A goodnight from me too, this final day of March

Newgrange - I'm guessing you must be in UK? Stick with us, we are a strong positive bunch on this thread.
Papmom - I have to confess that I found a packet of low fat potato chips last night in place of the pretzels. I'd been on an evening cycle with my group, it was a tougher session than usual and I was aching all over when I got back but had burnt 1100 calories so didn't feel too bad about snacking for a change.
Anyway I went to bed and as I was trying to drift off to sleep, restless legs started! I couldn't believe it! I hadn't suffered from it in over a year and just after it was mentioned here I get it. Anyway I sympathize so much with you as it's really unbearable :upset: I couldn't possibly sleep so grabbed my iPad beside the bed and googled treatment. It suggested heat or cold but I didn't feel like bringing ice to bed and I was already overheating. It mentioned painkillers so I quickly took some then put on some relaxation cd and eventually got to sleep. Of course I'm wondering what triggered it and cycling in the evening is unusual for me so maybe that was it

But boy is it unpleasant!
I have other news this week which I will elaborate on more over the weekend but im going home. I finally decided once and for all and this time I mean it. I'm going to place an ad tomorrow to rent out my house and as soon as I get someone, I'm leaving. This time I didn't make this decision based on fear or anxiety, I made it because it's what I want to do more than anything. I just woke up yesterday morning and knew it in my heart.