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AF Daily - Friday March 25

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    AF Daily - Friday March 25

    Good Friday morning Abbers!

    Cold but sunny here today
    Snow predicted for Sunday but I am totally rejecting that idea :H

    I'm very excited that when I wake up tomorrow morning I will be 2 years AF
    I am happy with the results & proud of myself! I hope I grow up to be a fabulous person :H:H

    Have a wonderful AF day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - Friday March 25

    Hi everyone!

    LAV - NO MORE SNOW! ARGH. I am going to be in Levittown at the weekend - is that anywhere near you.

    Early congrats on two years AF in case I miss you tomorrow.

    I have had a very successful visit. Lots of incredible feedback and I have an interview with a company today that I would love to work for. So, we will see. I just hope it all works out. Seems to be a lot of coincidences so far and that can only be a good thing. I have a big decision to make when i get back which will probably involve me quitting my job and moving here permanently to look for work.


    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      AF Daily - Friday March 25


      MUST figure out how to get that firepit here today!

      Lav... you ARE a fabulous person..even if you had 2 DAYS!

      Cassia, wishing you the very best outcome from your visit:yougo:

      Gotta go drag the sprinkler.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Friday March 25


        Wow! Congratulations on your two years! I was AF for 7MONTHS and then tried to mod. It's not working...I need to go back to AF. My husband is very angry with me right now. Did you ever have a slip up? Just wondering...I KNOW I can do this...I was AF during 4th of July, Thanksgiving,and Christmas!! Just feels like starting all over again. depressed, tired.... don't mean to bring you down...just wondering what has kept you going ...
        congrats, again:goodjob:
        Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
        The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.


          AF Daily - Friday March 25

          Hi fabbies! I should be on my way to my morning leads group. I'm all tiffed and ready but for whatever reason feel like posting here first. So I'll be late or maybe skip it today.

          Cassia, things sound really exciting. Glad the interviews are going well! What sort of work do you do? (I'm sure I'm forgetting!!!)

          Lav you are just FABULOUS!!! Can't wait for your party tomorrow. Can we start early??? :yougo::yougo:

          Greenie, are you going to shoot ice cubes out of the sprinkler or what? GET THE FIRE PIT!!

          P3, was good to read your update! We will be prepared with all manner of good vibes and burning sticks or whatever those things are that Lav and Greenie use and whatever other stuff we can think of for your job interview on the 8th!!!! Sounds like your vehicle is ready for dog season!

          Our weather has been so strange lately. 2009 summer SO much cooler than average. 2010 summer SO much hotter than average. Winter SO much more snow than average. Crazy temperature swings. One day in February it was literally minus 16 one Thursday morning, and then the high one week later was near 60. Two days ago? High of 60. Yesterday? High in the low 30's. Crazy. I can hardly wait to see what summer will be like. :egad: Should we start building an ark now?? Or will it be like the desert?

          One thing is for sure - I won't be drinking through whatever weather we have. And that is a wonderful thing.

          Reteacher mainly posts on the AA Weekly thread, but several of you know her from her long struggles with AL. Wanted to make sure everyone knows she had her 2 year anniversary AF a few days ago. GO MARY!!! :yougo::yougo: If she can do it, maybe I can do it. If I can do it maybe you can do it. And so on and so forth.

          One thing is for sure....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Friday March 25

            Hey Cassia,
            Congrats on the good job interviews
            You know who is not far from Levittown? Our friend John - PAGuy! Hmmm.

            Greenie, sounds like you need someone with a pickup truck to help with your fire pit. YB has one - I'll send him right over :H

            Hi keg! Sorry moderating didn't work out for you. I didn't even try, honestly! Once I hit 30 AF days I just knew I had to remain AF. How did I do it? A firm commitment to never disappoint myself or my family ever again, staying glued to MWO & the wisdom of the Fab Abbers, staying positive & practicing gratitude, regardless of what's going on in my life - a simple but very effective plan. You can do it too

            DG - I think the weather in this country is suffering menopause symptoms :H:H
            No kidding - too hot, too cold, too damp, etc, etc, etc.:H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday March 25

              Lavande;1084113 wrote: DG - I think the weather in this country is suffering menopause symptoms :H:HNo kidding - too hot, too cold, too damp, etc, etc, etc.:H
              I think it's a yeast infection.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Friday March 25

                Good morning---

                Keg, moderating NEVER worked for me. Once I had "that taste" back in my mouth, "that buzz" back in my head...whoooooops, I was right back in love with my delicious wine! So abstinence is the only option. Sounds like that's true for you, too. We can do this. Rather a bore, isn't it, but so it must be...
                Jane Jane


                  AF Daily - Friday March 25

                  Morning Abbies!

                  Moderation never worked for me either! I have completely given up on the thought. I drink to get drunk. Always have, always will. Then I would carry on because I am an alcoholic, and that is just the way I am.

                  Congrats Lav on your 2 years tomorrow. I wanted to congratulate you now just in case I don't log in tomorrow. You are a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful woman! I hope you treat yourself to something special to celebrate such an awesome milestone!

                  Congrats to Mary as well! You have come a long way!! Especially with all that you have gone through the past two years and NOT turning to the bottle to numb it out.

                  Have a fantastic day everyone!!


                    AF Daily - Friday March 25

                    greeneyes;1084115 wrote: I think it's a yeast infection.
                    :H:H The menopause correlation is a good one too.

                    Welcome keg! X-post. I am a big ditto to what JJ says:

                    jane jane;1084135 wrote:
                    Keg, moderating NEVER worked for me. Once I had "that taste" back in my mouth, "that buzz" back in my head...whoooooops, I was right back in love with my delicious wine! So abstinence is the only option. Sounds like that's true for you, too. We can do this. Rather a bore, isn't it, but so it must be...
                    Did I ever slip up? Yes. When I first got here I managed to put 60 days AF together. Then one lovely summer afternoon, I decided to drink. What a VERY bad decision that was. It led right back to alcoholic drinking like AFM described. It also led to a staggering difficulty getting a$$ back on the wagon. It took me 8 months of trying and failing and flailing around to finally get back on here. Remember what that was like just makes me even more determined to never drink again. I just can't. I am defo a pickle. Cucumberdom is long gone.

                    I get 1/2 off on any WW stuff as an employee, so I decided to give the exercise kits a try. I did the beginner kick boxing workout this morning - that was fun! Also shows me that changing up my workouts is going to be a good thing. I'm going to Curves too today. I'm sure I will feel less like doing two workouts in a day once I migrate up to the more advanced level!! I also got the Belly Butt & Thighs workout. That should be good. I'm glad there are no video cameras here.

                    Zoom zoom..

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Friday March 25

                      Congrats to Mary and Lav!! Great inspiration to wake up to!

                      I'm also one who drinks to get drunk. I was discussing my drinking problem with my husband last night and he mentioned we get one bottle to split in the future. He said he would hide my keys so I can't drive out for more. I told him that that would not stop me. I would walk to get more wine once I get a taste of it.

                      Woke up feeling much better on day two. Going to stay busy with the kids today! I have a small black eye from my fall. A nice little reminder of what I never want to do again!


                        AF Daily - Friday March 25

                        Hi Shelby - good to see you here again today and with such a good plan for your AF day.

                        I hope your husband can develop an understanding of what the compulsion is really like. My husband is a "normie" when it comes to AL, but has an addiction issue with something else. (he is abstinent from it) He described addiction one time to a non-addicted person. He said it was like having a need to go to the bathroom. You can hold it for some period of time, but eventually you are going to go to the bathroom - you can't stop it. The need just increases until you finally have to satisfy it.

                        If I take a drink, it's just like that for me. It's a need for more that I cannot ignore. Just like if I have to go to the bathroom I can't ignore it - it is GOING to happen. I know that is a difficult concept for someone who has never been addicted to anything. I hope he finds a way to relate at least a little bit so he can support you in your need to be AF.

                        Maybe rather than splitting a bottle of wine he would agree to split a bottle of sparkling water and forgoe the wine???????

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Friday March 25

                          Hey DG - I work in corporate lending as a credit analyst. I am also a chartered accountant. I know - really boring but I LOVE my job.
                          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                            AF Daily - Friday March 25

                            Hey DG - I think he is afraid of losing his drinking buddy. The few times I have went AF it seems we don't have much in common, lol. I usually hibernate in my room. I would not call his drinking "normal" but he does handle it better than I. I'm sure after I get some time sober I will be able to come out of my room and carry on a conversation. But, it is so irritating talking to someone who has had a few glasses of wine when I'm sober! I just want to say "Shut up"!

                            I forgot to mention this earlier, but I wanted to thank everyone for the encouraging posts yesterday. It meant a lot to me!


                              AF Daily - Friday March 25

                              4 days AF
                              congrats on everyones success... its great to hear, it gives me hope

                              i realized last night something... my DH was freaking out about money in front of our youngest son blaming me for destroying the family financially. I kept leaving the room and he would follow me. this went on for about 20 minutes.
                              I thought this is partly why I drank, to deaden the reality and not care.. but i couldn't do that last night. I had a revelation. first it is partly my fault, I near drank us into bankruptcy... but I don't need AL to get through this. I am going to face what i have done and move forward.
                              My DH also stopped drinking the same day as me. so we are 2 in the same house going through the same things.. our poor kids.

                              Short term pain for long term gain.

                              it will all be worth it
                              AF since Sept 2013...

