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AF Daily Monday 4/11

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    AF Daily Monday 4/11

    Thanks for all your support everyone. It is great to know that I can come here and get what I need.

    LVT -I have a teenage son too and find it extremely hard too. I have snooped too and got two different results. The first time he left his facebook page up so I had a bit of a read. One of his mates asked him if he had done any more "pieces" - he was caught last year graffiting - and his answer was that he didnt do that anymore as he didnt want to get into any more trouble. So I was really pleased that he learnt his lesson as it was a very painful one for all of us. I also read one post from him saying he was going out and had "loads of piss" with him. Although I wouldnt tell him where I get this info from, I did ask him if he had been drinking and he told me he had two beers. Maybe alot of what they say is to impress their mates (i do remember saying the same sort of thing to my mum) but at least I am aware of what can be happening. I hope I am not being naive any more. Good luck - it is not easy but you will get thru.

    Hope everyone has a great sober day. I know I will.

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      AF Daily Monday 4/11

      Hey Hipster-I could punch your hubby and friend right now!! Why would he NOT want you to be happy and healthy? You know you have us 24/7 as well as chat for support . I know you can do this regardless of his lack of support, and your friend's too. You are better than AL, you are better than them. They must have their own issues with AL to come down so hard on you. Please continue to put yourself first and foremost. You are worth it! And good on you for being there for your SIL the past 2 weeks. I'm so sorry her time is coming to an end here on earth. I'm sure your support and friendship have meant the world to her and left her with some peace. Big :ls to you and her!!

      LVT and HC-I just don't know how you handle teens!! I think back on what I put my parents through and its a wonder they didn't kill me!! You have my admiration.

      Bear-keep up the hard and good work! I HATE when I lose things like that! Go get some more quickly!!

      DG-sneak an iphone pic of the nun laughing when she finally does OK?

      Greenie and Mr. G-get a room OK???:H

      Lav, Sarah, M3-hope you had a grea day!

      Hotel Papillon closed down around 4:30 yesterday and I hope it stays closed for a while except for the occassional visitor-one at a time please!! I was beat and in bed by 7 last nite!! I have never cleaned up so much pee and poop in a 2 day period in my life!! Never got any of my work done either-behind once again. Oiy.
      It ended up being in the 70's today after the rain left but I didn't really get to enjoy it. I did take Mick for a short walk this morning before work so that was good-no rain but very windy and cool. Had to go to the market after work to pick up city bags-ended up spending $55. How do I do that!! Read the AARP bulletin after dinner and got totally depressed and overwhelmed about my finances. Must stop reading AARP bulletin. The only solution to all my problems is to find the cutest camper I can for 2K and go "Pappin in Pink across the country!!". DG-you KNOW I will be stenciling that on the side of my camper the minute I get it :H. Priceless!!
      Time for tea and a cookie and then hit the sack. Will try to get a walk in tomorrow before work again.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily Monday 4/11

        Good evening Abbers!

        I'm grateful that the sun came out afterall today & that I got to take my daughter & Ms Lily to Longwood Gardens this afternoon. I sure couldn't have done something like that if I was hovering over a wine bottle at home. AF is the way

        Hippy, I responded to your post on the Newbies Nest. I completely understand the lack of support from your husband & I'm sorry you are dealing with that too. BUT, it's not the end of the world, honestly. I think my going AF was one of the prime reasons YB decided to walk out last year. He had nothing left to blame his 'problems' on. Rather than take responsibility for his own shit, he just ran. I certainly hope your situation doesn't evelove into something like that. Maybe your husband will wake up & realize what a strong wonderful woman you are :l

        When Photobucket comes bacl online (down for maintenance right now) I'll post some pictures from Longwood Gardens - very, very pretty

        Wishing everyone a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily Monday 4/11

          yikes! had a super bad craving out of the blue about an hour ago. thankfully I managed to pull it together and eat something and it passed.

          bad cravings are rare for me anymore but apparently they still happen on great occasion. I started the work day very early and had a rough but productive day. checked into my hotel room and started feeling the effects of sunburn and exhaustion combined with not eating all day (brilliant combination d-uh!).

          AF hugs all around xxxxxx
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily Monday 4/11

            Hey Hippy, any words of wisdom are welcome on the teen issue. I did call the mom and we had a really long, good talk. The stories matched, and I felt better. #1 son could tell something was wrong earlier (when I gave him his phone) so at least he cares about me. I casually mentioned the evening, and the whole story came out, I suggested maybe he should be more assertive to his friends that have bad ideas. And yeah, sometimes it is easy to understand why some species eat their young!:H

            The weather was beautiful here today! Makes me feel so much better. If I get my butt in gear, I could be planting potatoes this weekend!

            Det--I'm glad you got thru the mega craving safe and sober. I've had a few cravings myself lately, and I have indulged in way too much cake to satisfy them!

            good night--Uni if you check in, I'll be saying a prayer for you tonight.:h:l
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

