'm due to get bloodwork done again in May because of the B/P meds. Sick of taking them but what can you do? I tried a little but never developed the skills to digitize my own designs. That takes supreme eye-hand coordination - something that I just don't have! I pay a digitizer to do custom designs for me & purchase stock designs from several companies.

                  Greetings Mario & Jolie!
                  Can't wait for that warm weather to get here neighbor Jolie My fingers are itching to get outside & work my herb garden, etc as I can see signs of life in there !!!!

                  Hope to see baby Lily today & try to get a pic with her eyes open :H
                  My DIL is due April 5 so it won't be too long before the stork watch begins all over again

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                    Greetings Marchers,

                    Lav you got me thinking so yesterday I donated to the Save The Children organisation and I have made my homepage. Everytime I surf the web, I make money ( for free) for my preferred charity. I didnt even know that someone was getting paid everytime I surfed the stupid am I.

                    Every little helps...hopefully
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                      Hey everyone!

                      Rebirth - I've never heard of that - think I'll look into making that my new homepage as well.

                      Lav - I would absolutely love to have an herb garden - love cooking with fresh herbs. Maybe this will be the year since my summer evenings won't be occupied with a (several) glasses of wine while sitting on my deck at night! Is it a lot of work?

                      Dill - I too may not be posting as much - had a scare at work yesterday while I was logged on to MWO, my computer suddenly wacked out and I got this error message & had to reboot. Now I'm a little paranoid so I'll probably just be posting from home. So of course I have to wait until hubby is outside and daughter is out or at work to get some privacy

                      Dill, Papmom, Chill, Mario, and anyone else who drops by, hope you guys all have a great evening!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                        Treat yourself to a laptop with a password at home - I did :H
                        Actually, I just had to get a new one last month. Check out hhgregg - I got an HP on sale & a rebate I need to go look for a new TV soon.

                        Herbs gardens are pretty simple. They like full sun, I have a spot right next to my door which is perfect. I have some perenials, some herbs are annuals. Dill & I both had a variety of mint growing last summer - chocolate mint - yum

                        I can't wait until Friday when it warms up a bit ~ still chilly!!!

                        rebirth, that's a great idea you had there girl
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                          I'm adding to the message I posted this morning on last week's thread, never to be seen by anyone:

                          Some have mentioned Florida: My husband and I will be heading there on March 28. We have been to that state numerous winters for a week or less, but we have never done Disney, and plan to go there soon.

                          Other gardeners in the Northeast, it is optimal time to do heavy pruning of landscape shrubs. PM me if you want more information. There are excellent pruning videos at Herb gardens really are very easy. I planted mine around an old tree stump, and put a pretty pot of flowers on it in the summer for a focal point. Perennials (will last many years) I grow include sage, thyme, oregano, terragon and lovage. The lovage gets huge, very dramatic. The leaves are a little tough, but taste like celery. I put a couple whole stems with leaves in a pot of soup, then remove it before serving. Basil is an annual that is very easy to grow in a pretty bowl in a sunny window. It does not need any drainage holes. I also grow a lot of parsley, which is a two-year plant, and put in some rosemary each year. The latter is really a small shrub, but does not survive the winter here.

                          On my new AF and more restricted diet, I hope to lose 10 pounds. I started a Weight loss after Menopause thread here in the fitness section awhile back, and lost 10# with that group, but I've slowly gained it back. Now that I may experience severe pain if I eat too much or the wrong things, I should be permanently successful.

                          I just started reading The Man who Listens to Horses, about the horse whisper, and I just finished reading Seabiscuit. Guess I'm into horses at the moment. Anyone else reading something good?
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                            Good Evening Folks:

                            Just sitting down to relax with my evening cup of tea before I head to bed. Boy was I sore yesterday but felt much better today. I need to keep stretching and stretching and stretching!

                            Sunbeam - You sound like you really know what you're doing in the garden! I would love to add herbs to my garden so maybe this will be the year to do that. Thanks for the tip on the pruning video. I will have to check that one out.

                            Also, Sunbeam, I've become an avid reader since becoming AF - I have so much more time, it's amazing! Right now, I am reading "The Lotus Eaters" by Tatjana Soli. It is a story of a photojournalist's experiences in Vietnam during the war. Sad to say, it is the first novel I've read on the Vietnam war and it has been an eye opener for me. The subject matter is rather grim but the story is very powerful. Most of the reviews I've read have been very positive. I feel funny saying that I am 'enjoying' it - rather, I've been compelled to continue reading - it is leaving a lasting impression on me.

                            Today was back to work day for me and I spent most of it digging out of email and conference calls. More of the same tomorrow and the rest of the week, I suppose. Do I sound bored??

                            I am supposed to run a local 5K race this coming Sunday but will wait to see how I feel later this week. I think I'll be OK but don't want to overdue it.

                            When I was in Florida I visited with friends after my race on Sunday and we went out to lunch. Both of them are pretty big drinkers and I had not seen them since I eliminated alcohol from my diet. Of course, they insisted I have my usual 'vodka and cranberry' to celebrate my half-marathon finish so I had to break the news that I would not be drinking alcohol. They were quite surprised. I left it that I didn't want to get dehydrated after a long run. I only see these guys about twice a year (they are from England) so I didn't feel a need to give them all the details. I was pretty proud of myself because it could have been so darn easy to say what the heck and have a drink with them. But, I reminded myself of all the progress I made and wasn't willing to throw in the towel. So, here I am!

                            Lav - We're both on stork patrol duty. My niece is due to deliver her baby any day now. That will be grand-nephew/niece #2 for me!

                            Jolie - Computer problems are the pits. I've battled virus problems over the past several months. Everytime I think all is clear, another problem surfaces. Very frustrating and such a waste of time.

                            I think I see some wee little leprachauns getting ready to do a jig or two... St. Patrick's day is just around the corner...

                            Sweet dreams friends....
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Marvelous Magnifcant March - week 3

                              Good morning march marchers, Bit cold here this morning but i am still sober and happy, hope you all have a lovely day.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

