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April Appreciation AF - week 2

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    April Appreciation AF - week 2

    We are having bad weather here today so my cycling is off, more packing instead....
    I came across some photos i wanted to share with you, if ever there was a reminder why not to drink!!

    This was me on my birthday in 2006.....

    This was me on my birthday in 2010......

    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      April Appreciation AF - week 2

      Sorry, I HAD to weigh in here....OMG CHill you look 15 years younger!!!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        April Appreciation AF - week 2

        Our weather has turned bad and im not going cycling afterall, more packing instead!
        I came across these photos i wanted to share with you, if ever there was a reason not to drink!!!

        This is me in the middle on my birthday in 2006......

        This is me on my birthday in 2010.......

        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          April Appreciation AF - week 2

          ooops sorry Oners I was trying to resize them..
          Looks like you are psychic now :H
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            April Appreciation AF - week 2


            The difference is unreal tho...
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              April Appreciation AF - week 2

              LOL - I was wondering what was going on there!

              Chill - Picture #2 is much, much more appealing
              AF since 7/13/2010


                April Appreciation AF - week 2

                Wow Chill!! what a HUGE difference! In 2006 you looked like death warmed over-sorry but its true and your friends did too. Last year? You've been reborn!! Look at how big and bright your eyes are! you could be the poster child for MWO and sobriety!
                Thank you for sharing these photos-they are VERY important!
                So sorry your cycling go cancelled. Hope they can reschedule before you leave.
                John-great job on the 5K despite the weather!! Did you see GMAs story on the guy who is running 2 marathons a day PLUS a 5k here and there for charity on his run across america? Is he INSANE??? How can the body take all that abuse??? That being said, one of my goals was to run a 5K this spring and I have failed miserably. so, time to put one foot in front of the other......

                Lav-are the little chicks OK after that big nasty wind scared them? Poor babies!!

                Lazy day today. Cleaning then grooming DD-the goal is not to get bit! Tomorrow hopeing for some YB time-me being YB . Storms have blown out to sea without any major damage unlike the SE part of the US. Hope all our members down there are OK.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  April Appreciation AF - week 2

                  Wow those photos - Chill you look so much younger in the recent photo - amazing

                  And Lav thanks for the pictures of the Gardens and Lily - I remember looking at the link you gave us last year and it looks just as beautiful this year. And Lily is a little cherub!

                  I'm off out shortly to go for a walk, its a beautiful day here and I just hate staying in when the sun shines so the housework can go hang!

                  Have a good day everyone, Chill keep your chin up sweetie

                  Love Sooty


                    April Appreciation AF - week 2

                    Good morning April friends!

                    Lots of cleanup to do after that fierce storm yesterday - geez!

                    Chill, your pics are amazing! You should be one happy & grateful girl
                    I'm sure I could find similar pics of myself but I don't want to :no:

                    John, you are one brave individual for running in those conditions yesterday & uphill nonetheless :H Take it easy today!

                    Greetings to everyone this morning. I need to get everyone fed around here.......dogs are staring at me

                    Have a great day!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      April Appreciation AF - week 2

                      Chill - You have my vote to be on the cover of People Magazine as one of the most beautiful people! I agree with Papmom - you really could be a poster child for MWO. Fantastic job!!

                      Papmom - I have heard of those brave souls who run a marathon a day for 50 days, etc. God bless them. I know they are doing it for charity and they gave BIG hearts but based on everything I've read, it is way too risky and makes you prone to injuries. So, I'll stick to my occassional half-marathons and 5Ks

                      I was hoping to do some spring cleanup in my yard and garden today but it is entirely too windy. I need to cut back my ornamental grasses but I am afraid the clippings would be all over my neighbors yards. That would be one way to tick off my neighbors. Hmmm... maybe I'm on to something here....

                      I wanted to mention that my sugar cravings have gotten much better over the past couple of weeks. However, I did treat myself to making a batch of Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins yesterday after my race. Ok, they are made with whole wheat flour and have oat bran in them, too, for extra fiber. They are very satisfying.

                      Today is Massage Day - Yeah. Have an appointment later this afternoon. My legs are screaming today so they can use some extra attention

                      At least the sun is shining today. I should get outside and move about for a bit.

                      Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday!
                      AF since 7/13/2010


                        April Appreciation AF - week 2

                        Good Sunday, Appreciators! Sorry to be out of the loop this week - what a whirlwind on this thread. When I last posted, we were speaking of medical tests, and that was the major reason for me to be out of contact: colonoscopy last Wednesday. Honestly, the fasting day, the prep and the procedure (all to find out that I am perfectly well, thank you) and the subsequent days have cost me a lot in feeling decent...then on Thursday morning I raced around getting ready to leave town for business this weekend, (will head home this evening).

                        John - congrats on 9 months, what a beacon you are. Star - good luck with all the job stuff, and the interview. I hope you had some peace this weekend. Lav - taking care of 'chicks' of all kinds!

                        Chill - it broke my heart to read your post about the move panic. Believe me, with all you are facing and going through, you are doing a GREAT job. I agree with the philosophy that now is not the time to go through emotional objects, best to set them aside in a box marked 'later'. You are rightly concerning yourself with the 'nuts and bolts' of your move now. Do not think that you are weak at all for having so many emotions dealing with the move: it is normal, and to be expected. I always remind my clients that the days before a move and the first weeks after a move can feel like 'the dark night of the soul'. It all will turn out well in the end. I am quite relieved that you will be flying - I think in the end it will be less stressful for both you and Ellie. Dogs fly all the time and do quite well - but PMom's advice is great - try the tranquilizer ahead of time.

                        RE: place to live and job. What about putting things in storage in Portugal. A hard decision $$, but you can always bring everything later. Also, what about bartering? There may be a way to get on your feet by being a pet sitter (as long as your dog can come with you ), especially for the summer. You could stay in a home, take care of their pets, and get on your feet, all while earning a little money and having no expenses. Check Craig's list for bartering possibilities....just trying to think of options for you. Again, you are handling everything brilliantly, and you have all of our energy at your back -- the right thing will happen --

                        To everyone -- I hope it is a restful, sunny-on-the-inside Sunday. Thanks for sharing all your stories!
                        to the light


                          April Appreciation AF - week 2

                          Why does Sunday night come around so fast??????????? I wish I could be a lady of leisure but I guess that?s not to be so I?d just better get over it, right! Either that or win the lottery and I don?t think that?s going to happen anytime soon

                          Chill, sorry to hear you are going through a tough time change is so very hard and you are embarking on a lot of changes at the one time. Hold tight though because you are strong and resilient and you will get through this as sure as night follows day. Your pictures say it all, what a transformation and you look so healthy and confident, you have so much to look forward to :l Papmom you are so supportive and caring offering suggestions and solutions to Chill, you are such a thoughtful soul and I know that if there was any way that you could get on a flight and help her you would, or any of us.

                          the pictures are simply beautiful and each one I opened was accompanied by lots of oohhh, ahhs and awws and made me smile, I can just imagine the lovely day you all had together in that amazing place, you are such a lucky lady. I think we could all do with a visit to Longwood Gardens. Cyn
                          it is lovely to hear from you and I am glad all is well in your world.

                          The one thing I am so grateful for at the moment is that I am really enjoying my weekends - spending time with my family, enjoying my garden, walking/jogging on the beach, reading. I?m not doing anything amazing or exciting (some would be bored I?ve no doubt) but I am quietly and happily reclaiming my honesty and integrity. My son came by yesterday with his daughter and we spent the day in the garden, put on the barbie and had a very enjoyable day pottering about and talking. He took away 5 bags of garden refuge to the dump so the pottering was productive and the garden is starting to look good (most of it!). Later I had a long soak in the bath with candles on; I had a great sleep and woke early this morning ready to crack on with the day, good job because the painter arrived early to start the exterior paintwork.

                          Have a lovely Sunday evening everyone and I guess we start week 3 tomorrow.

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            April Appreciation AF - week 2

                            Cyn-the house sitting idea is brilliant!! I'm so glad you popped back in and are 100% healthy! Chill-let us know if that pans out for you!! Also, check this out-definitely not long term but maybe workable:
                            CouchSurfing - Participate in Creating a Better World, One Couch At A Time
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              April Appreciation AF - week 2

                              You guys are just the best! I feel like I have all these big sisters looking out for me, thank you!

                              Papmom - I had a friend who used couchsurfing to travel and found it wonderful, she made some amazing friends.

                              Ok I have a semi plan going down here! My parents saw an apartment yesterday which will allow dogs! It's available immediately, I just need to convince them to take me without employment but the guy already knows im coming from abroad so I'm hoping we can work it out. The remover has already said he will store my furniture for 2 weeks for free once it's in the UK so I'm going to go ahead with this regardless. I will call the guy 1st thing in the morning and pray that by this time tomorrow I have a new home!
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                April Appreciation AF - week 2

                                You will Chill-you will! It's in the stars and the cosmos!! I can feel it!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

