Today's thought is:
When I hear somebody sigh "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, compared to what?
--Sydney J. Harris
We've probably heard all the negative quotations about life. There was also probably a time when we believed them all. Based on the state of our lives at the time, it was probably no surprise that life was difficult and brutal.
Certainly there are many things in life that are harsh and cruel we see such things in the paper every day. But there are some very wonderful things, too. It's just that we've been conditioned to believe the horrors instead of the wonders.
Today may have been a long, tiring, boring day. But that doesn't mean all days are long, tiring, and boring. There's much good in life that we can see if we let ourselves. We can get off our life-is-difficult soapbox and hear the humor, see the smiles, and feel the caring. Life may be difficult at times, but it is also quite fulfilling.
I need to feel that life is good tonight. What event happened today that I can feel good about? Who did I see today that made feel good?
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