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AF Daily - April 1

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    AF Daily - April 1

    Whoo boy! Where did this week go?

    Happy April everyone!!

    Sarah-BIG congrats on your 60 days!! Keep up the great work!!

    Beck-Nice to meet you! Glad all is well!

    Cassia-WOW!!!! Congrats on the new job and the move! I have no doubt you will get everything done with days to spare! Let us know where in the Northeast you will settle in OK?

    Uni-:l :l. I hate to see you struggle so much! I'm glad your hubby took the initiative to get some info on this addiction. Prayers to you hon.

    Cyn-:l :l to you too. I'm so sorry your hubby is being such a FH. Please take care of you first.

    LVT-sounds like you have a healthy way of dealing with your hubby's drinking. If I remember correctly last year at this time it was tearing you apart. Will you post pics of your son's "new" room? Sounds wicked interesting!

    LAV- &*^% snow!! That is all.

    Greenie-retreat at your place!!

    Hey Deter, Mr. G, DG, Jennie, Bear, AK girl, AFM (you sound so much better!!)-have I missed anyone? I had 3 days to catch up on!!

    No real plans for the weekend here. Waiting to hear if my friend's so is up for giving me a towing lesson tomorrow or Sunday. The roads are clear and it's going to get up to 50 degrees so we should be able to do this if its convenient for him. Shopping at the new Aldi's that opened up, dog walks and a major housecleaning are on the shedule but other than that it's R&R after last weekend's marathon being sick.

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - April 1

      Beck, good to hear from you and that you are doing well!

      Jen, I hope you're alright.... I can't tell by your post. I know Friday nights have been tough for you. Hang in there.

      Cassia, hope you shake your cold or whatever it is off quickly.

      Happy birthday tomorrow bear! Hope it is fun and temptation free!

      Det, I would have loved to see your sword practice - that must have been awesome!

      G :h

      P3, I heard Aldi's was the Trader Joe's folks. And I heard they carry these shortbread cookies with a chocolate coating that are killer. Just what you needed to know, right

      Today was sunny and cool after a few days of rain. Gorgeous colors! Yoga in the AM - I couldn't go the past two saturdays so I'm looking forward to it.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - April 1

        Cinders, has your hubby ever done any counseling or family therapy or Al Anon? I know you have been to rehab and those places surely offer some of that. It is a shame when the anger turns to meanness--that doesn't help. It is frustrating for someone that doesn't understand the addiction, is there any chance he would at least read about it? You too Universal?
        Yes, he has. His anger has always been about meanness. I am starting to "get that."

        I see it against one of my grandchildren, the one that "doesn't fit in" and his children and myself. When I confronted him about it last week, he went off on me about my drinking.

        One is as bad as the other.

        My job is to not drink. His job? To be kind and loving.

        Okay, I am here to be sober. I have been on the boards today in a "bad" place. I was accosted by a member here who called me a b@tch. No, I restate, she said I was "acting like a b@tch." A fine line.

        Today, though, I am in my hotel room, sober, and I should not have watched the boards.

        I said what I felt and got trounced on.

        I think I will stay in these safe walls. You guys/girls are so supportive. If I want to do Baclofen, I imagine I will not be called out for it.

        So, I am here and within Subs.

        Love to you all and a safe and sober April,
        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - April 1

          Grennie, thanks for asking! It means so much that you would let me take up some head space like that. I am good. I haven't been good tho, coming off a week long binder. Was a bad week with the family issues but I went to the doctor and got some AD's and I am making today Day 1 and I'm going to stick it no matter what. I can do anything and always have been able to, I can do this!

          Honestly I feel so good tonight. Beautiful weather, great food, great company and no more toxic people in my life.. . .and I'm AF! Who could ask for anything more? I'm a happy girl tonight despite everything that has happened in the last week. Wish I could bottle it!

          Have a lovely evening abbers

          One thing is for sure today. . .there will be no AL in this body to ruin this night!
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily - April 1

            Cindi, sad to hear of that behaviour. you are a dear and loved immensely here.... please know that!

            Jenny, day 1 of a thousand coming right up. yes you CAN do this. We all deserve to be healthy and we have what it takes.

            be strong friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - April 1


              Thank you.

              Jenny, yes, 1000 more days to come. They will all be blessed, if not, they will be what they are.

              I am so glad you are here.

              AF April 9, 2016

