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April Appreciation AF - week 1

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    April Appreciation AF - week 1

    Good Morning guys

    So April is here and we are going to appreciate ever moment of it AF!

    This is an extract from my calendar this morning which sums up exactly what I want to do:-

    "This month I choose to be aware of my thoughts. It is my goal to only choose those that contribute to my well-being and that make me feel good......"

    I woke up this morning feeling excited about the future, lots to do but I have the energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes there are days when being AF makes me feel invincible and this is one of them, bring it on world, im waiting!

    I will be back later with a great summary of our antics during March
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    April Appreciation AF - week 1

    Happy April Fool's Day!!

    Thanks for starting us off Chill, you sound very happy and pleased with yourself I'm guessing life is good - let us know all your plans, I'm dying to hear.

    I awoke this morning full of beans, jumped out of bed and did a 5 mile walk/jog at 6.30 this morning, I have another very busy day but actually felt very energised when I got back, had my shower a bowl of porridge and have done an hour and a half of work so am feeling quite chuffed with myself. Lets hope the day continues like it started.

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      April Appreciation AF - week 1

      Hey all,

      Happy April! I am just back in the UK.

      Big changes in the cassia household. I am resigning from my job on Monday and hopefully, moving to America in six weeks. I have a good chance of a job there that I want and they need my timescales confirmed as soon as possible. I spoke to my boss on the phone and told him my plans and while very disappointed is supportive of my decision. So, we will see.

      Wishing you all a great AF April!

      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        April Appreciation AF - week 1

        Good morning on this first day of April!!!

        Chill, big news that you are moving. I can barely wait to hear events leading up to your decision. I can tell that you are feeling strong and will be able to make a new life for yourself with confidence and coming from a good place. How exciting. I was thinking that life is managed so much better AF.

        For instance, there has been all sorts of drama at our house, and I have been able to handle it OK, make good decisions, and just manage. That is reality. Stuff happens, and it just has to be dealt with, choices made, and it is so good to be clear headed and use my intelligence and life experience to deal with situations.

        Cassia, exciting you are moving, too. So nice you are AF and feelings strong and confident.

        Dewdrop, wow, what a morning. Have a great day.

        To all, a great fun Friday.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          April Appreciation AF - week 1

          Good morning

          Wow what a positive start to the month. All you ladies sound so driven and strong.

          Chill - Dying to hear what you have planned. You seem happy with your decision so that is the main thing.

          Dewdrop - Good to see you back on track. New month, new beginnings.

          Cassia - Glad you got a job sorted out and are happy about your move back to the US.

          Star - You are in a great place right now and am so so happy for you.

          Very windy here this morning but not raining. We have a guy in doing some of the heavy work in the garden and cleaning up. It gives me such a boost. I love seeing all the daffodils and tulips bloom.

          Busy week-end ahead. My daughter is getting ready for her oral exams in Irish and French and has some classes over the week-end. We are going to a 70th Birthday party tomorrow night. I will be driving so no problems there.

          Hope you all have a wonderful week-end.



            April Appreciation AF - week 1

            Cass thats SO exciting, im so happy for you! 6 weeks eh, I would love have completed my move in that time scale too.

            As you all know I have no money, I have no job to go to and I have no home, minor details :H
            Chill has a plan...

            The roof over my head here is mine for aprox the next 12 months. If I can rent it, that money will pay for me to rent an apartment in Scotland. I have looked at the cost of buying new stuff and no matter how I calculate it, its still cheaper to ship my own stuff which although isnt much is good quality and will last me for years. So I need to scrape together the cost of shipping, I intend to call for quotes today. Then I need to get myself and my dog back and I have decided to do something I said I never would and drive.

            My brother-in-law has a British reg. car over here which he lent to me and is what i get about in. Its a 14 year old 4x4 and in need of a patch up job before it could cope with such a journey. I can drive through Portugal, up through Spain to Santander, a 12 hour drive, where I can get a ferry which takes 24 hours to England. Apparently there are dog friendly cabins and this would avoid having to crate and send my baby by plane. Then from the South of England it would take me a day to get back to Scotland. Because the car cant go very fast I might even break up the journey over a couple of days. So thats the plan
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              April Appreciation AF - week 1

              Hey chill,

              Wow! It's all go. I wish you all the best. If you put your mind to it, anything is possible. Just stay positive and positive things may come your way. I wish you every success! I know you will do this!

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                April Appreciation AF - week 1

                Good morning folks!

                I am feeling lovely positive energy from everyone. I feel the same this morning, happy, energized and ready for the world!

                Chill are you originally from Scotland? I related to the evening snacking as thats my downfall. After 7pm my appetite suddenly increases. I couls snack on crisps and peanuts etc etc.

                Rustop I joined weightwatchers about two weeks ago but I am not sure if i will lose weight on it as I seem to be eating alot...what do you think?

                Rusty I looked up your diet on the internet and it's really low in calories?? How many calories do you eat on a daily basis?
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  April Appreciation AF - week 1

                  Hello April friends! I am back from New Orleans and I had a completely enjoyable time, AF! I won't say that drinking thoughts did not follow me around, because they did. But, it was more of an analytical nature as I studied situations and drink and relationships people had with drink. I used to think I couldn't enjoy myself without wine, but now I find I most certainly can and I feel much happier being in control of myself.

                  Thank you for starting us off, Chill. I like the thread name. The first year of this thread (2009) we named April simply "AF April". Last year we had a redo and called it "AF April ~ 2010". This year I definitely like the addition of 'Appreciation'.

                  I feel overwhelmed at the thought of trying to connect with each of you after such a long absence, so allow me just to wish you all an AF weekend, WELCOME to newcomers, and thank you all for keeping the home fires burning.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    April Appreciation AF - week 1

                    Good morning all & Happy April Fools Day!

                    The universe sent me snow this morning - it was supposed to be only rain

                    Chill, wishing you lots of energy & good luck with your plans

                    Cassia, congrats to you as well! Where do you think you'll be living as I know NYC is seriously expensive!!

                    Geetings Dewdrop, Star, rustop & Rebirth!

                    I started Weight Watchers last week myself & lost 2 lbs. - not so sure I'll lose that much this week ~ we shall see

                    Sister Dill - are you back home yet??

                    John, where are you hiding buddy?? Shelley, how about you??

                    Wishing everyone a fantastic Fiday. I'm going to p;retend that it's not snowing :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      April Appreciation AF - week 1

                      Cross post Dill - welcome back
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        April Appreciation AF - week 1

                        Morning Abbers,

                        Happy April Fools Day! It's still early here but this place has certainly been busy! Looks like everyone is feeling very positive today (me included). It's a cloudy, chilly, rainy day here but it's the start of a new month and spring can't be too far away (I hope).

                        Glad to see you back here Rebirth!
                        Chill - you are certainly going to be one busy person and that's quite the trip you have planned!
                        Dill - glad your trip went so well!
                        Cassia, Dew, rustop, star - hope your day goes well and no one plays any "tricks" on you today!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          April Appreciation AF - week 1

                          Hi everyone

                          Rebirth - The new weight watchers programme is very different. I too seem to be eating a lot but its normal food. Other diets I would eat the diet/low fat stuff, loose the weight and then go back to eating normally (usually too much). Then before I knew it, weight back on. Maybe this way is better, time will tell.



                            April Appreciation AF - week 1

                            As promised, here is our March Medley......

                            Marvelous Magnificent March

                            We started March with a real fresh determination to rid ourselves of some bad habits left over from February,
                            lots of energy going into cleaning up our eating habits (were we successful guys?)

                            There have been Spring flowers, anxiety, hot yoga, new computers and the Ku klux klan.

                            We've discussed Chardonnay to sugar cravings, from gratitude to judgements and even poop scooping! :egad:

                            As always we have travelled;
                            this month from New Orleans to Dublin, from London to New York and been to Florida including Disney!

                            Baby Lily arrived in the world, we have had old timers and new comers, dealt with hormones and cravings,
                            hen parties, Mardi Gras, frost! Lightening storms and Lav did I here we had snow in hell?

                            We had a ?hole in my sidewalk? and quotes from Winnie the Pooh. Lots of new job prospects,
                            John's running comeback, gardening and chasing chickens!

                            We dealt with lent, sober St Patrick's Day and Mico Managers. Rusty became a cougar and threatened to take
                            down her Christmas Tree (?), We had Mr G in a bunny suit, cactus in bloom, habitual thinking and the ?super? moon.
                            Then there was annoying non-drinkers v boring drunks, sail boats, agility seminars and the arrival of Spring. :lilflower:

                            Dogs in the shower (?), Pandora's box, cassoulets, chocolate hair and the return of Stink Bugs. :scratchinhead:
                            Crabby men, choir practice, dinner with YB, clock changes, cliff top walks, earthquakes in Portugal,
                            birthday's and anniversaries. :bday6:

                            We celebrated the things we love about being sober, discussed our new found confidence, the changes in relationships,
                            we had numerology for 2011, restless leg syndrome, our extra daily 4 hours, happy hens and horseback riding.

                            And on a global scale we had devastation in Japan and war in Libya......

                            One topic that repeatedly comes up continually for us all is gratitude (lots of gratitude!)
                            and I think its a major tool for the success in staying AF, so lets keep being grateful with our appreciation in April.......
                            :agreed: :hug:
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              April Appreciation AF - week 1

                              Thank you Chill - fantastic summary once again

                              The snow turned into rain, melted all the snow & now the sun is out - go figure
                              Yes, I am grateful
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

