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AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

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    AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

    Good Morning, Abbers!

    I just got caught up on yesterday's thread. Thanks for the advice about talking with Hubby, and DG I so appreciated your explanation of the difference between "acceptance" and "being a doormat".

    Welcome Hippy Chick and congratulations on two weeks sober. I get the shift you spoke of, from angry and sad at "having" to abstain to accepting and even joyful at being sober. It's major!

    I did talk with Hubby last night about his drinking. I pretty much said verbatim what M3 suggested He apologized for bringing drinks to bed, and said he wouldn't do it again. He also pointed out that he hasn't been doing that for a while, and Friday night was an exception. I said that at least for my first few months of sobriety, I would like it if there were no exceptions, and if he has a night cap, could he have it downstairs? He said, "or maybe I just won't have night's not like I need it, after all. :H" I still think he doesn't quite get why I have stopped, and he certainly has no intention of stopping altogether himself, but he will respect this wish.

    Sorry to hear I was not alone in having to surf the urges yesterday. It was kind of a tough night for me. We went into Boston for dinner and a play. We hadn't made a reservation for dinner, and at the first place where we stopped in the hostess said her 6:00 hadn't arrived yet, and would we like to have a drink at the bar and give them a few minutes to see if they'd show up? If not, we could have their table. That sounded reasonable, so we sat at the bar. When the bartender asked me what I'd like, I froze for a moment. The walls all around the bar area were lined with bottles of wine. She was mixing drinks right in front of me, and of course there was an array of bottles of all kind of booze behind her. I had a pretty strong wish to order a glass of wine, and felt kind of edgy and uncomfortable. But I told talked myself out of it, mainly by thinking, "you don't want to go back to day one. If you drink tonight, you'll be back to the struggle all over again." So I ordered a seltzer and pineapple with lime, which was a nice change from cranberry and seltzer. Hubby had a Manhattan. I couldn't relax, sitting there at the bar. I was hungry, and I wasn't very happy, and I couldn't even make conversation with my husband.

    Finally I said "let's go", and we left to look for a place to eat. I swear we stopped in at three places that offered us seats at their bars. I told Hubby I didn't want to sit at a bar and watch someone make and serve drinks. So we pressed on. Finally we found an Ethiopian restaurant that could seat us quickly. It was wonderful food, and such a different atmosphere, with these low tables that were like upside down baskets and cool little chairs...No utensils, and we had to ask how to eat our food. The waitress didn't speak English, and we were just about the only white people there...It was like being in a different country. I pretty much forgot about drinking, and enjoyed the meal and the atmosphere. I had a non-alcoholic beer. The only thing was, I still felt like I couldn't think of much to talk with Hubby about...It was weird that way.

    Anyway, of course I woke up this morning glad not to have given in last night. And I know now that at least for a while, I won't sit at any bars.

    Today will be a healthy eating, no sugar day for me! Sunday with my kids and Hubby. The sun is shining already and I will get us all out for fresh air and exercise. And one thing's for sure...

    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

    Morning Sarah!! Thanks for starting us off!!
    Your evening sounded very interesting! Pineapple and seltzer? I'll have to try that!! Even tho it was painful to go through the process of sitting at that bar and talking yourself out of a glass of wine, you did learn something about yourself and can use that the next time you are out. What kind of food do they serve at an Ethopean restaurant and how did you finally eat it without untensils? What play did you see in beantown? My sister and her hubby go in quite often for shows and dinner. I'd rather go out to the country for my entertainment or stay home. I'm not a social butterfly anymore-that ended in my early 40s I think. Probably when I started drinking heavily alone.
    Anyway-weather will be decent but chilly today but at least the sun is shining. Did you get any snow yesterday? A friend of mine in Swampscott did for a bit. Looking forward to the trip out to Amherst.
    I welcomed HC on the Sat thread but another big :welcome: to her on this one!! :l
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

      Hi Papmom!
      The Ethiopian food was wonderful spicy meat and vegetables...kind of like stews or curries. Cardomon, lemon, rosemary...I don't know what other spices. It was served on these spongy tortilla-like things, with some on the side. We learned we were to scoop the food up with them. Yummy.

      Saw a new play called "Sons of the Prophet". It was a touching comedy about two gay brothers and their relationships with family and the community.

      No snow here yesterday, just rain and cold. Today is supposed to be in the 50s and sunny.

      I love the Amherst area. I went to grad school at Smith, in Northampton. Have fun!!

      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

        Hi fabbies! HUGE :welcome: to Hippy Chick!! Good to have you with us. I can totally relate to the way you describe feeling different this time. I too had to go through a humbling and frightening relapse in order to finally "get it." Today sobriety is a gift for me rather than a prison. AL was the prison.

        Sara, thanks for kicking things off today. Wow the Ethiopian restaurant experience sounds like a great adventure!! I'm glad the talk with Mr. went well too. It's funny. There is a couple I know pretty well now that I met through AA. He is the alkie and she is not. I'm friends with her outside of the rooms. She often says "I don't really think ______ is an alcoholic." And he's been in AA for over 5 years, and she goes to Alanon too. Since I have the opportunity to sit around the tables with _______________ and hear how it was for him, I can definitely say that I don't question his diagnosis of himself as an alkie - AT ALL! It really is hard for someone who has never battled an addiction to understand the mental and physical grip it gets on us, and the emotional and spiritual devestation that can come with it.

        Mean time, I will just say that I completely understand the reaction you had sitting at the bar and not feeling comfortable at all there. That is a situation that I definitely would have felt extremely uncomfortable in a bit earlier in sobriety. I'm glad you decided to leave - IMO that was the right choice since AL was calling your name. I think you will find down the road there will be a time when a situation like that won't seem so frightening. :l
        I am so happy for you that you got through it sober! Sara = 1, AL = 0.

        Hi P3!!! I have to run real quick but will be back later....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

          Good Morning Abbers,

          Sarah, Sounds like you had several successes in a period of 24 hours. I'm happy your talk went well with hubbie. He sounds like a good man. And, I agree with DG. It's hard for someone who does not struggle with addiciton to "get it." My husband still doesn't get it. Fyi, I would not have been comfortable with the bar scene either. I still don't like to sit at bars. Just think of the set up of a bar. All seats are facing the booze and the bartender. It's not like it is set up for good conversation or anything. :H

          DG, I will go back to read your post in the AA section on fear. I had some major meet ups with my own fear this week. I was facilitating the pilot of a course I wrote. There were 25 participants and 10 plus observers (who were evaluating me). It was a struggle to not get all wrapped up in myself and my own performance anxiety but I kept on telling myself that I was there for those 25 wonderful people in the room. The more I was able to be in the moment and present for them, the better it got. I did consume some massive amounts of sugar though.

          I want to see Greenie's bluebirds and hang out with Lav's chickens.

          Papmom. Enjoy your trip to Amherst. I love that part of the state.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

            Good morning Abbers!

            Greetings Sara, papmom, DG, M3 & all to come

            Sunny & warming up to the mid fifties today - perfect weather for chicken coop cleaning - I guess

            Hippy, stick with us ~ we are really serious around here about keeping our quits

            Have a fab day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

              Wow, busy already!

              My apologies to Lav for oversleeping and missing the pooparama! I see DG didn't pick up the chicken boots I left on the porch for her....

              Sara, what a good day you had yesterday! Successful talk about bedroom booze and a great experince of acknowledging your feelings and honoring your commitment to your sobriety!! YAY YOU! I don't feel like that in a bar anymore. That doesn't sound right... I frequent a favorite resto for lunch and always sit at the bar. It's a small bistro and I know the owners so I sit there and chat. The bottles and drink pouring don't bother me. I wasn't one to sit and enjoy a glass of whatever so that doesn't come to mind. I engaged in AL in a pathological manner. Start to finish.

              In addition, even though your husband may not "get it" it is so good to see him agreeable to your requests and even resto hopping last night.

              HC! It's a new you! Great to have you on board!

              P3 have a great day in Amherst.

              M3, performance anxiety would have put me into orbit. I bet your yoga paid off there somehow.

              I need to do some YB chores today but I'm skeptical of my back. It's still rather sore. Well, one thing is for sure! No cookies or AL for me today!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                Hello everyone.

                Thanks for the welcome. I do feel like a new person. It's a great feeling.

                Sarah - You did well to resist the drinks at the bar. My husband doesnt understand me and my drinking. He doesnt think I have a problem at all and would rather I drank. He says I change when not drinking, and I suppose I do. I am not loud and talkative and social. But I dont really care anymore. I am sick of trying to keep everyone else happy at my health's expense.
                If you are tempted again just remember if you have just one, you will be back to where you started. Where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are today.

                I went out to a club last night with some girlfriends who are big drinkers (that's why they are my friends!!! :H). We went to see an ABBA tribute band - they were shocking but that's another story.. It felt so good to not even want a drink while everyone else was guzzling wine. And to see the way that some people carry on makes me cringe because only a few weeks ago that was me!
                I did alot of thinking while I was there and I felt good about my decision to get and stay sober. I am not going to be made to feel like an outcast or no good anymore just because I am not drinking. That is how it was before. I felt I had to fit in by getting pissed. My friends dont understand, my husband doesnt understand. But that is their problem, not mine. I really dont care. And boy! that does that feel powerful.

                Time for the CD's and bed. I wonder how far into them I will get this time before I am pushing out ZZZZZ'sssss...

                Night night.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                  Hippy Chick;1090500 wrote: If you are tempted again just remember if you have just one, you will be back to where you started. Where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are today.
                  THAT IS TOTALLY EPIC!!! I love it and plan to steal it for my siggy line. That is all.

                  Right before I started volunteering at the local theatre they had an ABBA tribute concert. I doubt it was the same group given the geography? Also is making me curious about the "shocking" element. Do tell! Bravo for being yourself and not feeling bad about it. That is such a huge step in a great direction for your sober life ahead. You will probably find your tastes in activities starting to change. If so, just roll with it I say. It's a great time in life to try new things on for size, and figure out what the "new you" likes to do for fun, for enrichment, etc.

                  Greenie - I like what you posted on the fear topic in yesterdays thread. Sorry to hear your back is still talking. Mine is too today. I was just telling Mr. Doggy that I am SO GRATEFUL I don't have to sit behind a desk for 8 hours a day. I'm not sure my back could hold up for that any more.

                  M3, I can so relate to the feelings you describe about the class, and then using sugar almost like a pressure release valve. At least that is how it seems to me when I feel fear / stress / anxiety and my brain just wants *something* to take the pressure off. Food is just another really bad and ineffective crutch for me. I am humbled realizing how much more work remains for me to be truly free of my addictions. I bet your class went really well!!!!! Sugar and all.

                  Lav, I hope YB comes along to plant that new tree in time to also help with coop cleaning. I bet Greenie might even loan him her chicken boots since I am not using them today.

                  P3, have a fabulous fabulous day today despite the chill. We're still having chilly here too - and clouds. Looks like rain. More of a fall feeing in the air than a spring feeling.

                  Hi to all fabbies yet to come. One thing is for sure.....

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                    Good Morning guys! I feel stiff and irritable this morning but I haven't been getting any exercise lately. It takes a few day for the thought of not drinking leaves room for the thoughts of anything else. I think I'll get out for a walk today but cleaning and movies will take up most of my day. That's all

                    have blessed day

                    One things for sure. . . I don't want any alcohol to ruin this day!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                      Hi all

                      Still feeling pretty rough and horrible. I wish I didn't have to go into work tomorrow but I need to make my resignation official and also find out if they are definitely going to let me away in six weeks. I really just want to lay in bed. I am going to go for a hot bath.

                      Lav - it better be seriously warmer for my arrival in May or I will be very sad! I am so looking forward to the heat again. Hope the chickadees are well.

                      Sara - sounds like you and hubby had a really positive conversation - good for you. It's not always easy keeping the communication going. I am glad you had a nice evening out.

                      P3 - how's you lady? Enjoy Amherst.

                      M3 - well done you for facing your fears and beating them? What did you right a course about?

                      Greenie - just you stay outta trouble chick..

                      DG - don't do too much running about today - it is the day of rest after all (i know, pot calling kettle black!!)

                      Hippy Chick - HEY and WELCOME! Well done you for sticking by your guns. Your friends may not understand (as most of mine didn't) but they will eventually come to accept. Good luck on your journey.

                      JE - a walk sounds lovely - what kinda weather are you having in Texas at the moment?

                      Right - off to feel sorry for myself.

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                        Cassia its sunny and 90F! We only have two seasons in Texas winter and summer! In the spring and fall it alternates, like last weekend the high was 50F now it's 90F. Everybody is sick all spring and fall because the the swings!
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                          OK, NOT impressed with Aldi's although did manage to spend $21! Won't be going back there again. I gave my last quarter to a couple who had no clue they needed to "rent" the shopping carts. Didn't know about the no bag policy either but I wasn't about to give mine away!!

                          "All I ask from my friends and family is acceptance. I'm the only one who needs to understand my addiction." Papmom3

                          Yes HC-that statement truly was EPIC!! I think we all might steal it!!

                          That is all. Off to Amherst in a few.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                            papmom3;1090594 wrote: OK, NOT impressed with Aldi's although did manage to spend $21! Won't be going back there again. I gave my last quarter to a couple who had no clue they needed to "rent" the shopping carts. Didn't know about the no bag policy either but I wasn't about to give mine away!!
                            Ohhhhhh sorry! I should have mentioned about the carts. I had just heard that last week. I'd never used one. And I just saw they had bags you could buy on a shelf under the conveyor belt; I always carry my canvas bags around. So what did you buy?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily, Sunday 4/3

                              I just want to say thanks for all the support. I look forward to coming here every day, and it means so much to me to be able to share my life with all of you. :l Sara
                              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

