Jolie I laughed at the text from your future in laws (how ridiculous!) and I am sure that you are right to simply rise above it, you will find an appropriate way to communicate with her. Isn?t it so much easier dealing with these situations sober and you can thank her for propelling you into your sober journey

DSLR I am really pleased that you have decided to start your 30 days early, good for you and we are here for you just take it one day at a time or even one hour at a time or even a minute at a time to get through the first few days. It really is so worthwhile to get through a period AF. At least you will be able to see clearly if your emotional state is being influenced by the alcohol. It certainly was in my case and I was very surprised when I realised how much, my anxiety melted away as the weeks went by.
Star I hope you managed to take it easy this weekend, we sometimes forget to be kind to ourselves we are so busy looking after everyone else. I hear you on the balance front as I too constantly struggle keeping things in equilibrium at times. For me it is work that robs me of my time and energy which then encroaches on my free time either working late or occupies my mind worrying away when I should be relaxing. I resent the intrusion.
I had a lovely Mother?s Day today the boys and their families arranged for lunch at one of my favourite restaurants and they invited my Mum and Dad too so we had Great Grandparents, Gran (me!), my sons and their children ? 4 generations and 4 Mums!! It was a lively and noisy lunch and we all had a great time. We all went for a walk on the beach afterwards as the sun was out and it let the kids run off some steam as they had been so good during the meal.
Has anyone heard from John recently it seems a little while since he posted?? Hi to everyone else.
Dewdrop :h