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AF Daily - March 21 2011

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    AF Daily - March 21 2011

    Lav, whatever you do, just remember to order the lobster. Two tails. Three maybe. And steak. A big one. Even if you are a vegetarian. And dessert. A flaming one if it's available. And then you can look at it, turn up your nose, and say "'s too many points. Send it back." Unless you decide to start YB's hair on fire.


    You are going to LOOOOVE the new WW plan if you haven't already looked at it. At least I do compared to the previous Momentum plan.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - March 21 2011

      YB just emailed me & said he wants to go to dinner Wednesday but didn't say why.
      His sneaky behavior makes me just plain paranoid. I said yes then immediately regretted it - dam


      Just do what you do best. Be sober and enjoy an evening out.

      Do not let him draw you into his drama.

      Just enjoy a free meal. You deserve it. You work hard.

      If you regret it much, call him off and call it off!!

      You can do this. Either way.

      You can.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily - March 21 2011

        Hey all,

        Just a quick check in from me. I fly out to NJ at eight tomorrow morning and get there at 12 eastern. I really hope my flight is on time as my first meeting is at three in downtown manhattan. After it, I am going to head up to midtown to buy an iPad and head back downtown to meet my friend after work. Then it's appointments all day Wed and Thurs with a couple on Friday too. Its going to be busy but if I have a job at the end of it or even some solid leads then it will all be worth it.

        I am glad that I am so busy as there will be no room for al. I have to be on my guard though because if I get excited or caught in the moment then I will be vulnerable. I am glad to be spending the weekend with my sister who doesn't drink. I will check in regularly as I enjoy your support and hearing all your chat.

        Anyway, apologies for not responding separately. Everyone seems to be working their plans and making strong decisions. I applaud you all. Never forget what amazing individuals you are.

        L x
        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


          AF Daily - March 21 2011

          Thanks DG & Cindi!
          All I keep thinking is - 'now wtf do you want YB?' I never used to be a paranoid person. This is seriously annoying......

          Cassia, travel safely friend & I hope your trip is wonderful & successful (job-wise). Be prepared for some damp weather - so the weather people are saying today....
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - March 21 2011

            Lav - who is YB?

            Cassia - Have a great, sober trip.
            Doggygirl - Your ability to keep up with and respond to everyone so supportively amazes me!! Thank you for sharing the info on relapses and people pulling away from their supports. I will NOT miss my meeting this Sunday.
            Uni - Sounds like a good plan for your daughter. How wonderful that your ex-husband is supportive and you make decisions together. You sound like a great mom!
            LVT - Hope your work is done, and you can relax.

            Hi to everyone else! I've been in a crabby mood with my kids this afternoon, mostly over the house being a mess. I don't know why some days it irritates me so much, and some days I can just roll with it. I didn't have any thoughts of drinking in spite of my bad mood today, though, and that is a joy! Day 49 for me today. I think I'll follow the AA pattern and, in lieu of chips, get myself kind of reward at 60 days, 90 days...How does it go, AA folks?

            Now that kids are tucked in, and I'm happy to be sober and ready to read a good book. Be well everyone!

            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


              AF Daily - March 21 2011

              Wow what a great group of fabbie abbies! Everybody just rocks in maneuvering thorough all their "stuff". Rock on in those Big Girl Pants! I played YB (yard boy) today again. I'm whipped and have to dive into bed.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - March 21 2011

                Sara - YB is short for Yard Boy who happens to be my super strange estranged husband. He lost the last of his marbles nearly a year ago & ran away from his home, me & a 37 year marriage. He comes back on occasion to cut grass.

                Hope everyone has a great night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - March 21 2011

                  Well, ther is something to be said for cutting the grass

                  I wanted to say :welcome: to tipplerette. Now I'm REALLY diving for the bed.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - March 21 2011

                    weeeeeeeeee AF but delirious here since I was in bed at midnight and up at 4am.

                    thanks for the great start Doggy girl.

                    Cinders and AFM! good to see yoos two.

                    Jenny, great job on the mental fortitude

                    I must be strong... Dx is out of town and I'm a busy travelling fool. AF AF AF (repeat)

                    garlic/curry flavored hugs to whoever needs one xxxxxxx

                    be well friends. zzz
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - March 21 2011

                      DG, coral toes........ they sound so fab!

                      Uni, I have gone through the same with my eldest daughter. She is from a previous relationship. I have suffered so bad with depression, etc over her 17 years of life that her dad and decided a while back that she can spend time living with him and his wife as well. It has worked out so well in many ways. I think shared living arrangements can really be beneficial for all that is involved. You are definitely NOT a bag of shit. I felt how you felt, that you let her down; but you didn't!! How wonderful for her to have both of her parents equally!!! That is the way I look at it!!!! xo to you!

                      Hello to all others....... busy thread today! I had a bit of cabin fever earlier so Little AFM and I went for a drive and did some grocery shopping in a different town. It was fun. Man, these Spring Breaks can be LOOOOOOONG when the weather is the shits! Counting down the days, counting down the days, counting down the days...

                      Nite all!

