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AF Daily: Monday, March 28

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    AF Daily: Monday, March 28

    Good Morning Absolutely Fabulous Abstainers!

    Hope everyone's enjoying being unhung this morning. Does that "yay, I didn't drink last night!" feeling continue after months or years? Or does one start to take it for granted? Just curious.

    I went to a SMART meeting last night. My favorite part was when the facilitator had us all say what we value most in life. He wrote all the "values" on a white board. These included, "Self-respect", "honesty", "reliability","family" , "friendship", "integrity", "career", "health", "being a good mom"...among others. Then he went through each value one by one and asked us, "does your substance abuse take this away from you?" With each item the answer, of course, was "yes". So he erased each value from the board one at a time, to show us what we would be left with if we continued/went back to drinking or drugging. It was a powerful visual.

    Today I am going to incorporate ALL my values into my day. I am going to be as honest, kind, patient, loving, compassionate, healthy, and self-respecting as I can be. So naturally that means, one thing's for sure: I will NOT be drinking alcohol today!

    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    AF Daily: Monday, March 28

    Hi Sara, thanks for starting us off this morning.

    I agree - visuals for me are powerful too. It's funny - I have scars on my legs from when I used to cut and some people think they are ugly but to me they are a reminder of why I don't want to go back there.

    I am having a healthy breakfast of yougurt and granola, have taken all of my medications and am feeling like today is going to be a good day. I'm a little tired but I will keep busy and keep my focus on my goal. Which is sobriety.

    I have my therapist appt at 11am where I need to come clean about going back to the centre last week. But she will be good with it. I'm feeling quite positive right now and I like this feeling. After school tonight I am talking my daughter to go see the new "diary of a wimpy kid movie" - the first one was absolutly hillarious and I'm thinking the second will be just as good. I'm really looking forward to a nice family night with lots of laughs.

    One thing is FOR SURE today......
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily: Monday, March 28

      Good Monday morning Abbers!

      Thank you Sara ~ you are a fab cheerleader for this group :cheering::cheering:

      Had a good weekend myself, saw both grandkids
      I also had a short & unfortunate YB visit. He apparently prefers to live in denial-ville where he feels safe. My happy, healthy, & honest persona makes him extremely uncomfortable. That is not my problem!

      Speaking of grandkids, #3 is due next Tuesday

      Hope everyone has a fab AF Monday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily: Monday, March 28

        Morning all

        Sara - thanks for getting us started, You sound very positive...I hope some of that eneregy rubs off on me.

        Uni - mmm...yogurt...I think coffee yogurt is on the agenda for breakfast this morning.

        Hello to everyone else to come.

        Sorry I haven't been around that much. This trip to NYC has been extremely hectic - I have be running around like a blue-arsed fly so not been around much. I had a lovely weekend with my sis. We have not had the easiest relationship over the past few years so it was nice to just hang out. We went to see Sister Act 2 on Broadway and it was great. I also visited with friends and family. It was an awesome time but I am absolutely exhausted now.

        I don't know if you told you guys this but I had a proper interview on Friday. I thought I was meeting with one guy and ended up meeting with three. I was in the office for 2 and a half hours. It was totally different from how they do it in the UK. I found it weird get passed about but apparently that is a good sign. We talked about the role, the team, my timescales, salary etc. I felt pretty positive. They said they would let me know in a couple of weeks. I am pretty new to the whole interviewing process in the States so any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

        Have a great AF Monday!

        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


          AF Daily: Monday, March 28

          Good morning!

          Made it through the weekend sober! Yea! I did have urges Saturday night but I pushed through it. On Sunday I was able to make it to church, take my family to brunch, get in a good workout, and treat myself to a pedicure. All because I was not hungover!


            AF Daily: Monday, March 28

            :goodjob: Shelby! It's amazing what you can get accomplished without alcohol! x
            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              AF Daily: Monday, March 28

              Happy un-hung Monday ABsterooonies!!!

              I pick up my Dx from the airport today! woooooo

              great job Shelby!

              well, it's been a very trying last week but I'm unscathed, AF and ready to try to manage my stress a bit more deftly this week. ommm ommmm.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily: Monday, March 28

                Hi abbers!

                Today was back to school for the kiddies. Spring Break is over! The weather suckholioed so bad for 90% of the time. We are even having a very late Spring here...... not much has bloomed at all.

                I am going to come clean and let you know I blew it on Friday evening. I had my drunken neighbour come over all upset over family feuds and they are moving. She lives with her mom... and is a severe alcoholic. She had been drinking for almost 2 weeks straight, and so on. Well, she brought me over a shot of Vodka and I didn't drink it. I actually dumped it out when she left. Well, she came back and wanted me to drive her to the liquor store. OK, I drove her as she was hysterical. So, what did I do? Well, the asshole, weak me bought a bottle of Vodka. Um like WTF? It didn't take me much to get drunk. Little AFM was not here, and I know that is no excuse. GOD.

                A lot of this woman's relationship with her mom and sister replicate my own. After listening to her on and off throughout the afternoon, it sparked some anger in me in regards to my own relationships. This woman is in her 50's and has had a lifetime of pain, alcohol and drug abuse. I so don't want to go there. I am 39 soon, and this has been a wake up call for me to readdress the pain I am still holding onto obviously.

                Anyway, thankfully the only thing I felt afterwards was severe disappointment in myself for letting my emotions get the better of me. I am thankful it didn't end up on a whole weekend drinking binge. I felt OK the next day. Unfortunately the lady did not and was still drinking. She and her sister, I guess had a physical altercation at some point and her sister knocked her to the ground. She broke two ribs. So, yesterday, I took it upon myself to make her a roast beef and cheese sandwich as I am sure she hadn't eaten much in weeks. She scarfed it down.

                I feel bad for her. I can't do anything for her but be empathetic. I am glad she is moving. My world feels kind of small at the moment because I want to be there to help her as much as I can, but obviously I need to focus on my own sobriety.

                So, today, I went for a jog! Day 3 AF. I may seek out a therapist again. To deal with some of these unresolved feelings of anger I have.

                Have a great day all!


                  AF Daily: Monday, March 28

                  Hello friends,

                  Great job to those of you that made it through the weekend AF. Those first few weekends (and other days actually) can be pretty damn tough!
                  Sorry to hear about your weekend AFM. Get your toolbox out, huh? Sounds like a difficult situation to say the least with your neighbor!

                  I think you posted a link before Uni, but looky what I found!!!

         coloring books adults

                  I ordered 3 books! One for me, one for my sister, and one for my friend whose husband has colon cancer! I can't wait to start coloring! I remember now, when I was going to counseling she might have mentioned this type of therapy. I wish we would have pursued it then.

                  My teenage son is still pouting somewhat. What a shock when I went downstairs to see he had removed everything from his walls, dressers and desk. In protest I guess. Perhaps we was preparing to move out, I don't know. He still has attitude when I try to discuss it, so I'm just standing my ground for now. I did suggest that it might be a good time to fill all of the nail holes and paint. Of course we can't agree on color. This was our guest bedroom--it has my parent's antique furniture in it. He has been pretty good about not having his own decor, but I want to be able to return it to a guest bedroom when he leaves for college in 2 years. I would like some advice. Will I regret it if I let him paint the walls red and black? Will I ever be able to cover that black with something lighter? I was thinking red and gray myself--the red is a compromise on my part. Anyhoo I would like your input.

                  It's time to start supper. We're having chicken tonight!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily: Monday, March 28

                    LVT25;1086205 wrote: We're having chicken tonight!
                    shhhh! don't tell lav!

                    hey ho fabbies! zooming ALL DAY LONG!

                    LVT, I'd ask a paint store person about that black and red. I'll have to look back and see what it was he did...OK, can't find it - Why is he pouting?

                    AFM, bummer! Don't spend time with people who choose to live in negative states. The queen has spoken. (Actually that was in a list of things in a telecast) Glad you see it for what it is and bonus points for a jog!!

                    Good jobbie on the AF weekend det! Especially that gross snow drive! ICK!

                    Cassia - hope interviewing is going well! Crossing fingers for you! Write a thank you letter to them!

                    Shelby, good on ya for doing all those things and appreciating what opportunities AFness present!

                    Lav, sorry about YB; he is who he is and it is certainly his misfortune to miss out on sharing a life with you.

                    Uni, you sound good - I'm so glad you went back to the center. Good call!

                    Sara, what a fabbie kickstart this AM! It's not always out there in front, but for sure..
                    I've still got the thrill!

                    Hi to M3, P3 and DG and whoever else hasn't stopped in... I have to fall into bed now.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily: Monday, March 28

                      Hey Greenie - A bit of advice - I sent thank you emails - do you think I should follow up with a hand written note too?

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        AF Daily: Monday, March 28

                        Cassia I'm sure the expression of appreciation will be fine in any format. Maybe a box of doughnuts? :H kidding!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

