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Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

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    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

    Sunbeam - this is what we're dealing with in PA

    STINK BUGS!!!!!!!
    Penn State Live - Entomologist researching how to control stink bugs

    This is their second year here now & i am sick of them - no kidding :H I'm been removing them from my house, garage, everywhere all winter.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

      Lav - Maryland as well! I hate those stinkin things! Was sitting on the couch watching a movie Saturday night (Secretariat - great movie by the way and one that I will remember as I was SOBER!), when one of those darn bugs flew right at me! And this is only the beginning! Can't wait until summer when they are out in full force!

      BTW - they call them stink bugs for a reason - don't squish them in the house

      Sun - what kind of chorus are you in? I used to love to sing in high school (uh - many years ago).

      Hope everyone has a nice evening!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

        Hello Friends:

        Well, I am a grand-uncle again! My niece had her 2nd baby boy this morning and everyone is doing well. His 2 year old 'older' brother is in store for some big changes - look out!

        Lav - Yes, you are right. Drinking 'thoughts' is a much better way to describe my experiences now, rather than 'cravings'. Thank goodness the thoughts are mostly fleeting these days.

        Jolie and Lav - I have not seen a stink bug all winter long. We had plenty of them last summer and fall. What a nuisance. And yes, I learned the hard way why they are called 'stink' bugs :H

        Sunbeam - I used to buy all my books but I have now resorted to going to the library and it's worked out really well. It's great that you can reserve books on-line as well as extend due dates. I am fortunate - the closest library is just a 10-minute drive from my home so it's very convenient.

        Rustop - I have not heard of 'The Room' but will put it on my list. Thanks for the tip.

        Star - Really liked your quote this morning and it gives me lots to think about. I unfortunately am exposed to friends and family who drink too much. I am making some headway with my partner's drinking patterns but so many of my friends drink all the time. I, too, am afraid that I may become a snobby former drinker but life is just so different (for the better) being AF. I do find myself pulling away from friends when they invite me to social situations that I know will be entirely alcohol driven. I am making choices that are better for me and supportive of my new perspective.

        Yes, Lav, I have heard the weather report for our area and know that we may be getting some snow over the next 2 days. :upset:

        The tea flavor that I am enjoying this week is 'Raspberry Peach' and I am loving it. Need to put the kettle on and make a cup before I head up to bed and continue reading 'The Help'.

        Wishing you all a peaceful evening...
        AF since 7/13/2010


          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

          In honor of the cold, damp weather heading our way tomorrow John I'm posting a link for a recipe from Fat Free Vegan. Hint...... for Ms Sooty too
          Ridiculously Easy Southern Succotash Stew | recipe from FatFree Vegan Kitchen

          I think this will be OK for my WW plan as well!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

            Morning and happy hump day Marchers.

            Lav that stew looks delicious - and I've just spent the last 10 minutes looking up lima beans and creole seasoning so think I'll give it a go, but probably not today as I don't have any lima beans or creole seasoning :H but I'll definitely get some next time I'm out shopping. Let me know how yours turns out.

            I'm not going to need stew today as the forecast is for a warm, dry day and already the sky is blue - way hay not very often I can say that! Mr S and I bought victoria plum and comice pear trees yesterday so I think I shall be supervising the planting!

            Have a good day everyone, keep safe
            Love Sooty


              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

              Good morning,

              Two crabby men at my house, whew, I can barely wait to go to work. How is that for a change? Our electricity went out about eight p.m. and never came back on till 1 a.m. So, we were talking, but my husband, a TV addict, had a headache and was just a bear. Went to bed about nine. Woke up to crabby.

              Sunbeam, Spring into April sounds good to me. Thanks for the input.

              Dil, what fun to have a week off and traveling. The perks of working in the school system.

              PAguy, congrats on the birth of your little great nephew, how wonderful. To address the family and friends who drink or who are focused on drink, it is an ongoing challenge for me too. It was great when I was in Florida, I was visiting my Dad who has been in recovery for 38 years. He always likes to have a good time, leaves at a reasonable hour, but I can tell does feel uncomfortable at times, to this day. Like normal people, we went out to dinner, watched a little TV, then went to bed. Now, some people like to play games, stay up and talk, etc. That's OK too. I made the comment to him about people not drinking in his community and he looked at me and said, "Oh no, there are people who drink." and he left it at that. I guess we have to find our comfort zone and in some situations, may still feel uncomfortable. Comparing that to the experience of being drunk and acting the fool, well, there is no comparison, is there?

              Rusttop, how is your journey going, I realize you are busy with family and home duties, but really don't know alot about the AF journey. Hope its OK to ask. Good you can relate to me and Dill.

              Everyone, wishing you a happy humpday, AF.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                Morning all,

                Dreary day here in my parts - chilly and rainy. Didn't have the heart to put my dogs out in this early this morning so I will take my lunch hour and put them out then. The less chance they have to get stinky, the better!

                PAguy - congrats! Sorry - thought your niece was having a little girl - two little nephews to spoil!

                Star - Sorry for all the crabbiness going on in your house - I have one that turns crabby from time to time as well.

                Lav - always looking for new recipes - going to check this one out!

                Hope everyone enjoys their day!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                  Good morning everyone

                  Another beautiful morning here, a real feel of spring in the air. Our clocks change this week-end so looking forward to the longer evenings.

                  Paguy - Congratulations on becoming a grand uncle again. I admire you for being so strong, especially with your partner and people drinking around you.

                  Sunbeam - I too go to the library and find that since I stopped constantly buying books I have a much greater choice. Checked my herb bed yesterday and the thyme, chives, marojorm, sage have survived the winter. Looking forward to getting started on it but we still have frost here.

                  Dill - Enjoy your week off and your travels.

                  Sooty - I am just after having the most delicious plum from M & S, are you growing the trees outside or in a green house?

                  Lav - Thanks for sharing regarding it now being thoughts - v - cravings. I have no cravings at the moment but know how soon that can change. Looking forward to them just becoming a thought. Think I will cope better with that.

                  Jolie - Thanks for sharing the name of that movie. I must keep a notebook near the computer for all the info that I get on this thread.

                  Star - Sorry you are having to deal with grumpy men. Regarding my AF journey, I am doing really well at the moment. As you know I am the relapse queen. I get 20, 30, 60 days and then blow it. Hubby always has wine at night so that does make it harder as its always there and even though I might not overdo it, I have come to realize that I am making things harder for myself. As Dewdrop pointed out, even after 7 months, once she tasted alcohol the cravings came back with a vengence. I am taking it ODAT and looking forward to just having a thought -v- a craving. AF March so far and looking forward to an AF April.

                  Speaking of April, any ideas for a name? April Angels, Adventurous April, April Achievers?

                  Happy hump day to everyone I have not mentioned.



                    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                    Good Morning Sooty, Star, Jolie and Rustop and greetings to all to come.
                    Paguy, or should I say "Uncle Paguy", congrats on the new member of the family!
                    Lav, the drive will be 15 hours. I don't know how it will go. I haven't done longer than 6 hours in quite awhile and with that I definitely got very stiff. We had to take a couple of breaks during that amount of time. I guess we will just take breaks as we need them to stretch and move around a bit. Otherwise it should be OK. We love listening to books and travelling is perfect for that.

                    Have a happy AF Humpday day.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                      Good morning Marchers!

                      Sure is dark & damp around these parts, ugh!

                      Congrats Uncle John
                      Little boys are a hoot & a real exercise program when they begin running around:H

                      Sooty, if you can't buy fresh/frozen limas, can you get dried? I think they would work out fine. I'm going to mix up my own Creole seasoning. I saw a recipe on
                      Enjoy your nice weather!

                      Dill, I definitely can not sit still for very long either because I end up fairly crippled Hope your trip is awesome

                      Star, I can write a book, a BIG book on grumpy men.....

                      Haven't gotten a single thing done yet today so I guess I should get started!
                      Wishing everyone a very happy Hump day.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                        Forgot to add my congrats Uncle John, does this mean we'll have more baby photos to go gooey over?

                        Lav I think that lima beans are butter beans - and I can get them. What colour are lima beans? Cos on your receipe they looked green and butter beans aren't green. Unless they are very distinctive in flavour I guess it won't matter too much.

                        I'll make my own creole seasoning now that I have that link, thanks

                        Rustop the trees are going into the garden. They are very small so don't suppose we'll get any fruit this year but they were very cheap so we thought they were worth a go!

                        I hope everyone's having a good hump day. Its been beautiful here - didn't do the garden after all, went for a trip out with Mr S and had a lovely lunch!

                        Later gang


                          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                          Hi Guys

                          Another ultra quick check in from me, I swear there are less hours in a day now!

                          Just a couple of thoughts on our April name:
                          AF April (this was last yrs but its simple and to the point)
                          April Abstinence
                          April Appreciation
                          April Acceptance
                          Amazing April
                          Awe-inspiring April

                          I like April Appreciation as I think everything looks and is better when we appreciate what we have. We could make a conserted effort throughout the month to be appreciative.:flower:
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                            Hi Friends,
                            Chill, I also like the title of April Appreciation. I have kept my mood on my screen at "gratitude" for a long time, and it would be a good opportunity to post the specific reasons in my life, the many things for which I am grateful.

                            Dill, good luck on that trip. Hubby and I decided a few years ago that 14 hours at a stretch is too much for us, 12 is our limit. We just get too tired to drive safely, especially after dark.

                            Uncle PaGuy and Rustop, you are right that I should probably go to the library. Even my two stop light village has one. But I don't read too many current best sellers, though that is mostly what I have mentioned here so far. I put the current ones on my Amazon list, then wait for the prices to come down on used copies. Often I get books for 1 cent plus 3.99 shipping. The convenience is worth that much to me. Sometimes I have Googled "New York Times Bestsellers 2008" or whatever year, to get ideas for new books to read. Often Hubby and I read the same books, and we don't have to worry about due dates. When I'm done I enjoy passing the books along to friends, or they go to my church rummage sale. I am about to start reading the Twilight series.

                            Lavande, thanks for the info on stink bugs. I haven't heard of them around here, but I bet I will soon. You aren't that far away. I have a lot of box elder bugs, but they do no damage. Still, I'd rather they didn't find their way into my house in the winter.

                            Jolie, I sing in a chorus of about 100 voices. Half are college students, and the other half is from the community. I also sing in my church choir, so I have rehearsals two nights per week. Keeps me off the streets!

                            We are in the middle of a late-season snow storm, so I couldn't work in the garden today as I had hoped. I got my hair cut, and made some very good cookies, with lemon and almond flavoring, as well as chopped almonds.

                            Take care, all.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                              What about Appreciating April AF

                              Glad you are all well, I am too so far, been a bit tricky but I'm battling on. Catch you tomorrow if I have time. You are all a lifeline at the moment.

                              I'll get back to PM's at the weekend but thanks :l

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                                Dewdrop;1083183 wrote: What about Appreciating April AF
                                LOVE THIS IDEA!!
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

