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AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

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    AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

    Evening all!
    Enjoying support and posts as usual. Best wishes to you all.

    Laughed out loud at your tactic Lavande getting your teenage son up in the morning
    AFM sounds like you are back on track and you had a lot of stress going on.

    I am constantly working on managing my stress levels. Some days better than others.

    Work in progress.


      AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

      :welcome: Newgrange. Good to have you with us!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

        Hi all,

        Don't have long but wanted to pop in real quick and say hi. Wishing you all a wonderful day.

        Oh' yeah....I have a teenage son....I'm thinking covers....yank...yep, your right, that will work :H

        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

          :H:H Mind you...........
          my son is now 30 years old & he still likes me so I don't think I damaged him in any way by dragging him out of bed like that :H

          Good evening everyone!
          I treated myself to a new WW dinner recipe - Shrimp Lo Mein & it was Good!!!!!
          I had to scale the recipe from the original 6 servings but now I have leftovers
          Everytime I get on the WW or other eating plan I find myself getting annoyed because it makes me have to think about food constantly! Planning menus, shopping for ingredients, prep work, cooking...... It just seems like a huge time investment & has me constantly thinking about food - where I usually don't. Does that make sense? Oh well.

          I just signed up for a new teleseries that sounds interesting.
          Soul-Felt Series - Secret Insights for your Soul

          Cassia, it sound like a move to the US is imminent - good for you!

          Have to run out & close up the chickens for the night!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

            Oops - I missed you up there Caper! Congrats on 9 days AF - that is fABulous!!!

            Hi AKgirl! Great to see you checking in too.

            Hey - just popping back in (before American Idol ) to thank LVT and Uni for sharing the Mandala info. I bought some colored pencils today - just kiddie ones but 72 colors for about $7. I printed some mandalas off of the net - google produced many sites!! I did a beginner one with some meditation music (pandora!) on in the background. Quite relaxing I must say! I think this will be better than chocolate for stress relief.

            I also ordered the book that LVT linked last night so I will be ready to rock some colorful pages!


            Oh. And you people and all your teenagers. No wonder you all drank! (just kidding :H)

            One thing is for sure...there will be NO AL for this girl tonight!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

              Pandora!! I never thought of using that for meditation music!! Brilliant DG!!

              Lav-too fecking funny about the morning ritual with your son!

              I too would not have that kind of patience but like DG, could use a yard slave LVT!!

              Cassia-well, it sure sounds like they are really interested but as I have NO experience with the corporate world (believe me when I say Higher Ed does everything differently!!) I will leave the reading between the lines to the experts. I think tho, you will have your pick of jobs.

              Hello, AKgirl, NG, AFM (you're on the right track!) Caper and Uni. Have I missed anyone? Greenie-did you find your mojo?

              Agility nite tonite and I got home super late. I feel like Im playing catch up. Not looking forward to the possible snow storm tomorrow and/or Friday. Feck.

              Need to feed the animals (mine are really animals LOL!!) and then hit the hay. See you all in the morn.

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                Hi Everyone

                Pretty excited as I'm off to Vegas tomorrow for the weekend. Haven't left my town since JULY (argh) so am more than ready for a change of scene. It'll be a small family reunion as my stepbrother is getting married. Haven't seen my parents since July either...

                Now that the time has come, I realise that I feel calm and strong about being AF this weekend. A couple of months ago when the trip was planned and I had only recently quit, I kept getting that nagging feeling that I was going to want to drink this weekend. It's a reunion, a wedding, it's frickin Vegas for god's sake....!! It was worrying me and tempting me to start again so I could quit afterwards.

                I had to tell myself not to worry about it, not even to think about it. There's another wedding I'm going to in May and I keep getting the same feeling about that. These are the moments when ODAT is helpful. I always think it's really twisted to worry or think about drinking at an event that is weeks and months away but I know I'm not the only one. That celebrations and booze go together seem ingrained in my brain.

                I can't wait to enjoy every second in Vegas and not miss any of this short time with my folks because I'm puking or too hungover to get up. I have to do a 15km run for my half marathon training and I am so looking forward to the sense of achievement that will bring me. I am excited for my family to see how much better I am physically and emotionally since I quit.

                I feel blessed that I managed to stop on my own (well, with the support of friends but you know what I mean) and didn't completely mess up my life. It came very close right before I stopped and my Dad was about to pose his own form of intervention on me. I dread to think about how that would have turned out. Life has done a complete 180 since I stopped - no more bleakness, despair and depression. I am off the anti-depressants I was taking. I am healthy, happy and grateful.

                Thank you all for your posts and support. They too really help me keep on track.
                I, for one, have had a happy hump day!! Hope you can say the same.


                  AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                  Hi All,
                  Just a quick late night check in. Bean, I love your positive thoughts about your trip to Vegas! Have a great time, and come back and tell us how good it felt to be sober!

                  I've been a little down the last few days. Tonight I had to work, and when I work one evening a week the kids go to a friend's house. Hubby picks them up there when he's done with work. Anyway, for the last several weeks, he's stayed for dinner there while the kids play. I know the adults all have drinks together. I come home late and hear how good the food was, and how my kids even ate the vegetables, and how much fun they all had. i feel left out. Seems silly, I guess. I would like to be happy for them, but I just keep feeling like an outsider. Something about the image of hubby drinking with friends when I'm not there just gets to me.

                  Anyway, I have no cravings today, in spite of feeling down and stressed.

                  Love to ALL,
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                    Hey guys, very late for me but I am struggling.

                    My hubby is still angry with me for my last relapse and he is making it hard. The look of hatred and hurt in his eyes kills me. I am trying to be assertive and explain my feelings but they are falling on deaf ears. I feel so alone right now.

                    I want to live - and I mean really live! Like be happy! And live! But I don't know how - and when I try it works for a couple of days and then BOOM back to hell and reality. Fuck, I'm just fucked.

                    I wish I could forget the past, I know that this is what I am supposed to do. But it hurts so much. And it just keeps running in my head and I can't make it stop. Can someone stop my brain please? take it out and give it to someone else? Give me a new one that doesn't keep running wih crap!


                    Okay, now I feel better - but still feel alone. I just wish my mom was alive and my family was closer. but they are all so far away and I have to deal with this shit on my own and right now hubby is not much help. Surprisingly the most help I am getting is from my ex's wife (who he cheated on me with). She is like the only one who is helping me right now. How fucked up is that?

                    Just needed to vent.
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                      Evening all

                      Uni - vent away babes. I think it will also be difficult for people who don't have similar issues with alcohol to truly understand how hard it is to stay away from booze. I don't know if you are attending meetings but if you are and there is an open one by you then maybe you should think about inviting your husband along. It may help him understand.

                      I like you, struggled for a long time to be happy. But I can honestly say that the 98 days of sobriety have been some of the happiest in my life. And you can get there too. IT's just going to take a lot of hard work and support. We are here for you babes!

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                        universal;1087739 wrote: I want to live - and I mean really live! Like be happy! And live! But I don't know how - and when I try it works for a couple of days
                        Great! Hold on to that thought and it will expand!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily ~ Wednesday 3/30

                          universal;1087739 wrote: Surprisingly the most help I am getting is from my ex's wife (who he cheated on me with). She is like the only one who is helping me right now. How fucked up is that?
                          Not fucked at all, really. Angels in our lives come in all kinds of ways.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

