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AF Daily Monday 4/4

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    AF Daily Monday 4/4

    Good evening all,

    Dragging my tired butt today BUT I am glad to report I am down another 2 lbs today - at least something is working right for me :H

    Cindi, sending you strength vibes....congrats on your 2 AF days! Just think how great you would feel to get thru the entire week AF!

    Papmom, we've had campers in the past. They were fun, for a while. I just got tired of all the physical work involved with camping on my weekend 'off' if you know what I mean
    Looks like I will go down in history as the hot flash queen :H
    They started at age 41 - all day long!! At 42 the night sweats started, ugh! Now mind you, this was all beofre I started drinking......
    At 44 I demanded my doc draw my blood, the results showed I was in menopause - no shit doc! She put me on HRT then. I've been thru several different pills, patches, dosage changes, etc. I was told what to eliminate from my diet, to stop smoking & drinking (especially wine), avoid spicey food - the whole nine yards! Lastly I was told to reduce my stress....... Well, I retired from my stressful job, eliminated a couple of stress inducing toxic friends but there was still YB. Turned out he was the major cause of my stress & still is. I just had dealings with him on Saturday & Sunday which left me feeling stressed. So here I am at 57, still stressed & sleepless. Crap!

    The weather was picture perfect today, 79 degrees & sunny. Tomorrow the day is supposed to start out with a thunder storm - oh well.

    Well, grandbaby #3 is due tomorrow - has anyone seen the stork? :H:H
    My head is spinning :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Monday 4/4


      I would have the blood work redone. You should not be having hot flashes on HRT.

      41 :shocked:

      I had a hysterectomy at 46 or so but he left one ovary. I didn't start real menopause until the last year or so. Makes life interesting, huh? I can't do HRT.

      Sorry about the stress from YB.

      I'll keep my eye out for the stork and be sure to send him your way.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily Monday 4/4

        Good night all!

        I'm so late posting here today -- so busy at work these days. It's a transition time that's for sure. I have a new boss and new corporate ownership -- about the 3rd one in the last 5 years so it's getting old! I seem to fluctuate between wanting to quit and really liking the challenge. So, I guess I'll give it a little more time and see how it goes.

        Sounds like everyone here is doing great! Cassia congratulations!!! That is so awesome. I always said ignore the economy stuff and just plow ahead and things will work out if they're meant to. And it looks like they did!

        Lav, good job on 2 pounds! And looking forward to a new grandbaby again! You are one busy grandma! Everyone else so good to read your positive posts. Thanks for being there!


          AF Daily Monday 4/4

          Hey Everyone! Lots of excitement here today, huh? The stork on his way to Lav's family, Cassia with a new job, Papmom soon to own a camper, DG on her way to a pink cadillac... :

          I myself have been dragging today! I don't know why...tired and a little gloomy. Funny, my sweet nine year old son said the same thing at bedtime, "Mom, I just felt tired and a little sad today...I don't know why". Some good cuddling sent him off to sleep and cheered me up. I love bedtime with the kids now, sober, focused, alert. Life is good.

          I went to a SMART face to face meeting last night, which I'm sorry to say was not great for me. I felt out of place. I recognize that it is not helpful to compare myself or my drinking to other people, but the stories told last night were so intense, so awful and ugly and painful, I couldn't possibly voice my feelings about how it was hard for me to sit at a bar in a fancy restaurant with my husband! It seemed as though my issues would seem so trivial. Of course to me, they're not. I know the ugliness and pain that was a part of my drinking life, too. But it wasn't like I heard last night...It was lonely, shameful, anxiety-ridden, embarrassing, exhausting, depressing...But, thank God, I didn't lose jobs, go to inpatient programs, lose my license, lock myself in a basement for days on end to drink alone. Maybe I would have gotten there some day if I hadn't stopped drinking.

          Anyway, the last thing I want is to begin the "I was never that bad" kind of thinking that has led me back to drinking again and again. When I was drinking it was like I was in this deep murky water, and although I could still just barely keep my head above water, I was in constant danger of drowning. Last night I heard about people who had gone under. "There but for the grace of God go I" I guess.

          Well, sleep tight Ab-Fabbers! See you tomorrow!

          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            AF Daily Monday 4/4

            Sarasmiles;1091543 wrote: I myself have been dragging today! I don't know why...tired and a little gloomy. Funny, my sweet nine year old son said the same thing at bedtime, "Mom, I just felt tired and a little sad today...I don't know why".
            "Neptune entered Pices for the first time since the mid- 1800s. If you are sensitive to such energies, you may feel disoriented, ungrounded, or spacey during the next 72 hours."

            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily Monday 4/4

              Cinders, hang tight! I'm on the road myself. alone, eating alone etc. I just make myself maintain a positive attitude and focus on how great it is to not be in pain physically or mentally. I also take an antabuse if it's getting to me. and if I feel like I need a treat because I'm stressed out I'll eat something fancy or unusual. xxxxxxx dear

              be well everyone.

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

