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Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

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    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

    Early morning Sunday,

    Congrats Lav. You are our mainstay, and always giving support and encouragement to all. Now it is our turn. Thanks for letting us know that AF is the only way to go. Life will still throw us, well, life, but it is manageable AF. As you share your struggles, you share your strength and wisdom, learned through you journey of the last two years. Thanks from all of us.

    LBH, so good to hear from you and your six weeks AF. You have shut the door and I really think I have too. It feels good, honest, peaceful, and right to be AF.

    I have had a difficult week, stress with family, but knew that drinking would be STUPID, plain and simple, for me. Upon reflection, I realize I have been having drinking thoughts, not cravings. There is a difference. However, I have been eating a whole lot, not good. Researching L-glut and will look to buy some today to help with the cravings for sugar. This is a physical as well as psychological issue, and I will be forever grateful that MWO let me know that. I can address each area that needs to be dealt with in my own way.

    Sending you all strength and hope.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

      A Happy Sunday to you all!

      We had our clocks move forward last night so Im a bit behind today, overslept and missed my cycle with my group. I took myself off instead and had a glorious cycle beating my all time best for 20km (finally did it in under 1 hour!).

      LBH - Im so glad you checked in with us and hope it isnt so long before the next time, I miss your poetic way with words. :l

      Star - I love watching you discover all the new ways of seeing life without AL, I still have new conversations daily in my head about my new perspective and im so grateful to be able to grow in this way.

      I have been taking the L-glut since the beginning of lent and my abstenance from chocolate and so far I would say I havent had any real sugar cravings. What I have been aware of, is my trigger for crappy eating is definitely boredom and I need to work on this. In the evening im continually snacking on crackers and prezels without even being hungry.

      I watched the movie last night "when a man loves a woman" and was amazed at how different it was to when I 1st watched it in the middle of my drinking days! I actually cried at all the wrong parts last night as i more empathized with her internal demons than i had in the 1st viewing. What jumped out at me was her need to be with and confide in others suffering from the same affliction. There is just something so undescribably comforting in that, which is why MWO works whether we be discussing the depths of our despair or our patchwork quilts.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

        Good morning marching friends,

        Totally overslept - too much partying here yesterday I think

        Thank you Star. I know now that I've been using these threads for multiple reasons. Staying sober is first & foremost, staying sane through these unexpected life hurdles is another! Sometimes it all seems like a cosmic joke/ridlle to me & my job is to work my way thru & come out with the least amount of damage possible - if that makes sense

        chill, I avoid watching movies & even listening music that stirs up too many feelings - just not ready for all that yet. I tend to stick with Elmo & Big Bird DVDs - EB's favorite Sesame Street characters :H

        The snow missed me here last night - good thing
        Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

          Good morning all and Happy Sunday to you.

          Chill, it's funny you mention that movie -- I saw it again recently on Cable and I have to say it was a completely different movie than when I first saw it. The first time I saw it I was critical of her and could not understand at all what she was going through. This time, I felt completely the opposite! Interesting how time changes things.

          Hope you all have a wonderful AF Sunday.


            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

            Good Morning Marching Band,

            Ok, I give in....I read Chill's post about you guys taking a secret vote about me so here I am!

            Chill and Mylife....I've seen that movie several times....powerful, isn't it? I was critical of her, too when I was drinking but now see it through a different set of eyes. Andy Garcia did a masterful job in that movie....I don't think anyone could have performed better. I also loved the shot of him in his boxers. :H Have you ever seen the movie "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock? Outstanding.

            Ladybird-great to see you! I missed you! You sound at peace and I am happy for you.

            Well, friends....studying is going slowly....but I will be ready!

            Have a wonderful AF Sunday!


              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

              Hi everyone, just got back from a long walk across the cliffs - Hooray for me! It was bliss. The sun was shining but there was a cool breeze - perfect.

              I went with 2 friends who walk quite slowly so I set off at a good pace and they had to keep up with me - it was a proper workout today and I'm so glad that I decided to lead -normally I let them dictate the pace. They were pleased with themselves too so excellent result all round.

              Dill, I'm glad you got to N.O safely. Have a good, safe trip my friend.

              Lav I had forgotten my role as bus driver - thanks for reminding me and yes I'm still very much at the helm. I've been a bit gloomy these last few weeks but optimism has returned and as LBH said I'm just doing it. Sootitude and Lavatitude - we'll go far!

              Take care

              Have a good Sunday folks, its census day here so I'll be filling in my bit later on tonight.


                Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                Hi Sooty :waving: now its officially summer why dont we start planning our next bus trip

                Rusty - I agree Andy Garcia was awesome. It was also a great portrayal of how, even with the total love and support of a spouse, ultimately its a journey we have to take alone.
                I LOVED 28 days and watched it very early in my sobriety, its on the list to see again. I am currently working through a list and have so far also seen My Name is Bill, Crazyheart, Leaving Las Vegas, Bad Santa & Barfly Im always like this when I get passionate about a something, I am compelled to explore it from every angle.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                  HI all,
                  Well I'm AF day 6 and i must say this is the first weekend in years i have not had a drink. It feels liberating. and i've actually lost a little wieght, now that i'm not consuming thousands of empty calories a day. This is fantastic.
                  We spent Earth hour sitting around the dining table playing board games and laughing and drinking Soda. Soda!! Imagine!!... I never would have believed it.


                  I feel so inspired and optomistic.
                  AF since Sept 2013...


                    Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                    Good Sunday morning everyone!

                    We ended up watching "the next three days" with russel crowe and elizabeth banks last night. Great movie - very suspenseful. I can't believe how much I missed watching movies during my drinking time. So much so that when I would say - oh I want to watch that movie, and hubby would say - we already saw that one! Apparently was too numb to remember.

                    The sun is shining today but it's COLD! 50 miles south of us got snow so guess I am grateful!

                    Going to a housewarming party where I didn't think anything of it until my friend on the phone this morning (who's daughter the party is for), said she just wanted to sit there and drink her glass of wine until it was all over. Wasn't expecting AL to be there but I'm going with a friend who was sick all day yesterday and I know won't want to partake. When asked, I'll just politely say, "none for me thanks"

                    Have a great day everyone!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                      Hi everyone,

                      Another quick post from me ? Congratulations Lav apologies I wasn?t around for your party ? what a fantastic achievement and you truly are an inspiration to everyone on MWO, I am delighted and honoured to have ?met? you and hope that one day I will be where you are

                      I?m not long home and I am tired and need to get to bed but just wanted to let you know that I am still sober Yaaahh ! It has been both a difficult and busy week and weekend but I have managed, however I have done a lot of thinking and reflecting and I am pretty sure I know which way I am going now. I?ll catch up with you all through the week.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                        :wd: CONGRATULATIONS, LAV!! :wd:

                        Lav - I have been off the boards since Friday and I cannot believe I missed your 2 year AF anniversary - a HUGE congratulations to you!!! You are the BEST and I wish you all the best with your continued sobriety. :h
                        AF since 7/13/2010


                          Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                          Good evening all. Sounds like everyone had productive Sunday's! I am tired but happy after a long day at the theme parks with my little nephew.

                          Rusty, I have seen 28 days and really liked it. Didn't relate as much but I agree with Chill, it's good to see this disease from all possible angles. And I have to agree Andy Garcia is wonderful in When a Man Loves a Woman. Actually, he's just wonderful in any movie.

                          Hope everyone has a great AF evening. I'm taking a hot shower and going to bed to read -- another thing I love to do when I'm not drinking.


                            Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                            Thank you Dewdrop & John
                            Dewdrop, get some rest - glad you got thru your week & weekend unscathed.
                            John, hope you are feeling better! You would think this cold air would kill off those nasty viruses

                            Caper - congrats on your AF weekend! It becomes a habit quickly!!!

                            Jolie, why is it so cold? I thought us Mason Dixon line dwellers would be feeling some Spring by now, brrr!

                            Hope everyone has a good night.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Marvelous, Magnificant March - Week 4

                              Good afternoon Marchers - we are marching towards the end of the month - have we decided on Aprils name yet?

                              Chill you are right we must arrange our summer holiday (and thanks to you I've been humming that song for the last half hour) where shall we go? Somewhere exotic and tranquil or a theme park to scare us all out of our wits?

                              Dill I hope you're having a great time in N.O. Listen to some jazz for me.

                              Lav I hope EB's not too jealous of the new arrival - he's been kingpin for a long time now so sharing will be a shock. He'll have to have extra special attention and fuss from his mi-mom!

                              Jumping into the shower now, off to beading class tonight. Catch you all later gang

