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Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

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    Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

    Getting ready for bed myself although sleep is something that has not been easy for me for many, many years. Not AL related but hormone related. Being on HRT about as long as I can remember hasn't really helped all that much - oh well.

    Have a good night all
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

      What I love being AF - being able to start the beginning of the rest of my life with my lovely husband.
      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

        Wow, some powerful thoughts.......

        Not one person has regrets about AFness. Not one. But with drinking it is nothing but regrets, shame, humiliation, confusion, negative energy, or negative spirit. After a time AF, the realization comes that freedom is so worth it.

        Papmom, I want you to know that I too noticed that AF, I laugh and enjoy myself so much. My confidence and liking of myself, the real me, goes through the roof. Not a fake kind of alcohol induced, fuzzy, temporary fun that comes with alcohol. Your experience of meeting new people, making friends, noticing their drinking but being matter of fact that you don't drink, speaks of a confidence and new life that you have worked so hard to create since last May. Beautiful. Hey, sorry you overdid it and the bug came back, but there are alot of bugs going around in the midwest too. Fevers, stomach things, longlasting colds, etc. Typical for this time of year, take care of yourself.

        Chill, I like the part where you talk of being able to be with yourself and treasuring that time to reflect, pursue solitary interests, enjoy nature, exercise, and practicing peace. Yesterday at work there were a few things that were going south and I just let it go. Never could have done that with a hangover.

        Cassia, relationships change so much too. Appreciating your husband is something I have also done. Before I kind of blamed him and took out my bad moods and overall unsettled feelings on him. He did too. We talked this weekend and he shared the physical toll everything was taking on him. I guess if you stay together, it is good to be on the same path. Or at least be supportive of each other.

        We just can't celebrate being AF enough. Sending you all love and strength today.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

          Good morning Marchers!

          Just wanted to say hello Newgrange & welcome Looking forward to getting to know you!

          I have a fabulous day ahead that includes a dental cleaning & lunch with a friend. She is a breast cancer survivor, a pillar of strength in my book. We've been friends since our sons & daughters played together as toddlers. She is a brand new grandma of twin boys

          I hope all the sickies are feeling better today & please let me know if you need me me to ship you a chicken or something :H

          wishing everyone a great day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

            Hi everyone

            Having a really busy week. Girls were at a Katy Perry concert last night so did not get to bed until late. Hope all sickies soon improve, its going around everywhere. This is a strange month, nearly 5 weeks. There are also 4 unusual dates this year - 1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11 and 11/11/11 and thats not all... take the last two digits of the year in which you were born, now add the age you will be this year and the result will be 111 for everyone!! This year July will have 5 Fridays, 5 Sats and 5 Sun's. October will have 5 Suns, 5 Mondays and 5 Sats. This only happens every 823 years. Just thought I would share that with you all.

            Girls finish school early today so have to dash. Will check in later. One thing I am grateful for is having MWO in my life.



              Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

              Oooooh Rustop! Who knew you were a numerologist!! What facinating info!!
              This thread has been so much fun this week!! Star-your positive changes over the past year have just been a delight to follow!!
              Dew-hope you got some sleep last nite-enough for both of us as I sure didn't get a wink!
              I'm feeling a tad better today so will totter out to pick up my RLS meds that ran out a few days ago. It's been literally torture the past 3 nites. No wonder I got sick!! I really need to research deeper this whole RLS things. Most of what I've read is not good-no cure and it will never go away. But I really would like to find some natural remedies and not rely on the maripex so much. Excellent Nutrition, exercise and NO SUGAR are probably the keys to this mystery.

              Have fun at lunch today Lav and please send chicken soup-not a whole live chicken :H!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                Hello everyone,

                I have not been posting much recently because I am not sure where I belong anymore?
                I have been successfully moderating for a few months now ( and happy with my progress so far) and I feel like a hypocrite posting in this section as I know many of you want to be AL free?

                I feel so attached to you guys...but I understand that this thread is about abstinence so maybe I should move to the moderation section for now? What are everyone's thoughts? x
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                  Hi RB-well, this is a sticky question. We love you here but if you are truly moderating, I can't really give you the support you need or want. That's just me tho and it has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with moderation as a way of life. I just don't have experience with it and have no desire to have experience with it because I know 100% it won't work for me. Personally, if you want to pop in now and then and just say hi and let us know you are OK, that is fine with me. You can always save your mod thoughts and experiences for the monthly mods threads. How does that sound?
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                    I think thats good advice. x
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                      Hi Rebirth. I am so glad you are successful in meeting your goals, we each have our own way out and the route can change but still lead to freedom. Thank you Star for the informal theme of this week, celebrating things we love about being AF, you really can help chart a course.

                      I have four more hours to live. Every evening that is. So for every year I live on earth there are 1460 hours or more than two months I didn?t have before. Every year. And these hours occur at a time when I have not lived at all in many years. At first this didn?t seem like such a good thing:H. I didn?t know who I was during those four hours, I didn?t know what to do with this person, I had anxiety and craving and restlessness, and I got scared and lost and disappeared back into alcohol where I knew what to expect. Those hours when I might be alive, aware, intelligent and actually share a meal or watch a film or take a walk or read a book or go somewhere (anywhere) that required a brain were all new to me. I did not know my lines. Fortunately, as it turns out I am actually very cool during those four hours. I am funny and smart and kind and attractive and brave. Even a burned forest grows alive again, it is natural, part of the package. I am different than I thought I might be in those four hours. Better. And all the other hours in which I was preparing for, longing for, dreaming about, worrying about, recovering from, and covering up those four hours, I get those too. I didn?t know. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                        LBH - what a beautiful and unique way at looking at our AFness.
                        I have just calculated the extra 4 hours each evening i have actually lived since finding my way out and its 1,808! No wonder I feel I know myself better these days :H thats a lot of hours to spend in fully aware consciousness. How utterly wonderful!

                        Rebirth - I hope the modding works for you, like Papmom, I would never even attempt it, as I know from years of experience its not possible. That door wasnt just slammed shut for me, it was bricked up and smothered in reinforced concrete! I never even want to see that door again :H Total abstainence is a much freer way to live for me, I have always been an all or nothing kinda girl. I need everything compartmentalized, that way I know exactly where I am. I really hope you drop in every now and then and tell us how you are doing :l

                        My new spring theme has been that every day I fit in as much physical activity as possible. I love the feeling at this time of night (7.30pm) when my body and my brain feel they have worked hard and I can really relax, chillout and enjoy my evenings (LBH, my extra 4hrs ) I want to loose a few lbs and get a bit fitter, I have a 50km charity cycle coming up on the 1st May and I want to complete it in a good time.
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                          Hello everybody sorry I'm late logging on today. I've been trying to sort out stuff to give to charity - oh what a load of c**p I do accumulate. Anyway I've been pretty ruthless and the bags are bulging. Its a good feeling throwing stuff out.

                          I hope everyone has had a good day. Lav I don't want a chicken - but you can send me some lima beans if you like cos I still haven't found them

                          Humpday tomorrow my favourite day woo hoo - see you tomorrow


                            Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                            I am new in here but I am finding this space hugely helpful. Today was tough, huge stress in work and i was tempted to revert to old patterns. But I cannot go back to the way things were and the feelings passed. A long walk helped and then I come in here and feel so supported as your posts are honest and inspiring.

                            This is a good place.


                              Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                              rebirth, I am glad that you are finding success in modding. I am, like so many others just too chicken to try again. I have, without a doubt an addictive personally. 1 of anything is just not enough. Period!!! I can't take that risk ever again. Make sure you take care of yourself & let us know how you are doing, OK?

                              Wow LBH, four extra hours X 2 years for me = ? I don't have my calculator handy

                              Papmom, when the chicken arrives just turn her around & tell her to go home :H

                              Chill, I wish I could borrow some of your energy but I'm hoping to regain some of my own energy as I move along with WW. I lost 2 lbs last week - yay me. Now, if I coulds keep that pace going for a while.......

                              Sooty, no lima beans huh?
                              I think you could use dried limas in that dish. If you want I'll be happy to send you some - really!!!! Just PM me your address :l
                              That stew was very good but if you do make it I would suggest decreasing the amount of veggie broth if you like a thicker stew. Mine was more like soup but still very good

                              Met my friend for lunch & we really enjoyed ourselves. We went to a place that serves an English afternoon tea - yum!
                              Any boys reading can skip this part - may be TMI-
                              My friend had bilateral mastectomies in October. Was diagnosed with cancer in one breast but opted for removal of both to prevent having to go thru this a second time, as often is the case. Two weeks ago she had her reconstructive surgery completed. I am so proud & happy to have her for a friend, she's a real trooper :l

                              I have a bit of work to do this evening but that's a good thing!

                              John, how are you feeling buddy? Need a chicken???

                              Hi Newgrange, welcome! Keep going, no matter what because you won't be sorry!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Marvelous, Magnificent March - Week 5

                                Okay - just lost my huge, long post and I have no idea why.

                                Lav - daughter is currently looking for another job and hope she can get something during the day - think this schedule is affecting her mood as well!

                                Papmom - thank you for your honesty and compassion in addressing rebirth's question. I think you answered it the way the rest of us would have

                                Rebirth - I wish you good luck in your journey to moderate! Wish it could be me but just don't think it's possible. Will look for you on the other threads and please come back and let us know how you are doing!

                                LBH - awesome! You certainly have a way with words! I totally agree with your perspective on those 4 hours and how much richer mylife is with them being sober hours!

                                Newgrange - way to go for hanging in there!

                                Sooty, chill, rustop - hope you are all enjoying your evening. Guess I better hit the darn "submit reply" button now before I lose this post as well!

                                Have a peaceful evening everyone!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

