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AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

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    AF Daily, Wednesday March 23


    Let's make it a good one! Or if it can't be a good one, let's make it a sober one!

    Hubby came to bed smelling like booze last night, and although I found it a bit unpleasant, I tried a new way of thinking. Instead of getting pissed off or nagging him, I tried to just distance myself from it as an emotional trigger. I even kissed him, smelled and tasted the rum, and just told myself, "that's him. Not me. Glad it's not me!" It was more tolerable than when I start seething, turn my back to him and think about how thoughtless he's being! This time, I remembered that he is just who he's not about me. I'm free from it now. I don't know how often I can be that tolerant, but it worked last night anyway.

    I've got a busy day ahead and have to work tonight, but one thing's for sure...

    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

    Morning fabbies!

    Sara, thanks for the start with that great story! What a remarkable shift in thinking! :goodjob: Hang on to it!

    :l uni! You are a remarkable woman with incredible resolve. I'm over here cheering for you!

    Cassia :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 90 DAYS! :yougo: Good luck with your interviews!

    LAv, how you feeling about tonight? Wonder if you could just let YB know in advance that crap isn't on the menu? "I'm sorry, I ordered the pasta, not crap - and no thanks, I don't want to share yours"....

    DET! Eat well and regularly, drink a lot of water, and dump L-glute down yer neck!!

    OK, it's trash day and I have to drag some yard stuff from the back tundra to the street (time sensitve issue) so I have to go. I have a big :l for everyone - just not much time to comment to everyone right now...
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily, Wednesday March 23


      Sara, thanks for kicking things off today and with such a great story to boot. I can ALWAYS use a solid reminder that my thinking is a far bigger issue in my happiness than the world around me is.

      If you are reading again today, HELLO Mema!!!

      Greenie, don't work too hard dragging stuff around the yard today OK?

      Cassia - CONGRATS ON 90 DAYS and good luck with your meetings today!

      Man we could start a whole new discussion forum on using food instead of AL. Where do I sign up? I'm really grateful for WW right now because as much as I am struggling with the last 5 pounds or so, without that support and program I'm guessing I might be back up at 204 pounds by now. So I'll take it!!! I'm just very grateful I am fighting with sugar these days and not AL. I think I can ultimately win the fight with sugar but AL? That would kill me.

      Lav - are you meeting YB at the restaurant? The nice thing about that is an easy exit strategy should any :crap: be served up. I'll be thinking of you and sending some mental :b&d: YB's way. He has hurt you enough so I hope whatever is on his mind this time is something that will bring you positive things.

      I had a horrible food day yesterday. Fell in a dumpster of sugar. Today is a new day. That is all.

      I have a pretty laid back schedule today. My goal is to use the time wisely to watch some Mary Kay training videos, check out the WW employee web site, etc. NOT spend the whole day here. We shall see.

      Hello to all fabbies yet to check in today!

      One thing is for sure......

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

        Good morning Abbers!

        It is morning, right?
        Dark & damp here, I overslept but that's OK.

        Cassia, 90 days is awesome! I know how great & empowered that makes you feel. Hope your appointments are going well

        My attitude about the YB dinner tonight is a bit better. I hate to admit but I spent most of the day in tears yesterday. I am so sick of this, really. I know that I need to raise my defense shields around him or risk getting hurt all over again. It is clear to me now that the reason he left is because I raised my shields against him two years ago when I quit drinking - I had to! He was absolutely my biggest trigger! I never got into any fighting or nagging him or anything I simply ignored & rejected his BS & just went on with my life. There really was/is no other choice. I would happily welcome him back if he would just lose his his chronic negativity, his judgemental attitude, his lifelong depression. Only God knows if that is ever going to happen!

        So, for now I'm just going to keep doing what is best for me & let the universe take care of the rest

        Have a great day everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

          Oh Lav, sorry to hear you were so upset yesterday. I hope today is much brighter and dinner tonight goes... as well as can be expected.

          greeneyes;1082924 wrote: "I'm sorry, I ordered the pasta, not crap.
          :H :H

          DG - I got into a terrible habit of eating bucket loads of ice-cream, always had some in the freezer (except it didn't survive very long). Then I had a scare with a breast lump which turned out totally fine, but I immediately thought of the link between dairy products and breast cancer and it scared me into stopping the ice-cream. Now I have the occasional scoop for pudding if I'm eating out. Pity that thinking never worked with alcohol :H

          Hi to Sara!

          Me and the GF have booked two weeks in Greece in July. Nice little hotel 70 metres from a big sandy beach. Bring it on! :specs: :specs:

          Have a good day all!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

            Marshy, can I come too? That is all.

            Lav, you are such a fabulous person. That is all.

            I need to get to work. That is all.

            No AL for me today. That is all.


            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

              :toohot: When it snowed, a huge branch fell. It has taken me all morning to hack it down into sections with the chainsaw and get it to the street. While I do like chainsaw therapy, I get so weary sometimes of doing endless, thankless, grunt work, man-chores...whine, whine, whine..... I need to check and see if I'm getting hair on my chest :H

              Marshy The Adventurer!! We expect piccies you know!!!

              LAv :l You don't HAVE to go......

              I'm going to have a :bath2: and go to a birthday drop-in. I'd wear a dress but my legs haven't recovered from using the weedeater in shorts, which was stupid. feck
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                Hey Abbers!

                Back from dinner & it was actually an enjoyable experience! YB left his grumpiness somewhere & I actaully got a glimpse of the person I used to know. Don't know how or why that happened but I am grateful. Can't say I wasn't thinking about you guys though & your collective strength - thanks

                thankless, grunt work, man-chores Greenie :H
                I know exactly what you're talking about!!! There are just some things that I really don't want to do around here! YB offered to come back Saturday & help me drag chicken feed & dog food bags home - I said yes :H
                While he's here I have to remember to get him to drag a ladder around to the back of the house. The gutter is obviously clogged - I noticed a huge rut in my garden bed made by water runoff over the winter..... I'm sure I'll find a few more jobs for him

                I had the pleasure of watching Lily for a good portion of the day. I had no real work planned & my daughter needed some time to catch up on their business stuff & a little personal time to brush her teeth, etc :H Newborns take up a lot of time, that's for sure!

                Hope everyone has a great evening!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                  Hello one last time everyone!

                  Lav - so happy that you had a nice dinner! Now get busy and write a nice long list for Saturday!!!

                  Anyone else watching American Idol? I can't believe I got out of bed and came back to the computer to vote. I have probably only placed two votes ever in my life for AI until tonight. There is some REALLY good talent this year. I'm glad I'm 29 - not too old to throw my panties on stage for these guys.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                    whew! yet another dreary white-knuckle drive over the sierras today and I have to do the same tomorrow in another storm.

                    a bit lonely, but busy as can be, so my mind isn't wondering much. happy to be AF no matter what.

                    sorry I'm not my energetic self. must sleep early tonight. zzzzzzzzzzzz
                    be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                      Travel safely Deter!
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                        Posted on wrong day
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                          Doggygirl;1083351 wrote: I'm glad I'm 29 - not too old to throw my panties on stage for these guys.
                          note to self: Wear panties when attending American Idol
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily, Wednesday March 23

                            greeneyes;1083544 wrote: note to self: Wear panties when attending American Idol
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

