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AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

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    AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

    Hi fabbies! I'm zoomin' but just wanted to say good morning and wish everyone a great start to the day. Or middle or end of the day since we are "global!" Tavel safely Cassia. Extra strength and hope to anyone struggling today.

    There IS something to be said for cutting the grass!

    It's 6:30AM and I am fully tiffed for the day and have already had a hot breakfast and watched a foundation (as in makeup, not buildings) training video.

    AA, leads group, Weight Watchers, Mary Kay makeover, Curves. I'm shifting through all the gears today and I can't do it without a clear and unhung mind!

    So....One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

    Good morning Abbers!

    DG - you're making me tired just reading you things to do list :H

    Cloudy, chillier today not very Spring-like. Snow tomorrow?? I hope not

    I need to plan my 2 year party - it's Saturday. I hope everyone will be here to help me celebrate :yay: Can't believe it's been 2 years since I stopped pickling myself :H

    Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Tuesday!!!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

      Hello friends.

      DG--I gotta say, I'm pretty glad I don't have to get tiffed for any of my jobs. Enjoy your busy day. I don't necessarily like the days when I have lots of different stuff on the agenda, but yesterday I delivered Meals on wheels again, and that is something I'm starting to enjoy more all the time.

      Lav--curiouser and curiouser.....I wonder what he wants????? I'll be waiting breathlessly to hear all about your dat....I mean dinner. :H

      Uni--I read about your decision for your daughter. You rock, that is all.:l

      I felt like I was spinning my wheels a lot yesterday, plus I was so tired at 3 pm I had to take a little rest. But, I got a good start anyway. We're expecting our beef to be done later this week, so I finally cleaned out the deep freeze. Now we don't really need a beef--amazing how much gets buried in those things!

      Hubby went down to the boozer after work yesterday, but I was ok with it, because he was visiting with our friend that has colon cancer. Of course, he had a dickens of a time getting out of there.....same reasons I used to---one friend shows up and buys a beer, then another, then you have to buy them one..........I'll admit I do miss that sometimes, but toward the end of my drinking career, I was just drinking with the men. Most of my friends were either gone or busy.
      Anyway, hubby carried on his drinking when he got home, but he wasn't too obnoxious and I managed to relate to him without being too bitchy. Progress I hope.

      Ok, I better get busy with the bookwork project. I hope to get it finished up this morning so I can take it back to her before I head out tomorrow to see Terry and watch the kids at State speech.

      Carry on with your sober week all!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

        Good morning! Feeling great again today! Positive and happy and wondering why I ever started killing myself with the drink! I am eating the most wonderful strawberries right now! Yum!

        I keep trying to exercise during week and I need to accept that I really just don't have the time. I work 9 hours a day and drive an hour there and back so that's 11 hours and to cook clean help the kids and sit down and watch one show and go to bed by 9. I need to give me a break. Just exercise and yoga on friday saturday and sunday!

        Good to see everyone and good to be here!

        To quote DG, One things for sure. . .

        PS congrats on 2 years Lav!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

          Hi guys, Just checking in.

          I want to say thank you to all for your support. I know it is the right thing to do but it is hard. My daughter has been my lifeline but I also know that is not healthy for her. My mom did that to me at a young age and I ended up taking on all of her pain - which is not what I want for Kennedy. But she is so resilient! She's excited to spend more time at her dads with her stepsiblings so I am happy for that. And it gives me the time to figure my shit out on a week by week basis.

          I'm struggling right now. The past month has been so difficult - drinking, cutting - stupid things. I know I will get through it and I know I will be okay. The medication works great when I take it and when I don't drink. The problem is when I don't take it and I drink. Then the depression hits sooooo hard. I have so much to deal with. I'm glad I can vent here. I'm sorry if I sound like the never ending depressive person on this thread - I will make it. I promise.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

            Hi all
            Just a quick check in to say I made in to NYC safely and also let you know that I reached my 90 day milestone today. It's all good.

            Right off into manhattan for my first appointment - wish me luck!
            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

              Glad you arrived safely Cassia
              Good luck with your appointments!

              Greetings jenny & Uni! Glad you are both doing well today!

              LVT, I'm still trying to get rid of a freezer full of pig that YB left behind :H
              I am still wavering about dinner tomorrow. If it's just a dinner, then no problem. But if he's using this as a platform to drop more crap on me then I don't want to go. What to do, what to do?

              I'm checking out some nice WW recipes but cooking for one is a real pain in the butt. Leftovers are OK, to a point
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

                hey all just whizzing in - what a beautiful day - stuck to calorie limit and af.
                Drinking decaff coffee - maybe I need to let up on pressure to exercise outside of roller derby - trying to fit in 3 sessions may not be realistic as well a 3 skate session - maybe I should start with 2 and work upwards.

                Feeling really fat - rolls of fat on my back and my previous waist has disappeared,cycling to work for rest of week and 2 skate sessions and 2 gym sessions.I MUST stick to my calories 1600 so it is generous.

                anyway brain dead so not much to say - see you tomorrow -plan to call dad tonight and read, early to bed i think tonight.
                I keep thinking of smart recovery stuff today - stop instant gratification and go for long term goal/benefit - remember that i can handle discomfort and i choose to let others' opinion of me matter - they can't make me feel anything.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

                  I love all the wisdom here.



                    AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

                    bear - glad you are doing well but don't kill yourself with exercise!! :H

                    Hi Mema, good to see you here!

                    Now that it's Spring the weather people are predicting snow mixed with rain for the next few days - really?? Ugh!

                    Hope everyone has a good night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

                      Hey Everyone!! What a busy 2 days!!

                      Uni-I can't even imagine what you are going through right now but the concensus seems to be that your decision is a good one for your daughter. What about you? what's best for you? We're here for you whenever you need us-please don't be shy OK?

                      Sara-I so wish there was a good SMART meeting near me. Maybe I'll look closer to work. What's one more night away from home?

                      AFM-so good to see you girl!! Are you still working that contract job?

                      LVT-hope you got that project done for your client. Please don't beat yourself up-most of us aren't good communicators and we always assume people understand what we want even when we don't clearly articulate it. The important thing is that you can fix this.

                      LAV-I am NOT a happy pappy mom with the forecast for the next couple of days!! Enough is enough!! As far as your dinner goes with YB, you have more strength than you know and whatever he throws at you you can handle. We'll be here tho if you need a safety net.
                      I agree with you on the dinner for one thing and WW tho. It's my biggest hurdle in my fight to lose this weight. I do fine all day then come home and blow it. I know it's because I am lonely and tired. It's why I drank-to dull those feelings and to get through each nite. It's why I never had the compulsion to drink during the day-I liked daytime. I hate the nites. good luck with WW and the treadmill. You can do it!!
                      I won't be back until late Saturday nite but I won't miss your 2 year party-i'll just be the late comer!!

                      DG- Whew! was that smoke trail you? :H

                      Greenie-I could use a YB myself! If our weather ever turns somewhat spring like I'll have quite a project outside!!

                      Cassia-so glad you arrived in the US safely and on time! Hope you're having a fab nite and CONGRATS ON 90 DAYS!!
                      That is such a great milestone and you've worked hard for it!! Your energy and compassion is contagious-I can feel it up here in MA!!

                      Bear-I agree-cut down on the exercise just a little so it's not so overwhelming. 3 nites a week rollerblading? I wish I was that active!!

                      Jennie-keep up the good work and remember this feeling you have right now. it will help keep you motivated!!

                      Deter-take care of yourself while DX is away and you're traveling. Keep checking in here or on chat if you're feeling vulnerable. We love ya Deter!!

                      Had some good news today at my nephrology appt. Finally got the labs back and everything is NORMAL!!!! yippee!! The BP is still slightly high but when I take my own at home it is really good. We're going to do a 24 hour moniter where I wear an automatic cuff for 24 hours and it records a reading every hour or so. this will be in April. I hope it will prove that my meds are working and my risk for stroke and HD is lower than we thought.
                      Ok time for tea and Ambien. Up early tomorrow as I leave work early for agility.

                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Tuesday March 22

                        Hey Everyone,

                        Late check in for me tonight. It's been a busy, full, good, sober day. Day 50 for me.

                        Cassia, congratulations on 90 Days! That is awesome!

                        Lav - thanks for the clarification about YB. Now you've got me curious about your dinner tomorrow. Would you consider calling him to find out what his agenda is before deciding whether or not to go? Forgive me if that's a naive question from someone who doesn't know the history...

                        Uni - Why do you stop taking the medication that helps you? I know a lot of people with bipolar disorder give up the meds because they feel "flattened" by them. But you don't have bipolar disorder, do you? I'm just wondering if a commitment to staying on your medication is almost as important as a commitment to abstinence. I have been off and on antidepressants at various times during my life, and I'm on them now. I can't imagine giving that up at this stage in my recovery. In fact, when I've done so in the past, my drinking has gotten worse. I don't think much about what I'll need in terms of medication in years to come, but I know I need all the help I can get now. Don't apologize for sharing your feelings. I know how that is, too...not wanting to complain too much. But if we can't do it here, where can we??

                        Papmom, you sound great! Glad you had good news from your labs. You're in MA? Me too. PM me if you want any more info about SMART meetings. I'm in the Boston area, but grew up in Western MA.

                        The eating thing is a bit of an issue for me too. I've gained about five pounds since I stopped drinking, which really doesn't seem fair!! Right now my plan is to really just eat things that are nourishing, but not to go hungry. I'm hoping that cutting out sugar and white flour/processed foods will be enough of a change. I definitely indulged myself for the first month of being AF, but I'm trying to re-train myself now. It's is a comfort for me, too. My latest favorite treat is Fage 0% yogurt, sweetened with Splenda or Stevia, with berries and a handful of nuts. I don't know how many points or calories that is, but it's yummy and healthy and filling!

                        Good night, all! Be well.

                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          AF Daily - Tuesday March 22


                          Well, Little AFM has caught a tummy bug. What a day, what a day.... gonna be a long night, me thinks!

                          Pap, yes, still doing the contract stuff. I am enjoying it. I like the flexibility it gives me working from home, but I have gained 12lbs since my dad passed away and took on this contract. I am using food instead of Al, mainly at night as well - lonely myself. I really need to quit it though!!!!

                          Howdy ho to all of you other fabbie abbies! I am off to surf the threads for a while.

                          Have a good night all! xo

