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Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

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    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

    Hey guys,

    I love it too! Sounds like a winner and is certainly appropriate for this thread!

    Sun - sounds like you had a busy day - thought about joining my church choir but just got hubby to start back at church with me so think I'm going to keep going to the early service as I don't really like going by myself.

    Dew - hope all is well and glad you snagged a moment to check in. I know some days it can be hard.

    Chill - such creativeness - lots of good suggestions and I think my number one thing to appreciate right now is all of you at MWO:l

    Sooty - you gotta try lima beans! I absolutely love them but unfortunately am the only one in my house that likes them.

    Lav - are you getting these crazy storms right now? Seems weird having thunderstorms in March.

    Dill - wow - 15 hours is certainly a long time. Hope it doesn't tire you too much. Take frequent breaks to stretch!

    Ruststop - our clocks changed a couple of weeks ago and I love having it stay light for so long - now if it would just warm up I could take advantage of the extra sunlight!

    Star and PAguy - hope you are both enjoying your hump day!

    Off to pack lunches for tomorrow and then watch my absolute favorite show Modern Family! That show is awesome and always has me laughing:H
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

      Good evening friends!

      Sooty, lima beans are a light green color, baby limas are the best
      I was an oddball kid - loved almost any veggie. My kids never cared much for them but that's their loss. We are able to buy them frozen, loose in bags - yum! I'll make that recipe just for me

      Jolie, thunder & lightening in March is very strange. All of our weather seems strange these days.....
      One of my dogs tries to hide in my stall shower....she's strange!

      Just had a quick dinner out with my husband, YB. It was totally his idea too! He was pleasant for a change & offered to come back Saturday to help me drag chicken feed & dog food bags home. Guess I shouldn't look a gifthorse in the mouth......
      (Always thought that was a dumb old saying but it seems to fit the situation).

      I spent a good portion of my day taking care of my granddaughter so my daughter could catch up with some business things & personal things too like brushing her teeth:H Boy do I remember those days having an infant in the house & getting next to nothing else done. Lily will be 1 month old on Saturday. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with her today!

      Hope everyone is having a good night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

        Good Evening Marchers!

        Just a quick check-in and a cheery but sleepy hello from Michigan!

        Lav, I'm glad your dinner with YB went well. Maybe he's had an epiphany. I'm thrilled you can spend some time with Lily. I bet your daughter appreciates the break, too.

        Dill-safe journey to New Orleans and I hope you have a great time!

        John-congratulations on being a great-uncle again!

        I can't keep my eyes apologies for not being able to address everyone personally. I hope everyone is having a peaceful and happy AF evening.


          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

          Hi everyone-just popping in to say I'm here and have read all the posts but feeling like shite-head cold and tummy bug so no energy to post much. Like the April Appreciation name too.
          Lav-so glad your dinner with YB went well-maybe he's coming out of his 37 year funk!!
          Dew-hang in there-each day will make you stronger.
          Star-hope your 2 crabbies are feeling better tonite!
          John-congrat on your grand uncle status for the second time!!
          Sarah-good on you for the attitude change about your hubby's drinking. Only good can come out of a mindset like that!
          Jolie-how funny was modern family tonite????
          Sun and Sarah-I think the big snow is coming overnite. Should be a great commute tomorrow morning!!
          Dill-safe travels to the Big Easy!! Hope you have a blast!!
          Rusty, rustop, sooty, chill-big hugs and shoutouts to you all.

          got my annual labs back yesterday and everything is NORMAL!! My BP is still a tad high but diet and exercise should take care of that. My sugar monster is back once again but I'm stuffing him back in the hole tomorrow.
          My other big news is that I have a job interview!! I applied for a job with the college that is right up the street from me over 6 weeks ago. They are famous for not following through with contacting applicants so usually I don't follow up. But this time I and the job are so perfect for each other I couldn't just ignore their silence. I was going to call them tomorrow but they got to me first!! I'm so excited!! The interview isn't until the 8th but that will give me time to lose a few pounds so my suit will fit. It's been over 7 years since I've been on a real interview so i'll have to dust off my skills.

          That's it for now. Hoping I feel better tomorrow as I have a wicked busy weekend ahead of me.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

            Good morning everyone

            Another bright beautiful one here. I just love this type of weather. Makes you glad to be alive and AF so that you can fully enjoy it.

            Dew - Love the idea of Appreciating April AF. Hang in there, it will get easier and thanks for sharing with us.

            Lav - you lucky lady getting cuddle time with that precious bundle. YB may eventually cop himself on when he sees you just getting on with life, live in hope.

            Rusty - Safe travels.

            Pap - So glad your labs came back normal. Good luck with the new job, will keep fingers crossed for you.

            Everyone else big hello and have a great Thursday.



              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

              Morning all,

              Looks like it's going to be chilly around here until next week sometime - arghhh!

              Lav - I'm envious - it's been a while since I've even had a chance to hold a little baby in my arms - what a feeling - huh? especially when it's your own - all my friends tell me there is nothing like being a grandmother! someday . . .

              Rustop - wish I was where you are - I'm also finding that I appreciate and enjoy beautiful days so much more without the AL haze

              Pap - so glad to hear everything is going so well for you! I will keep my fingers crossed but sounds to me like your positive energy will give that college no other choice but to hire you! Congrats on the labs! I take BP medicine as well and am curious to see if there is a chance that I could go off of them now that I'm taking better care of myself and not funneling all the poison down my throat

              Morning Chill, Dew, Sun and Sooty - it's Thursday! one more day until Friday!

              Have a great one!

              p.s. Pap - I live for that show and can always count on it making me laugh out loud every time:H
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                Good morning kids!

                Still no sun but at least theres no snow

                Rusty, how's that studying going? I haven't wanted to bother you but maybe I just will anyway :H

                Papmom, good job on the labwork! I will be getting mine done again early May (every 6 months). I am still on 2 BP meds which kind of irritates me considering I quit my bad habits 2 years ago. I think I'm dealing with a genetic problem. The job interview sounds great - good luck

                Greetings Rustop & Jolie!
                Winter has returned, that's for sure - kind of feels like a punishment or something. Haven't we had enough????? Grandmotherhood rocks ladies - lots of fun

                The EB grandson is coming over this afternoon while his Mom is in class. Where are my vitamins?!!!!!!

                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                  Morning all -
                  Pap - congrats on the job interview - good for you for putting your energy out there. Lav, the pictures of Lily are so wonderful, it must be a real treat to be with her...Dew, I am thinking and thinking of you and sending you protective energy. I have been in your shoes so many times, such an exhausting dance. Last spring I had been doing well, and then hit a long roller-coaster that became very taxing...i am so glad that it is a different spring for me this year - hold yourself tight....... PA - happy uncle-hood!

                  Have been lashed to my computer and files getting taxes done: one corporation, 2 LLCs, and personal. All with my files stashed in different parts of our rental house - it is comical to see me dash from room to room. I don't need to go to the gym, with all this running around searching for important, tiny pieces of paper....uuugh.

                  Dill, thanks for the Winnie the Pooh quote. This morning I am embodying another Winnie quote that is my favorite: 'Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits....'. I guess I better have a cup of coffee to get the engine started!
                  Happy AF Thursday to all - will try to check in again later --
                  (PS Mario, thanks for the Mark Twain quote, and Mr G, will we get to hear more music soon?)
                  Cheers, Cyn
                  to the light


                    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                    Hey Folks:

                    A bit under the weather today - came down with an intestinal bug late yesterday so I am working from home and trying to rest between conference calls. Feeling completely wiped out. I imagine it will just be a 24 hour thing - temperature is already down so that is good progress.

                    Greetings to everyone - will try to check in later...
                    AF since 7/13/2010


                      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                      Uh oh John........
                      Feel better soon!
                      Let me know if you need a visit from Nurse Lav. I can bring you chicken soup - I can even bring you a chicken if you like :H:H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                        Hi Guys

                        Paguy - special Chill healing vibes are coming your way...

                        I LOVE Winnie the Pooh quotes! Here's one from my collection:-
                        If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient.
                        It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.

                        I had a meeting with my ex yesterday and as much as i always try, i didnt manage to stay composed and I came out with something stupid like "you have no idea what im going through and dont even care". (Like why should he care anyway!) To be honest I didnt give it another thought but he called me up at 9am this morning so it must have been playing on his mind. He said he just wanted me to know that it couldnt be further from the truth and he cared a great deal and if he could give me back the life I had he would in an instant.
                        *speechless!* It doesnt help hearing this, it only makes me love him more :upset:

                        On a positive note, my boss told me he thinks im doing an amazing job and he is so happy to have me work for him, he keeps mentioning possibly it becoming full time which would be just wonderful!

                        I am feeling very good about life at the moment, I have been exercising and eating well which always balances my mind. Im spending lots of free time in nature and meditating regularly.

                        I understand how we no longer fit into mainstream social lives but Im really ok with that. For 25 years+ i was the last to leave the party, so being the 1st now doesnt bother me. There isnt one single party left in me, i've done them all and being able to change my life half way through is a privilege, why would we want to spend a lifetime doing the same old thing? Wayne Dyer talks about the morning and the afternoon of our lives and how we shift spiritually in the afternoon, thats where I am and growing in this way is my biggest goal which I could never have achieved whilst I was drinking.
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                          Chill - so sorry you are going thru this emotional turmoil with your ex - can't be easy. Sometimes we can't tell our hearts to just stop loving someone. Good for you with your job though - sounds like your boss thinks you are wonderful! I also love nature and the peace it brings. Is there a special art to meditating? I think I'd like to give it a try. I'll have to google it:H

                          PAGuy - so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well - hope it is only a 24 hour thing and you bounce right back!

                          Cyn - good grief if I had all those tax returns to do I would shoot myself! Not my favorite thing to do in the world and I've been procrastinating over my own but my good buddy turbotax keeps reminding my that I'm halfway there so let's finish it up!

                          Lav - some at work today said they actually saw snow flakes - I didn't see them so I'm just not believing it

                          Chill - must say your new avatar caught me off guard at first but now I think it's growing on me! Too funny

                          Have a great evening everyone!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                            Jolie;1083815 wrote:
                            Chill - must say your new avatar caught me off guard at first but now I think it's growing on me!
                            Actually Jolie it's catching me off guard too, think it will need to go tomorrow, I need an avatar that calms me and cute as he is, yogadog just ain't calming me! :H
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                              It's freaky chill but in the nicest way :H
                              I kind of like yogadog

                              Just had dinner with my son & grandson

                              Getting pretty dark out so I should go chase the chickens in for the night - some of them like to stay up a bit too late!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                                Greetings, friends. You all sound good.

                                Tonight I start my first AF vacation. Hubby and I leave Monday for a week at Disney. When I return, I will begin working at a new location, same employer, same boss, still three days per week. I only worked 8 months at the location where I finished today, but they need me more in the new spot. I look forward to vacation, but worry about what I will be able to eat with my newly-acquired health condition, worry about learning all those new names and interpersonal interactions at essentially a new job when I return. I am nearly 57, so learning all those details over again isn't getting any easier. Am I happy or sad?? Beats me. I just hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight.

                                Take care, all.
                                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

