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April Appreciation AF - week 2

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    April Appreciation AF - week 2

    Week 2 Guys and a pretty fandabadozy week 1 it was....

    It would be nice to hear from Sped & LBH

    I had an awesome 40km bike ride yesterday, it was a perfect day and we cycled through country lanes in the most beautiful scenery.

    It was an emotional day and Im realizing just how many people I have to say goodbye to in a very short space of time. I need to keep strong as when i pause for breath I get a wave of anxiety as to how its all going to come together.

    Wishing you all a wonderful AF Monday!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    April Appreciation AF - week 2

    Hi Chill and all to come

    It was an absolutely glorious week-end here. Spent most of it in the garden. We got loads done so there is a real feeling of accomplishment. Would not have minded a long bike ride, lucky you Chill. It is hard moving from one stage to the other but you seem to be in a good place and I am sure it will all go well for you.

    Everyone else big hello and hope you all have a great AF week.



      April Appreciation AF - week 2

      Monday again!

      PAguy, I feel the same, the weekend is never long enough for work and play. It is so much better AF.

      Chill, when I moved after 20 years in the same place, it was intense, but it was time. You know how you rented out your house so quickly, we sold our house in five days. It just happened(with lots of preparation) and things went well. Lots of hard work, planning, but for the most part, we were able to overcome things pretty well. I feel the same for you. Your meditation and other good skills will aid you in your journey.

      We had a glorious bike ride yesterday, it was warm and sunny, and I am sunburned. Spring is so wonderful, especially after the long winter.

      Have a great day, AF
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        April Appreciation AF - week 2

        A quick lunchtime lurk for me. After our beautiful weekend the weather has taken a turn for the worse, it was very dull and has rained most of the morning and now although the sun is peaking out a bit it has become quite windy. At least the good weather was at the weekend so we could all enjoy it.

        Some good news in the Dewdrop family my youngest son and his partner are having another baby due in October, they already have a little daughter who was 2 in January. Wonderful!

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          April Appreciation AF - week 2

          Hi everyone!

          Ah Dewdrop. That's beautiful!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            April Appreciation AF - week 2

            Good morning April friends!

            I am becoming supremely jealous of everyone enjoying sunny days as I'm sitting here under overcast skies once again, hmmm.

            Greetings Chill, Rustop, Star & Mr G!!!!

            Congrats to Grandma Dewdrop
            These new babies are such a blessing :l

            I had a super busy day yesterday helping my DIL out managing the Insanity Twins (Goldens), the ever busy EB & the newborn. Grandma Lav was tired, really tired last night :H:H

            I would love to hear from Sped & LBH as well ~ anyone else out there missing???

            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              April Appreciation AF - week 2

              Morning hop on in here in the Desert, where we had blissful cool and rain (!) this weekend. Everything looks briefly green, a real gift for my eyes - I am memorizing the color.

              Everyone sounds like it was a peaceful yet active weekend, what a testament. Dew congrats on your baby news. Lav, still hoping the sun shines on you today. Chill - I'm sure the goodbyes will be overwhelming, because you are so beloved. But thank goodness for your Facebook page, and that you will be not so far away - you will be able to keep in touch. I find that change in one's life seems to make everyone else anxious -- they see you making positive changes, and it may make them uncomfortable - make sure their anxiety doesn't rub off on you!!

              John - I have been to the Siege Museum in St Petersburg (Leningrad), and I don't know how anyone lived through those years, and the winters there. A true testament too survival. Thanks for the book recommendation.

              Yes Rusty, I am still doing my move business, though I have a big plan up my sleeve - more on that is the studying going? When is your test?

              Happy day, all to come. Sped and LBH, am I going to have to drive over to my neighboring state to hear your voices? Hope you are both well ----
              to the light


                April Appreciation AF - week 2

                Good morning everyone

                Looks like everyone had an enjoyable, if not busy weekend. Lav - I was on the lookout for you and your chicks yesterday as I drove thru your hometown on my way to Gap for a bridal shower. Was greeted with a "would you like a mimosa?" which I promptly replied, "sweetened tea for me please". No one got out of hand but I can tell you that the mimosa's were flowing fast and furious. Didn't feel like I was missing a thing and wasn't the only one not drinking, which helped.

                Chill - fandabadozy - I love it! You are one busy lady. Stay strong and stopping to take a breath when things get overwhelming is the smart thing to do.

                Star - you and Chill are making me jelous! I have an old bike in the shed that needs a new seat and tire but I'm feeling the urge to get out and ride.

                Dew - congrats on the baby news! Lots of babies here these days

                Rustop, guitarista, cyn - hope you are all having a great day.

                See ya later!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  April Appreciation AF - week 2

                  Jolie - well done on staying AF at the bridal shower! The more we do it, the more it just becomes the norm.

                  Mr G - nice too see you as always :h any new music you can play us?

                  I had a bit of a setback today, the rental agency in Scotland wont allow my parents to act as guarantors for my rental payments as they are retired and not earning. The property I was interested in also refused anyone with pets. Im not sure where I go from here but I didnt panic, that route wasnt meant to be and I will find another. Im anxious just to get there to sort it out myself but I literally have no where to stay, my parents live in a small one bedroom.

                  Star - I love that you are enjoying the biking! I was out again today and I just love it.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    April Appreciation AF - week 2

                    I?m feeling very tired tonight I don?t know what?s up with me, I?ve had no energy today at all and didn?t achieve half as much as I should have done. So I am tucked up in bed reading, relaxing and trying to stay awake for an hour longer. If I go to sleep now I will be up at silly ?Rusty? o clock. Think I might have overdone it with the gardening at the weekend; it?s the only thing I can think of? I?m hopeful for a good night?s sleep and the blah day will be gone with a fresh new start tomorrow.

                    Can I ask how long everyone took the supplements, I?ve been on them from the start and re-ordered some last week but am beginning to wonder if I still need them at this stage. I was thinking that might be my last order especially since I am eating healthily and getting exercise. I know we tend to be rundown and deficient of a lot of nutrients when we first start out but I?m not sure if there is a timeframe we should stick with once sober.

                    I hope everyone is having a good and sober Monday, and its night night from me :l

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      April Appreciation AF - week 2

                      Good Evening Appreciative Allies,

                      A warm hello from lovely (not) Indiana.

                      Cyn-great to see you....can't wait to hear about the details of your move. My exam is May 10.:upset: Planning on devoting the next 4 weeks when I'm not working to studying. Must focus focus focus.

                      Dew-congrats on the new grandbaby! Sorry you are feeling blah and hope you feel better.

                      Mr. G-Wonderful to see you! I really do think you should expand your world and come to Wisconsin this summer. I will be your personal tour guide.:h

                      Jolie-good job on turning down the mimosas!

                      Chill-sorry about the setback, sweetie, but I'm so proud of you for having such a level-headed approach to it all.

                      Lav-so glad you are enjoying little Will. Lots of broken hearts when that kid grows up.

                      Back to the books! Have a wonderful AF Monday evening!


                        April Appreciation AF - week 2

                        chill-you will get through this. I'm sure you can sleep on an air mattess at your folks for a few days if you don't have a place before you get over there. it will all work out because it's meant to be!!

                        Jolie-great job at the bridal shower!! I agree-it becomes the norm and you will find your own special "drink" for special occassions. At the moment mine is pineapple juice and seltzer. Can't remember who mentioned it first-might it have been you??? I love it tho and will now keep pineapple juice on hand. Screw the sugar and calories :H

                        Cyn-your description of the desert was wonderful!! I'll have to take a trip out there someday with my camper and dogs. As DG says, one day I'll be Pappin in Pink across the country!! Can't wait to hear about your big plan!! have you settled on an Eastern State to move to yet?

                        Lav-you deserve a huge rest after this weekend's activities :H!! Was your grass really long enough to mow at this early date? I still have straw in my yard!!

                        Dew-congrats on the impending new grandchild!! Wow-this is so great that I can live vicariously through you and Lav now!! I'll never have grandchildren but hopefully will get a grand niece or nephew in the next 10 years.

                        Rusty-You keep on focusing. You will ace that exam!!

                        Star-good on you for really embracing the bike rides!! you've inspired me to find a bike rack to I can take DD and I cycling on the rail trail this spring and summer!!

                        Rustop-so jealous of your garden time!! I was able to rake a few beds out yesterday while the paps played in the yard and before Hotel Papillon closed down for the season. I want to do mor gardening very soon!! I hardley did any last year and then it was pretty late in the season, like July :H!! I will not be lazy this year!!

                        John-hope you've recovered from your rotten week last week and that today was much less stressful. Just think-less than a year to go!! Shall we start the countdown ?

                        Hey ho to Dill, LBH, Sped, Mr. G and anyone else I'm missing!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          April Appreciation AF - week 2

                          Good evening folks!

                          Yes papmom ~ somehow the grass was super shaggy looking & somehow the YB knew to come over and cut it :H

                          Dewdrop, I'm a firm believer in taking vitamins & minerals even when eating healthy. We (or those who cook our food) tend to destroy nutirents before we consume our food by overcooking, microwaving, processing, etc. Besides, grannies like us need to take a lot of Vit D & calcium

                          Rusty, I have an appointment for a physical the same day you take your exam. Aren't we lucky?!

                          I've been waiting for a nice day to go to Longwood Gardens & it turned out to be today!! My daughter called at 11 am, said she wanted to go too. So mother, daughter & granddaughter had a nice walk thru the botanical gardens & conservatory I want to put some pics on Photobucket but the site is down for maintenance tonight - I'll try again tomorrow.

                          Greetings to cyn our desert dweller - enjoy the color while it lasts!

                          Greetings to all of our April friends & wishing everyone a good night!

                          Chill, good to stay out of panic mode - something will turn up for you.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            April Appreciation AF - week 2

                            Mornin everyone

                            Walked about 2 miles last night (as it was around 80 degrees here) and boy did it feel good. I'll probably pay for it today or tomorrow but a good sober walk is really cleansing!

                            Thinking back to last year when I would justify all the AL cause I was still walking. How hypocritical is that? Had to get that buzz going before I could take my walk (for my health) every night. Seems kind of pathetic when I think about it now.

                            Anywho - what's everyone up to today? Lav - love Longwood Gardens - I'd like to get up there this spring with my Mom - haven't been there in years.

                            Okay - so apparently May 10th is a busy day for us abbers! I'm scheduled for my yearly mammogram, Lav has a physical, and Rusty has an exam. Good luck to you Rusty - I'm thinkin you will be the one counting the days till the 10th as I'm not looking forward to the mam (even though I know how important it is), and I don't know about you Lav, but just not a big fan of the doctor no matter what it's for.

                            A high school friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer - 48 years old - I'm praying for her and at the same time counting my blessings as we never know what lies around the corner for us.

                            Hope everyone - Papmom, Dew, Cyn, Chill, Guitarista, Star - have a great day today!
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              April Appreciation AF - week 2

                              Good morning Jolie & everyone!

                              9 am & it's so dark I had to turn the light on to see the keyboard

                              Suffering thru those yearly boob-o-grams Jolie is nothing compared to not finding a breast cancer until it's large & has spread everywhere. My best friend is enjoying the arrival of her twin grandsons now because her cancer was diagnosed early & she was able to jump right on it

                              I bought myself a one year pass to Longwood recently as a concillation prize (to all the YB crap I've been dealing with). I plan to go as often as I can & just enjoy the peace & tranquility, the beauty.

                              OK, need to get some work done......wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

