Good evening all,
Dragging my tired butt today BUT I am glad to report I am down another 2 lbs today - at least something is working right for me :H
Cindi, sending you strength vibes....congrats on your 2 AF days! Just think how great you would feel to get thru the entire week AF!
Papmom, we've had campers in the past. They were fun, for a while. I just got tired of all the physical work involved with camping on my weekend 'off' if you know what I mean

Looks like I will go down in history as the hot flash queen :H
They started at age 41 - all day long!! At 42 the night sweats started, ugh! Now mind you, this was all beofre I started drinking......
At 44 I demanded my doc draw my blood, the results showed I was in menopause - no shit doc! She put me on HRT then. I've been thru several different pills, patches, dosage changes, etc. I was told what to eliminate from my diet, to stop smoking & drinking (especially wine), avoid spicey food - the whole nine yards! Lastly I was told to reduce my stress....... Well, I retired from my stressful job, eliminated a couple of stress inducing toxic friends but there was still YB. Turned out he was the major cause of my stress & still is. I just had dealings with him on Saturday & Sunday which left me feeling stressed. So here I am at 57, still stressed & sleepless. Crap!
The weather was picture perfect today, 79 degrees & sunny. Tomorrow the day is supposed to start out with a thunder storm - oh well.
Well, grandbaby #3 is due tomorrow - has anyone seen the stork? :H:H
My head is spinning :H