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Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

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    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

    Good morning everyone!

    Thought I would take the bull by the horns and start the thread for week 4!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend - mine was busy but I can't tell you how many times I stopped what I was doing and thought - wow - this is the first time I can remember in a very long time that I have done (whatever it was that I was doing at the time) AF.

    Good feeling I must admit. Feeling very peaceful and content right now. MWO has definitely been a life saver for me.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

    Good morning Jolie & all Marchers

    Woke up to the sound of thunder this morning and/or the sound of one of my dogs trying to get into my stall shower to hide :H

    Greetings to all those who posted on last week's thread.

    Dewdrop, you just hang in there - you are going to be fine. I have noticed that being sick (colld, flu, whatever) has triggered drinking with quite a few people on the threads. Maybe it causes us to revert back to 'old ways' of self-medicating for comfort - who knows? I also wouldn't discount the super moon effect either. I listened to a radio show about the super moon (and full moons in general) & how powerful they really are, especially on women.

    Shelley, I think you asked what Hayhouse is?
    Google Louise Hayhouse. Lots of info on her.......very interesting lady!
    You can tune in anytime & listen to some great motivationsl/spiritual speakers:
    Hay House Radio - Listen Live to Hay House Authors

    Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Monday! I need to turn all the light on - it's so dark here this morning

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

      Thank you Jolie for starting our new week, and Lav thank you for your kind thoughts ? I hadn?t thought about the effects of the super moon I think that might be pushing the blame a bit too far though

      I?m busying myself tonight with packing for my next trip; there are clothes all over my bedroom from last week in London, the weekend away and now I?m off again it?s getting a bit muddled here, I?m busy ironing and trying to make sure I have what I need ie jewellery, make up etc. Also I want to dye my hair for a change, I?m going chocolate tonight just hope it looks as good as it does on the box. I?ve put in my running gear and a few books I want to read The Plastic Mind and Buddha?s Brain, I am getting into neuroscience at the moment and how the brain can adapt and change and I must admit I find it quite fascinating . I worked in the mental health area years ago and at that time I always thought I?d love to be a psychiatrist if I had the chance again. It?s funny the paths our lives take, or do we limit ourselves with our choices?.............

      I hope you are all happy, healthy and AF, I?m still struggling with the cravings to go and buy a bottle, actually I thought this afternoon on my way home ?why not just buy a 3 litre box? so it?s not plain sailing this end. I feel like I?ve opened Pandora?s Box and I can?t put the lid back on so not good.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

        Hi Dew,

        I so know how strong those cravings can be, especially
        When you live and travel like we can be very lonely. Ditch the idea of the 3 litre box and try to think of something happy and positive. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs.


          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

          Hey rusty!! Glad to see you checking in.

          Jolie - thanks for starting us off.

          Dew - good to see that you are feeling better. You are an awesome woman, never forget that.

          Lac - I will be in PA this weekend. If you hear about any crazy Scottish Americans trying to eat enough pizza for a football team, that will be me!

          So big day for me tomorrow - 90 ads with al. Can hardly believe it. I am a different person. Its great. I am looking forward to my trip to NJ. leave at eight tomorrow and get in at 12 eastern. Got my first appointment at 3 and wed and Thursday are packed full. Got a couple of appointments on friday top so its a busy weekZ

          I will be checking in regularly. I am buying an iPad
          tomorrow so once I work it out i will check in. I have to be on my guard against al. Thankfully, I also have to be on my A game so there will be no room for it. I am spending the weekend with my sia who doesn't drink so that's a massive plus.

          Be well and strong friends!

          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

            Good Evening Friends:

            A quick check-in for me tonight. Got through a long Monday at work and then hit the gym for a 10 mile bike ride. Keeping busy in the evenings immediately after work is one of my strategies to keep the alcohol cravings in check. Between 6 - 8PM is when I tended to do my 'quality' drinking so if it's close to 8pm by the time I get home from the gym, I seem to avoid the stronger urges.

            I started reading a new book this weekend: The Help, Kathryn Stockett, (9780425232200) Paperback - Barnes & Noble and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Takes place in Mississippi in the early 1960's and is about black maids working for white families. The characters (maids) are very endearing and strong.

            The Cassoulet that I made yesterday was a success! My partner, who never eats leftovers (he calls them 'already chewed food') actually heated some up in the microwave tonight for this dinner - that rarely, if ever, happens around here. :H Lav- Tarragon from your garden would have been a great addition to the dish!

            I'm still on storck patrol - my niece's due date was March 19 but no sign of baby yet.

            Hope everyone is having a peaceful evening...
            AF since 7/13/2010


              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

              I think the stork needs new batteries or something John. My daughter was 11 days late & pretty pissed off at that point :H
              My DIL is due April 5 so I hope the stork gets in gear
              Don't you find the drinking cravings at this point to be more 'drinking thoughts'?

              I need to start planning my 2 year anni - coming up on the 26th!
              I spent my first anni on MWO all day talking my head off - had a great time too :H

              Cassia, where are you going to be in PA? I hope your trip is fabulous
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                Welcome week 4 and thank you Jolie for starting us off

                It's been a hectic few days and I will read back later to see how you are all doing.

                Lav - you hit the nail on the head for me, I never have "cravings" they stopped after the 1st few months but drinking thoughts do pop up fairly regularly and when they do i deal with them calmly and logically. For years I have been into many spiritual teachings which have helped me do this and I'm very grateful for that. I can almost hear Eckhart Tolle in my head saying "oh look! There's a drinking thought, we don't need to attach ourselves to that one so I'll let it go!":H

                Wishing you all a wonderful AF tuesday.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                  Hi all just a quick hello , hope everyone has a lovely sober day.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                    I embrace supportive people, inspiring places and productive ideas. I let go of thoughts, beliefs and situations that are not in my best interest, that tear down rather than uplift.

                    Dill, I'm copying your wonderful way of starting a post with a quote you want to share. I copied this off my Daily Word, and thought it helpful to me and maybe to others on this thread. Dilly, you sound so strong, you seem to be in a good place at the present time. Firm on your AF journey and growing more confident every day. Me too.

                    Dewdrop, I understand about the Pandora's box.....that is the fear for me of, "just this once." You have really helped me by sharing your story. The information about having sweats, anxiety, feeling dehydrated and not right, are all experiences that happen to me and I need a refresher. Part of my problem is I tend to forget as I take for granted good sleep, feeling healthy and in control. Sometimes I think I minimize the effects of alcohol. You can do this, keep close and posting.

                    PAguy, I loved The Help. It is a great read, everyone I know who has read it had good things to say about it. Enjoy. Glad your cassoulet was so successful. My mushroom barley soup was really good too, it is fun to cook, create and share. An artistic outlet for both of us. Fun to read of the creative outlets of all of us. Gardening, embroidery, cooking, decorating....

                    Papmom, I forgot to comment on your new office. I love it! You are so creative and your little doggy loved it too. I get such a kick out of animals, they love to be part of everything. I know when I change the sheets on my bed, my cats have to be all in my business, and are so cute. Since your AF life began, you have really been taking care of business and having fun, too.

                    My Monday was not as bad as I thought. On to Tuesday,

                    Any good ideas for April names?
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                      Very nice thought to start the day with, Star. Thank you.

                      Lav, your anni is this Saturday. I hope to be able to post congrats, then, but if not, Congrats!

                      Paguy, I read, actually listenned to The Help last summer. It was a great read and wonderfully narrated. Keep us posted about your niece. I like your strategy of going to the gym before coming home to get past the drinking hour. What a healthy change that is!

                      Cassia, I'm travelling on Friday and will be away a week. We have bought the latest Ipad and it is great. It will be along with us. We'll probably pack a laptop as well. Mr. Dill and I are both addicted to the internet.

                      I have Spring break starting on Friday and we are driving down to New Orleans see our daughter and SIL. We will have house sitters here taking care of things, so it should be a care free trip. I am looking forward to it and am getting armed for the drive with books and audiobooks.

                      Have a nice AF Tuesday everyone.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                        Morning marchers!

                        Dew - how did the chocolate brown turn out? I'm always so paranoid about dyeing my own hair.

                        Lav - 2 years??? You better do something totally awesome for yourself - you deserve it. You are definitely the inspiration here for all of us.

                        PA guy - any new little niece yet? All these new little babies are so exciting!

                        Star - I love inspirational quotes - this is a good one.

                        Dill, Mario, Chill, Cassia and Rusty - hope you all have a wonderful day!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                          Good morning Marchers,

                          Still waiting for the sun to appear!

                          Jolie, did you hear they're talking about snow again tomorrow? :H
                          That does not thrill me, not at all!

                          Dill, how long of a drive is it to N.O.?
                          I hope you enjoy your visit - surely you won't encounter any snow down there

                          Time to get my day going!
                          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                            Good afternoon everyone

                            Little later checking in today as I had my Weight Watchers meeting this morning. Lost half a pound. Better than nothing and I guess I am going in the right direction.

                            Jolie - Thanks for starting us off.

                            Lav - 2 Years, congratulations that is amazing. Loved the last photo of little Lily, keeping posting cause she is adorable.

                            Dill and Star - You both sound so strong and positive at the moment. Keep it up. I feel I have a lot in common with you both and hope to follow your example.

                            Papmom - Loved the photo of your new office, well done.

                            Paguy - Read that book at Christmas and really enjoyed. Another one I was given at that time was The Room - have you read that?

                            Cassia - Good luck with your trip.

                            Dewdrop - Hope you are feeling better today. How did the hair turn out?

                            Everyone else big hello.



                              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                              Hi Everybody,
                              PaGuy, I just put The Lotus Eaters on my Amazon wish list. I have a stack of books to read, but the pile will go down, and I will buy more great books! The pile goes down more slowly with the gardening season, but I still enjoy a good book on the patio. I've also read, "The Help" which someone else here recommended in the What We're Reading section. I recently also finished the three books in the Steig Larsson series. I will also add The Room to the Amazon list - thanks Rustop!

                              Stargazer, do you have the red lily bug in the midwest? It is a terrible scourge. Most damaging bugs have a fairly limited season, but not this one. My suggestion for an April title would be Spring into April, but maybe someone else has a better idea.

                              I am grateful to hear some of you long termers talking about drinking as just a passing thought, not a craving. I hope it works out that way for me.

                              I gotta run to a chorus rehearsal. We are working on a Rossini piece, Peetite Messe Solennelle. Take care, all.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

