BIG welcome to Tipplerette! I'm sure it's a challenge to stay AF in the midst of much entertaining. But others have done it and that is what tells me you can do it too! ODAT is a good way to go with a nice near term 5 week goal I think. Glad to have you with us.
Cassia, what day do you leave? What all is on your itinerary? (sorry if I have missed a lot of that since I'm not able to be here every day!)
Greenie - hopefully you are back to 100% today. The party sounded very awesome - especially the full moon gazing by the fire pit!
Lav - keep the Lily piccies coming!!! We finally got smart enough to put straw down in the muddy parts of our small fenced in yard. With 5 dogs and spring rain, there is just no way to keep it un-muddy. The straw is really helping! I got a car wash pass at one of the local gas/car wash places so now I can just go through the fast line and get as many washes per month as I want for $12 a month. That also gets me 3 cents per gallon gas discount. No more excuses for a dirty vehicle!
Cinders - SO happy to have you here with us!!!! Congratulations on these AF days. I am rooting for you. :l
Jenny - you sound like you are doing good too. Unplugged. Can't imagine.

Sara - your description of the 1 hour TV limit reminded me of "when I was a kid."

LVT - outdoor projects are starting to call my name here too. I just keep trying to delegate to Mr. Doggy. Success is limited.
Auntie - so very good to have you with us too! Thank you for the b-day wishes. 29 is such a fabulous age to be! I'm loving it! I too get a lot of benefit from being with others who share my AL addiction. Secrecy was such a hallmark of my drinking years. It's nice to be out in the open about all those secrets with people who share them.
Hi P3!!! Nosework sounds like it incorporates lots of good tracking and search elements! How fun! Mr. Doggy tracks as part of his Schutzhund work. His older dog is a REALLY good tracker. Just found out Saturday that he will be trialing for Schutzhund 1 in 5 weeks. I hope they pass this time! It's a really really challenging test. Protection is the difficult part with this dog. I hope they pass mainly so they can then go on to try for some of the advanced tracking titles. That's really where this dog excels. The younger one? Protection is no problem. The patience for slow and methodical tracking will be much more of a challenge. :H It is very interesting that in tracking, all the handler work is really done before hand setting up the scenario (or someone else sets it up.) The dog has to do ALL the work with no help from the handler once the rubber meets the road. I love that part of it. Mr. doggy does too. Many handlers DON'T like it because it requires a lot of patience and "thinking" to figure out ahead of time what to set up for the dog to learn. But then you really can't help the dog once you get going. Lots of Schutzhund people decide to move to ring sports (french ring or mondio ring) because they hate to track. :H Sounds like some of the nose work your are doing is more along the lines of the type of training done for bomb detection, drug detection, etc. Footstep tracking in Schutzhund isn't really good for much else but Schutzhund unfortunately!
Hi to everyone else and all yet to come today!!!
Well, Weight Watchers on-line and on-site training is done. Now I am waiting for work! I'm also having a busy streak here with Mary Kay. No time for AL, that's for sure!!! Zoom zoom!
One thing is for sure...there will be NO AL in my life today.