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Celebrate Recovery

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    Celebrate Recovery

    I am wondering if anyone has been to one of these meetings?

    Celebrate Recovery

    Hi buffy,

    I'm not familiar with the program - had to look it up!
    It seems very much like AA but with a Christian/God belief. If you would feel comfortable in that group then why not? Anything that helps you reach your goal, right?
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Celebrate Recovery

      Buffy, if it caught your interest, why not just go check it out? I'm willing to try anything to stay sober. If it helps me, then great - I have a new tool. If it doesn't - no harm - I just move on.

      I get a huge benefit from having face to face sober friends in recovery. It's nice to have a group I can be honest with about the struggles of addiction and recovery. I'm glad I reached out for that despite my fears of going for the first time.

      Good luck!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Celebrate Recovery

        Thanks Lavande and Doggygirl,

        I am afraid to go to these types of meetings. I am very private and I will probably see other people that I know. I guess that can be a good thing, but in the past I have been a topic of gossip and I am very sensitive. I wish I could just not care. This is a group that deals with all kinds of issues, even weight loss. I may make up something to see if I feel that these are people I can trust. Ha


          Celebrate Recovery

          Buffy, I understand that fear you are feeling. I felt it too - especially going to an AA meeting in a building that is only there to host AA meetings. And parking my truck there with all of our business logos and phone number and web site address on the truck.

          But I needed and wanted to connect with others in sobriety even more than my fears about it. I'm so glad I went anyway. Getting out of my shell and getting braver without AL for "false courage" is a positive step all by itself. Even if the meetings hadn't worked out for me, I would have gained something from the experience of just making myself go. For me the nice thing about the meetings I go to is that everyone there has my exact problem - alcoholism. Everyone understands my exact problem. I like that. I also need to be honest. If I went somewhere and made stuff up that my problem is some other problem rather than alcoholism, I'm not sure how effective that would be for me.

          I can't say how this will work out for you...just sharing my own experience with it in case it helps you decide what to do.

          All the best to you whatever you decide.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Celebrate Recovery

            good point

            Thanks Doogy, you made some good points. I will have to think about it. Maybe I should stay on here for awhile and maybe I will be ready at another time. Thinking about going almost gives me a panic attack. With all the other stress that I am going through right now maybe its not the right time. I know if someone were to talk to me at a meeting I would have a full blown panic attack and might run out causing me more stress.


              Celebrate Recovery

              I went to one CR meeting after I had purchased the CR Bible. It was okay, nice people and all. However for me, I used CR as an excuse to not try AA.
              When I was finally ready, I went to AA. Like my friend DG, I had many excuses to not try AA, but I'm so glad I did.

              Try whatever works for you. For me a sober life is much better.
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

