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April Appreciation AF - week 1

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    April Appreciation AF - week 1

    Good Beautiful Sunday Morning Appreciative Friends,

    Sooty- What songs are you and the choir creating/singing right now? For all you newcomers, our Sooty is an accomplished chanteuse. Just like our Cyntree.

    Cyntree-what's happening with you? Are you still helping elderly clients move to better locations?

    Lav-Will is absolutely GORGEOUS! What a precious little peanut.

    Well, it's beautiful here and I am unhung and one happy camper.

    Star-I admire you for biking and again, you are always so positive. You are an inspiration to us all.

    Well, time for me to get back to studying and then taking a lovely walk.

    Happy AF Sunday to all of you.


      April Appreciation AF - week 1

      Fantastic news Chill you must be so excited to be finally moving on with your life, if you have a problem with references re employment/earnings you could maybe ask one of your family to act as guarantor? I did this for my brother when he moved home from abroad a few years ago, it helped him overcome some of the difficulties. Lav I am sorry that you have been feeling a bit lonely recently and I hope that it passes soon, I remember feeling quite broody when I held my first grandchild and it suddenly hit me that that part of my life was over. Not that I wanted more children, it was a strange emotional time for me and it lasted for about a week. What a lovely photo of William, you are such a lucky Grandmother. Star enjoy your cycling it sounds like you are having fun (even if it hurts!) and continue enjoying the present, we should all do more of that. John rest up over the weekend after your long week, I don?t know how or why the weekend always flies by so quickly. Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?

      I had a lovely day yesterday working in my garden for the first time this year, the weather was sunny and warm so I just worked away, I really miss the garden during the winter there is something very satisfying about working with the soil and seeing things grow. I must warn you though that my garden is far too big for me so I will be complaining about it soon!! I had dinner with some friends in the evening it was a lively night but I had no problem being sober, I am feeling like I have really turned a corner in my resolve now it feels like something has shifted in my mind. I hope it continues. Today I spent another day in the garden, it was a beautiful sunny day until dark and I managed to get loads done. This time last year I would have been sipping from my coffee mug full of wine all day and would have accomplished about half of what I did this weekend.

      Hi Mumof6, Newgrange, Rusty, Dill, Sooty, Cyn, Rusty and good luck Sunbeam drop by sometimes and let us know how you are.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        April Appreciation AF - week 1

        Hiya all,

        All good here, and fairly busy.

        Best wishes to you Sunbeam on your journey. It's alway's been a pleasure to read your post's.
        Yay Chilli! Haul ass girl!
        Rusty, you look like Kramer? Well why didn't you say so?! :h
        Congratulations on 100 day's Star. Keep it going!
        Well done on 11 months P3, and will see you for the big 1 year celebration's!
        Ah, Lav. What a lucky Grannie you are.

        Edit: Hi Dewdrop. Great stuff on the gardening. Even greater stuff on feeling you've 'turned a corner'. Keep it going, and keep pro-active with your sobriety.

        Take care everyone, and do whatever you have to do, to get where you want to be.

        G-bloke. :h

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          April Appreciation AF - week 1

          Good Evening Friends:

          Another weekend is wrapping up and no, they never seem to be long enough, do they? At least I don't feel like I wasted half my weekend being hungover - that is one of the blessings I recognize and appreciate - immensely.

          Papmom - It really saddens me when I hear stories about pet's whose owners consider them to be disposable. How pathetic and inhumane. You are a true hero!

          Dewdrop - The latest book I finished reading was The Siege, Helen Dunmore, (9780802139580) Paperback - Barnes & Noble. Certainly, not a light read but nonetheless, very powerful. It is historical fiction based on the German invasion of Leningrad in 1941. It tells the story of a family's experience and their struggle for survival. It is estimated that nearly 1 million Leningraders died of starvation during the winter of 1941-1942. The Germans basically trapped them in their own city and there was no way to get food in. An amazing story of strength and survival.

          Right now, I'm reading much lighter material - how to train for a marathon (for the 40+ year old athlete!).

          My work week doesn't look too bad this week so I am feeling pretty relaxed right now - not stressing about the week that is approaching.

          Wishing all of you peace and strength...
          AF since 7/13/2010

