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April Appreciation AF - week 1

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    April Appreciation AF - week 1

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and support. It really helped. :h I am past the shock and am now processing the reality for my friend. She has her twin sister with her and her children flew in from the west coast, so I am a little less concerned for her in the near term. But the long haul looks daunting. I will be there for her after the the dust settles, so to speak, but in the mean time I have taken a step back.

    Star, the nice weather always causes me difficulty. Actually, not so much the nice weather, but the change in seasons. There are lots of different mental and emotional associations with alcohol depending on the season and these thoughts and feelings pop up as the change in season is perceived. Hang in there.

    Happy AF Humpday, Appreciative ones!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      April Appreciation AF - week 1

      Good morning everyone,

      Star - as for the facebook thing, my 22 year old daughter who still lives at home convinced me I needed to be on there. I am but basically as a "lurker" as I hardly ever post anything (like what I was fixing for dinner, getting ready to take a shower, etc.). I'm just not into it as I don't feel the need to put my every waking minute out there for everyone to see. On a positive note, I am finding old high school friends so it's been nice catching up with them.

      I am so with you on the warmer weather thing! My usual summer time ritual? Come home from work (usually start with my first glass ofwine hidden behind a little juice), fix dinner, do chores, retire to my deck with my glass(s) of wine until it got dark, then stumble on in the house to stumble on into bed!

      I absolutely love my deck - it's so peaceful and all I see is my back yard bordered by trees. Love sitting out there watching my hummingbirds in the summer.

      So I too am going to find warmer weather challenging but I'm planning to exchange the wine for a smoothie or some other super-refreshing drink and still enjoy my evenings.

      I'm feeling positive as time goes by so I'm hoping it won't even be a passing thought for me as the weather gets warmer.

      We can do this Star! Let's just keep on thinking about how great we feel now (in every way - physically, mentally, spiritually) and remember why we don't ever want to go back to our drinking days!

      Lav - today would be a great day for that new little bundle of joy to arrive! Your chicken stories crack me up!

      Dill - glad you are feeling better and you are right - the hard part for your friend will probably be a couple of weeks down the road when all the immediate support she is receiving now, goes away. You are a good friend.

      Rustop - we'll be waiting to hear how your daughter does on that exam! Sometimes us Mom's endure as much stress as our kids! We just want them to do well.

      Mario - how often does it rain there? Is it like Seattle here in the states?

      Chill and Cyn - sounds like you are both more than ready for this move!

      Dew - weather here is crazy too! Snow flurries one day, 82 degress another day. I'm just hoping that we actually have a spring here and don't go right to hot and humid weather.

      Hope I didn't miss anyone - have a great day all!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        April Appreciation AF - week 1

        Nice to see you Mario
        Where is our other ocassional male mr G these days?
        Rusty...... you got any idea?

        Star - I love facebook and its the most wonderful way to keep in touch with people. I know everything thats happening around me too and its the best news channel on the planet!

        I also follow many of my spiritual teacher through facebook and have made lots of virtual friends around the world who share my beliefs and interests, and its fun!

        I have dozens of MWO friends on there too, friends from back home and lots of family, including nieces and nephews who otherwise I wouldnt be in touch with. Its one of these things that can be whatever you want it to be and now its so sophisticated you can set it to as much privacy or freedom as you choose.

        Its so nice to share photos with people you dont see regularly and it gives you a real sense of keeping in touch for very little effort. Now just about every business and website links you there and its the accepted way forward. They said that things happening in Eygpt and Japan were reported on fb before any news agency, it really is phenominal. Ok i will get off my fb soapbox now :H
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          April Appreciation AF - week 1

          Happy Hump Day (or pink shirt day, as we used to call it when I was a house painter)...

          I agree with Dill, somehow the change of seasons is a trigger...but then if you are caught in the clutches of AL, what isn't a reason to drink? Very insidious - I think it is good to realize that whatever trigger is there, it is just AL talking, not a neccesity for enjoying oneself.

          Facebook - good to hear your impressions, Chill. I am determined to get one together, but for my business, not personal. I'm really not a big 'sharer' (which makes my posting here unusual), but I need to have a presence for my business, so..... I am reluctant to start up with Facebook because I already barely have enough time to do my business emails, read a little and post on this thread (only) and that's it. I don't read books, don't watch TV, I exercise only by walking my dogs (twice a day), sometimes I actually get through the mail and pay the bills. I keep wondering if I'm in some alternate universe....but I am determined to go to knitting class this evening...I will I will I will.
          Anyway, it will all work out as long as I stay AF, I feel certain.

          I hope you all have good moments today --
          to the light


            April Appreciation AF - week 1

            THE STORK ARRIVED AT 7 am!!!!!
            Big healthy boy weighing 9 lbs. 3 oz, 21 " long!
            EB was dropped off here at 1:15 am (even though I offered to go to his house to watch him).

            I'm off to the hospital now for a visit - will be back later

            Greetings to all my April friends!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              April Appreciation AF - week 1

              congratulations Lav, what an exciting year this is turning out to be for you and your family.
              Looking forward to seeing photos of him.

              Its been the most beautiful humpday here gang, sunny and warm - I've been out and about and its gorgeous. I swear people are more friendly when the sun shines.

              I'm pretty busy tomorrow and out all day on Friday so probably won't get change to log on until the weekend.

              Take good care of yourselves - back very soon
              love Sooty


                April Appreciation AF - week 1

                How wonderful Lav, and what a BIG boy!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  April Appreciation AF - week 1

                  Lav how wonderful and what a big baby!! We are all waiting for the pictures.

                  A quick post for me tonight, I've had a very busy and long day at work today with a more stressful one looming tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it - roll on the weekend is all I can say. When I got home I changed into my walking gear and stomped the pavements for 6 miles, better than having a pity party at home I just kept repeating to myself 'this to shall pass'.

                  We haven't heard from Sped or Rusty for a bit and I hope they are well, good wishes to everyone and a sober and happy Humpday.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    April Appreciation AF - week 1

                    hello everyone! Great positive energy here today.

                    Congratulations Lavande! Wonderful news on the birth of a beautiful grandson.

                    I wrote a long post last night and lost my Internet connection!

                    Rustop 61 I hope the oral went well for your daughter. Glad you are feeling a bit better dill.

                    Too tired tonight but still on track.

                    Night all and thanks :thanks:


                      April Appreciation AF - week 1

                      Good evening all!

                      What a great day
                      I want to spread my happiness all around & infect all of you :H

                      Here's the big guy - named after both his grandfathers (oh boy) William Howard.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        April Appreciation AF - week 1

                        Oh Lav, he's gorgeous.....
                        So happy for you :l

                        Dewdrop - sorry you are having a hard time, keep stomping the pavements, I hope it helped. Sending you some special Chill vibes for a better day tomorrow.

                        Newgrange - glad you are still with us, stay strong.
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          April Appreciation AF - week 1

                          Awwww - Lav he is just precious. You must be on cloud 9! So happy for you.

                          Newgrange - good for you! Tired is good - when it's sober tired

                          Dew - 6 miles??? You are my hero. I'm still being wimpy and not venturing out unless it's at least 60 degrees:H

                          Laundry, dog duty, then hope to get a few chapters of my new book in. Modern family at 9:00 then its bed for me by 9:30!

                          Have a great evening everyone!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            April Appreciation AF - week 1

                            Dewdrop - did you really walk 6 miles????
                            I don't do that in a week woman :H
                            I am seriously impressed

                            I hope things improve for you very soon - don't want you wearing yourself out :l
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              April Appreciation AF - week 1

                              YO, Appreciative April Allies!

                              Chill and Dew, thank you for asking about me. :lI feel like I've been missed. So nice to know.. Dew-you walked 6 miles, OMG! Good for you! You go, you hearty woman.

                              Chill-I have no clue where Mr. G is, and I'm not going to use this thread in order to make my usual sexual overtures toward him. I gave flirtation up for Lent. UGH! It feels like I have a pair of underwear stuck in my crack. Chill, I'm proud of you with your attitude toward your move. I know you'll be fine.

                              Lav-little William Howard is just beautiful! What a regal name! And he's tall, strong and healthy....probably because you fed his Mama your fresh eggs.

                              Dill-sooooo sorry about the loss of your friend's husband. Your friend is lucky to have someone as nurturing as you in her life.

                              Newgrange...:welcome: it's nice to see you here. I don't post here much anymore but this is the BEST thread on MWO. Which of course is why Iam on it.:H

                              Jolie-I was flabbergasted by your in-law's choice of vocabulary. Hmmmm.....she must be terribly insecure to have spoken to you that way. So sorry you went through that. Good for you for staying AF... and better yet, not dumping a bucket over her head. GRRRRR

                              A funny Bloody Mary story....several years ago, I was flying in First Class and this *sshole across the aisle from me was giving the flight attendant a hard time about everything...and he orders a Bloody Mary. He's all dressed up in a silk shirt and off white pants. We get this sudden turbulence and she spills the Bloody Mary right in his the worst possible place!:H. PRICELESS!.

                              My flight from Alabama has been delayed so I am trapped in Memphis, happily chatting with all of you....hope all of you are doing well!




                                April Appreciation AF - week 1

                                Good Evening April Appreciaters!

                                Lav - Congratulations to you and what a handsome little fella' he is! You must be in grandmother heaven right now.

                                Rusty- Glad to see you checking in but sorry about that 'wedgie'. Pardon the pun but you really 'crack' me up :H

                                I have some exciting news - I placed in the top 10 (#8) of my age group in the 5K race that I ran last Sunday - Yeah! It's the best placement I've ever made in my 5K races and it really brightened up my day yesterday when the final stats were posted on the internet. My next 5K is on April 16th and it's a tough one - a very steep course. I just hope to be able to finish it!

                                Star - The warmer weather and thoughts of spending time outside on my patio and in my garden will definitely be a challenge for me this spring and summer. Our neighbors have a tendency to congregate in our back yard where, in the past, the drinks would flow and there would be fires in the evening in our little outdoor fireplace. I need to be very firm in my convictions and not get sucked into the party atmosphere. I am feeling confident that I can do it but know that I will have to be vigilant.

                                Regarding Facebook - I have been slowly getting into it over the past several months. It has been a nice way for me to keep in touch with some long distance friends. I am terrible when it comes to picking up the telephone so the Facebook solution has worked for me in that regard. It has also been a great tool for me to connect with other runners and share accomplishments, get encouragement, etc. I try to keep it in perspective and not get carried away like some people who use it as a shouting board, "I'm going to the mall" or "Getting together with some girlfriends tonight to party!" I really don't think I need to know when someone is going to the mall

                                I'm in NYC tomorrow for a business meeting - spending this evening in NJ and will take the bus into Manhattan tomorrow morning. I really do not like NYC so this should be an adventure!

                                Wishing you all a peaceful evening....
                                AF since 7/13/2010

